Prof. MELICIANI Valentina

Curriculum accademico

Curriculum vitae di Valentina Meliciani

Dati anagrafici

Nata a Roma il 29 giugno 1968, residente in Roma, via Mameli n.17, CAP 00153, tel. 588.40.69, e-mail:

Posizione attuale

Professore ordinario di Politica economica (SECS/P02) presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli studi di Teramo e membro dell'Osservatorio per la ricerca.

Posizioni precedenti

2005-2007: Professore associato di Economia politica (SECS/P01) presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli studi di Teramo;

1999-2005: Ricercatore di Politica economica (SECS/P02) presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università degli studi di Teramo;

2000 (settembre-dicembre): Visiting scholar presso l'Università di Minnesota, USA;

1999 (settembre-dicembre); Visiting fellow presso lo SPRU, Università del Sussex, UK;

1992 (gennaio-settembre) contratto di collaborazione con il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) presso l'Istituto di Studi per la Ricerca e la Documentazione Scientifica (ISRDS) su tematiche di ricerca riguardanti l'economia dell'innovazione tecnologica.

Titoli accademici

2001: dottorato di ricerca presso l'Università degli Studi di Tor Vergata, titolo della tesi "Convergence in per capita GDP in Europe: 1980-1996", relatore Prof. Franco Peracchi;

1999: PhD presso l'Università del Sussex, Brighton, Regno Unito, titolo della tesi "Technical Change, Patterns of Specialisation and Uneven Growth in OECD Countries", relatori Prof. Keith Pavitt e Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann;

1994: master in Economia Internazionale conseguito presso l'Università del Sussex, Brighton, Gran Bretagna, con lode ("distinction");

1991: laurea in Economia e Commercio, con voto 110/110 e lode presso la Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) di Roma, titolo della tesi: "I distretti industriali in Italia", relatore prof. F. Fuga.

Progetti di ricerca

Ha collaborato a numerosi progetti CNR, della Commissione delle Comunità Europee, dell'Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio (WTO), della Banca di Roma, della Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione, dell'ISFOL (Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori), dello IAI (Istituto Affari Internazionali). Tra questi:

  • Sustainable growth, Employment Creation and Technological Integration in the European Knowledge - based Economies,- per un totale di 33 mesi (01/10/2001 - 30/06/2004) nell'ambito del Quinto Progetto Quadro della Commissione Europea;
  • Evaluation Models and Tools for Assessment of Innovation and Sustainable Development at the EU level; finanziato dalla DG Information Society; dicembre 2005 - ottobre 2006;
  • Il ruolo dei servizi alla produzione per l'innovazione, l'internazionalizzazione e la crescita economica: dall'analisi a livello di impresa alla formulazione di un modello econometrico strutturale, finanziato dal MIUR, settembre 2007-agosto 2009 (in qualità di responsabile nazionale);
  • Analysis of e-Inclusion impact resulting from advanced R&D based on economic modelling in relation to innovation capacity, capital formation, productivity, and empowerment; finanziato dalla DG Information Society; gennaio 2009 - 2011;
  • Using State-of-the-Art Models and Tools for the Assessment of ICT Impacts and Growth and Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon Economy, finanziato dalla DG Information Society; gennaio-dicembre 2009.
  • The development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies and Knowledge Intensive Business Services. New Challenges for competitiveness and growth in advanced and emerging economies, finanziato dalla World Trade Organization; settembre-dicembre 2012.

Convegni, seminari e borse di studio

Ha partecipato a numerosi convegni in qualità di relatore (tra cui la Schumpeter Society, la European Economic Association, l'Econometric Society), a numerosi seminari, sempre in qualità di relatore, presso università italiane e straniere (Manchester, SPRU, Maastricht, Strasburgo, Aalborg, Cournot centre Parigi, ecc.) e a scuole estive di perfezionamento (scuola estiva di Gerusalemme su "Evoluzione e apprendimento in teoria dei giochi ed in economia", giugno 12-22, 1995; programma europeo "Economia del Cambiamento Tecnologico e Istituzionale" (ETIC), Maastricht, giugno 1996; scuola estiva "Disoccupazione: Teoria ed evidenza empirica", Roma Tor Vergata, luglio 1998). Ha avuto una borsa di studio biennale "Marie Currie" dell'Unione Europea nell'ambito del programma "Capitale umano e mobilità" e una borsa di studio biennale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Roma.

Attività didattica

E' titolare del corso di Economia internazionale presso l'Università di Teramo. Presso la stessa Università ha insegnato Politica economica, Economia e politica industriale, Economia dello sviluppo, Macroeconomia, Economia politica.  Insegna a contratto presso la L.U.M.S.A. i corsi di Economia internazionale e Scenari economici internazionali. Ha insegnato presso la Scuola Superiore S. Anna nel dottorato Internazionale in Economics (International Trade), presso l'Università John Cabot (Macroeconomics e Economics of Development) e in Master e corsi di specializzazione post-laurea italiani e internazionali (presso l'Università LUISS Guido Carli, la LUMSA, l'Università del Sussex, l'Università di Strasburgo).

Attività di ricerca

Il filone principale di ricerca verte sul ruolo dell'innovazione per le dinamiche industriali, la specializzazione e la competitività internazionale, sulla concentrazione geografica delle attività produttive e sui legami intersettoriali tra servizi alle imprese e settori del manifatturiero. Un secondo filone di ricerca riguarda i problemi di accesso al credito delle imprese e il ruolo delle banche.

E' referee per numerose riviste internazionali quali Regional Studies, Research Policy, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industry and Innovation, ecc.


Principali pubblicazioni

1)      Di Cagno, D. - Fabrizi, A. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "The impact of participation in European joint research projects on knowledge creation and economic growth", Journal of Technology Transfer, August 2013, available online. IF=1.692

2)      Cosci, S. - Guida, R. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Leasing decisions and credit constraints: empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Europan Financial Management, published online 17 june 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-036X.2013.12019.x IF=0.738

3)      Meliciani, V. - Evangelista, R. - Maggi, B. - Castellani, D. (2013) (Eds.) "The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and Structural Change", Special Issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.25, pp. 74-76.

4)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 25, pp. 119-132

5)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, 26, pp. 445-467. IF=1.33

6)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544. IF=1.37, 5 years IF=2.11

7)      Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

8)      Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697. IF=2.52, 5 years IF=3.98

9)      Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568. IF=0.597, citazioni=28

10)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91. IF=1.19, 5 years IF=1.78, citazioni=33

11)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502. Citazioni=169

12)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894. IF=1.37, 5 years IF=2.11, citazioni=32.

13)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54. IF=0.25, citazioni=31

14)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118. Citazioni=28.

15)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, Londra. Citazioni=54.

16)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437. IF=0.424, citazioni=37.

17)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723. IF=0.966, citazioni=67

18)  Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "The spatial determinants of specialisation in business services in the EU regions", paper in corso di revisione per Journal of Economic Geography. IF=3.26, 5 years IF=5.02

19)  Castellani, D. - Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. (2013), "The Detrminants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Business Services across European Regions", inviato a Regional Studies

Elenco completo delle pubblicazioni

1)      Di Cagno, D. - Fabrizi, A. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "The impact of participation in European joint research projects on knowledge creation and economic growth", Journal of Technology Transfer, August 2013, available online. IF=1.692

2)      Cosci, S. - Guida, R. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Leasing decisions and credit constraints: empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Europan Financial Management, published online 17 june 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-036X.2013.12019.x IF=0.738

3)      Meliciani, V. - Evangelista, R. - Maggi, B. - Castellani, D. (2013) (Eds.) "The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and Structural Change", Special Issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.25, pp. 74-76.

4)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 25, pp. 119-132

5)      Cosci, S. - Meliciani, V. - Sabato, V. (2012), "The transition to a market orientation in banking: cross-selling, screening incentives and information synergies", Banks and Bank Systems, vol. 7, pp. 94-107

6)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, 26, pp. 445-467.

7)      Chapman, S. - Meliciani, V. (2012), "Income disparties in the enlarged EU. Socio-economic, specialization and geographical clusters", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, vol. 103 (3), pp. 293-311.

8)      Meliciani, V. (2011), "The economic impact of digital technologies: an empirical analysis on European countries", in Guerrieri, P. e S. Bentivegna (a cura di), The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK e Northampton, USA, pp. 145-161.

9)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544.

10)  Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

11)  V. Meliciani (2010), "Exports of knowledge-intensive services and manufactures", in R.M. Solow e J.P. Touffut (a cura di) The Shape of the Division of Labour, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK e Northampton, MA, USA..

12)  P. Guerrieri - V. Meliciani (2010), "Internationalization, Technology and Business Services Specialization in Europe", in G. GIOVANNETTI, P. GUERRIERI, B. QUINTIERI. Business services: the new frontier of competitiveness. Rubettino.  

13)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697.

14)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2009), "Banks' Diversification, Cross-Selling And The Quality Of Banks' Loans",  Manchester School, vol. 77(s1), pp. 40-65.

15)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2009) "La specializzazione regionale nei servizi alle imprese: la tecnologia, il capitale umano ed i legami con il settore manifatturiero", in Competitività e sviluppo internazionale del sistema economico meridionale. Il ruolo dei servizi alla produzione in Campania, Giannini Editore, Napoli.

16)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2008) "The Transformation of the Banking Sector: Diversification and Bank-Firm Relationships", in Fuchs, E.J. and F. Braun (eds), Emerging Topics in Banking and Finance, pp. 27-50, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

17)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2008), "Il lato oscuro della diversificazione bancaria: Effetti del cross-selling sulla rischiosità dei prestiti", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, 2, pp. 75-101.

18)  Cosci, S. - R. Guida - V. Meliciani (2007) "The Employee Severance Indemnity Reform and Firm Capital Structure: An Empirical Analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Rivista di Politica Economica, settembre-ottobre.

19)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Cardoni, A. (2007) "ICT as a General Purpose Technology", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

20)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Luciani, M. (2007) "Technology and Performance: a comparative assessment of computable general equilibrium models (CGE)", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

21)  Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568.

22)  Meliciani, V. - S. Cosci (2006) "Multiple banking relationships and over-leverage in Italian manufacturing firms", The Manchester School, Supplement, pp.78-92.

23)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91.

24)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Istruzione e differenziali salariali di genere", in PLUS Participation Labour Unemployment Survey a cura di E. Mandrone e D. Radicchia, I libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo, Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale e ISFOL.

25)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502.

26)  Cosci, S. - Isopi, A.- Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. - Pozzolo, A (2005), "Credito al consumo e comportamento economico delle famiglie", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, n. 3, Cacucci editore.

27)  Guerrieri, P. - B. Maggi - V. Meliciani e P.C. Padoan (2005), "Technology diffusion, services and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon strategy useful?", Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 95, pp. 271-317 e Working Paper del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (WP/05/103).

28)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Do inter-sectoral flows of services matter for productivity growth? An input/output analysis of OECD countries", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 14, pp. 149-171.

29)  Meliciani, V. - D. Radicchia (2005), "Rendimenti dell'investimento in capitale umano in Italia: il ruolo dei canali d'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro", in La ricerca di lavoro. Raccolta di studi empirici, Monografie sul mercato del lavoro e le politiche per l'impiego, ISFOL, novembre.

30)  Mandrone, M. - V. Meliciani (2004), "News nel mercato del lavoro e curva di Beveridge in Italia", in D. Choi, De Filippi, G. e Pennisi, G., La Net Economy nella Pubblica Amministrazione 2004,  Collana Studi e Ricerche, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione.

31)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894.

32)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (2002), "Manovre di risanamento e sviluppo economico: i tagli alla spesa pubblica e la crescita delle economie locali", in Bagella e Paganetto (a cura di), Politiche macroeconomiche, gestione del debito pubblico e mercati finanziari, il Mulino.

33)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54.

34)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118.

35)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, Londra.

36)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437.

37)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723.

38)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (1999), "Gli effetti della spesa pubblica sulla crescita delle regioni italiane", Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, n.2.

39)  Meliciani, V. - R. Simonetti (1998), "Specialization in areas of strong technological opportunity and economic growth", in Eliasson, G. - C. Green - C.R. McCann (eds.), Microfoundations of Economic Growth. A Schumpeterian Perspective, The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, U.S.A.

40)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1997), "Integration and international market shares: the changing role of price and non price competitiveness", Quaderni ISE n. 105, LUISS Guido Carli (Roma), settembre.

41)  Meliciani, V. - M. Pianta  (1995) "Specializzazione tecnologica e crescita economica nei paesi OCSE", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, n. 7-8.

42)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1995), "Inter-industry, international technology flows and economic growth: the Italian case, in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.2.

43)  Sirilli, G. - V. Meliciani (1994), "Research evaluation at the National Research Council of Italy: a survey of decision-makers", Research Evaluation, n.2.

44)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1994), "A classification according to technology of the service industry: implications for convergence", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.3.

45)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani - A. Pandimiglio - A. Petrucci (1994), "Crescita e cambiamento tecnologico: un'analisi dei settori industriali in Italia", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 2.

46)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1994), "The effect of the European Monetary System on the Italian labour market", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 1.

47)  Meliciani, V. (1994) Technology, patterns of specialisation and economic growth: an empirical investigation, Quaderni ISE n. 83, LUISS (Roma), marzo.

48)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Technology and growth: some recent developments", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 3.

49)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Testing the link between technical progress, trade and growth", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n. 2.

50)  Meliciani, V. (1992), Valutazione della ricerca: problemi e prospettive, Rapporto tecnico n. 15, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma), settembre.

Working papers

1)      Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "The spatial determinants of specialisation in business services in the EU regions", paper in corso di revisione per Journal of Economic Geography.

2)      Castellani, D. - Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. (2013), "The Detrminants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Business Services across European Regions", in corso di revisione per Regional Studies

3)      Meliciani, V. (2013), "The development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies and of Knowledge Intensive Business Services. New Challenges for Competitiveness and Growth in Advanced and Emerging Countries", background paper per il World Trade Report del WTO

Curriculum english version



Borne in Rome on the 29th of June 1968. Address: via Mameli, 17, 00153 Rome, tel. +39 065884069, e-mail:


Professor of Economics, Director of the Department of Theories and Policies for Social Development and member of the Observatory for Scientific Research of the University of Teramo.


  • 2005-2007: Associate Professor of Economics, University of Teramo;
  • 1999-2005: Research Fellow, University of Teramo;
  • 2000 (September-December): Visiting scholar, University of Minnesota, USA;
  • 1999 (September-December); Visiting fellow, SPRU, University of Sussex, UK;
  • 1992 (January-September); Research contract at the National Research Council (CNR); Institute for Studies on Scientific Research and Documentation  (ISRDS)


  • 2001: doctoral degree, University Tor Vergata in Rome, thesis: "Convergence in per capita GDP in Europe: 1980-1996", supervisor Prof. Franco Peracchi;
  • 1998: PhD, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, thesis "Technical Change, Patterns of Specialisation and Uneven Growth in OECD Countries", supervisors Prof. Keith Pavitt and Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann;
  • 1993: master in International Economics, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, with distinction;
  • 1991: laurea in Economics, mark 110/110 cum laude, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) of Rome, thesis: "Industrial districts in Italy", supervisor prof. F. Fuga.


  • 2012-2013: Macroeconomics, International Economics, University of Teramo; Economic Policy, International Economics, LUMSA University
  • 2011-2012: International Economics, University of Teramo; Economic Policy, International Economics, LUMSA University
  • 2010-2011: Political Economy, International Economics, University of Teramo; Economic Policy, LUMSA University
  • 2009-2010: Political Economy, International Economics, University of Teramo; Economic Policy, LUMSA University
  • 2008-2009: Political Economy, International Economics, University of Teramo; Economic Policy, LUMSA University
  • 2007-2008: Political Economy, International Economics and Economic Policy, University of Teramo;
  • 2006-2007: Political Economy, International Economics, University of Teramo;
  • 2005-2006: Political Economy, International Economics and Economics of Development and International Institutions, University of Teramo;
  • 2002-2003 - 2003-2004 - 2004-2005: International Economics, University of Teramo;
  • 2003-2004 - 2004-2005- 2005-2006: Political Economy, University LUMSA (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta) of Rome;
  • 2004-2005: Monetary Economics, University of Teramo;
  • 2001-2002: International Economics, University LUISS Guido Carli of Rome;
  • 1999-2000 and 2000-2001: International Economics, University of Teramo;
  • 1998-1999; 1999-2000; 2000-2001 and 2001-2002: Political Economy (assistant), University LUMSA (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta) of Rome;
  • 1998-1999: Macroeconomics and Economics of Development, University John Cabot;
  • Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Political Economy in Master and other Postgraduate courses in the Universities LUISS (Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali) Guido Carli and LUMSA (Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta). Topics in International Trade at the International Doctorate of the S. Anna School for advanced studies


  • 1996-1998: European Union scholarship "Human Capital and Mobility";
  • 1993-1995: National Research Council scholarship to study at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK;
  • 1993: scholarship for the doctorate at the European Institute in Fiesole (declined);
  • 1992: scholarship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for attending the course in European studies at the College of Europe (declined);
  • 1991: five years scholarship from the Association "Amici della LUISS" for teaching and research activities.


She has presented papers at several Congresses such as the Schumpeter Society in Stockholm, the European Economic Association in Toulouse and Losanne, the Econometric Society in Paris, the European Regional Science Association in Palermo; she has given several seminars in Italian universities and abroad (Manchester, UK; Maastricht, Netherlands; Strasbourg, France; Aalborg, Denmark); she has attended several Summer Schools (Summer School in Jerusalem on "Evolution and learning in game theory and economics", June 12-22, 1995; European programme "Econmomics of Technical and Institutional Change" (ETIC), Maastricht, June 1996; Tor Vergata Summer School "Unemployment: Theories and Empirical Evidence", Rome Tor Vergata, July 1998).


She has worked in many projects financed by the National Research Council, the Commission of the European Communities, the Ministry for Education, University and Research, the Bank of Rome, the School for Public Administration, ISFOL (Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione Professionale dei Lavoratori). Among these:

  • Sustainable growth, Employment Creation and Technological Integration in the European Knowledge - based Economies,- (01/10/2001 - 30/06/2004) European Commission Fifth Framework Programme;
  • Evaluation Models and Tools for Assessment of Innovation and Sustainable Development at the EU level; DG Information Society; December 2005 - October 2006;
  • The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and structural change, funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), September 2007-August 2009;
  • Analysis of e-Inclusion impact resulting from advanced R&D based on economic modelling in relation to innovation capacity, capital formation, productivity, and empowerment; DG Information Society; January 2009 - 2011;
  • Using State-of-the-Art Models and Tools for the Assessment of ICT Impacts and Growth and Competitiveness in a Low-Carbon Economy, DG Information Society; January-December 2009.
  • The development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies and Knowledge Intensive Business Services. New Challenges for competitiveness and growth in advanced and emerging economies, World Trade Organization; September-December 2012.


  • The role of innovation for international competitiveness and economic growth
  • The evolution of income disparities across European regions;
  • Determinants and effects of Information and Communication Technologies;
  • Specialisation and growth
  • Determinants of regional specialization in knowledge intensive business services;
  • Multiple banking relationships
  • Entry channels in the labour market, wages and unemployment spell

She is referee for several reviews such as Regional Studies, Research Policy, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industry and Innovation.


1)      Di Cagno, D. - Fabrizi, A. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "The impact of participation in European joint research projects on knowledge creation and economic growth", Journal of Technology Transfer, August 2013, available online. IF=1.692

2)      Cosci, S. - Guida, R. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Leasing decisions and credit constraints: empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms", European Financial Management, published online 17 June 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-036X.2013.12019.x IF=0.738

3)      Meliciani, V. - Evangelista, R. - Maggi, B. - Castellani, D. (2013) (Eds.) "The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and Structural Change", Special Issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.25, pp. 74-76.

4)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 25, pp. 119-132

5)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, 26, pp. 445-467. IF=1.33

6)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544. IF=1.37, 5 years IF=2.11

7)      Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

8)      Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697. IF=2.52, 5 years IF=3.98

9)      Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568. IF=0.597

10)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91. IF=1.19, 5 years IF=1.78

11)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502. 

12)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894. IF=1.37, 5 years IF=2.11.

13)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54. IF=0.25

14)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118.

15)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, London.

16)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437. IF=0.424.

17)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723. IF=0.966


1)      Di Cagno, D. - Fabrizi, A. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "The impact of participation in European joint research projects on knowledge creation and economic growth", Journal of Technology Transfer, August 2013, available online. IF=1.692

2)      Cosci, S. - Guida, R. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Leasing decisions and credit constraints: empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Europan Financial Management, published online 17 june 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-036X.2013.12019.x IF=0.738

3)      Meliciani, V. - Evangelista, R. - Maggi, B. - Castellani, D. (2013) (Eds.) "The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and Structural Change", Special Issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.25, pp. 74-76.

4)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 25, pp. 119-132

5)      Cosci, S. - Meliciani, V. - Sabato, V. (2012), "The transition to a market orientation in banking: cross-selling, screening incentives and information synergies", Banks and Bank Systems, vol. 7, pp. 94-107

6)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, 26, pp. 445-467.

7)      Chapman, S. - Meliciani, V. (2012), "Income disparties in the enlarged EU. Socio-economic, specialization and geographical clusters", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, vol. 103 (3), pp. 293-311.

8)      Meliciani, V. (2011), "The economic impact of digital technologies: an empirical analysis on European countries", in Guerrieri, P. e S. Bentivegna (a cura di), The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK e Northampton, USA, pp. 145-161.

9)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544.

10)  Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

11)  V. Meliciani (2010), "Exports of knowledge-intensive services and manufactures", in R.M. Solow e J.P. Touffut (a cura di) The Shape of the Division of Labour, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK e Northampton, MA, USA..

12)  P. Guerrieri - V. Meliciani (2010), "Internationalization, Technology and Business Services Specialization in Europe", in G. GIOVANNETTI, P. GUERRIERI, B. QUINTIERI. Business services: the new frontier of competitiveness. Rubettino.  

13)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697.

14)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2009), "Banks' Diversification, Cross-Selling And The Quality Of Banks' Loans",  Manchester School, vol. 77(s1), pp. 40-65.

15)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2009) "La specializzazione regionale nei servizi alle imprese: la tecnologia, il capitale umano ed i legami con il settore manifatturiero", in Competitività e sviluppo internazionale del sistema economico meridionale. Il ruolo dei servizi alla produzione in Campania, Giannini Editore, Napoli.

16)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2008) "The Transformation of the Banking Sector: Diversification and Bank-Firm Relationships", in Fuchs, E.J. and F. Braun (eds), Emerging Topics in Banking and Finance, pp. 27-50, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

17)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2008), "Il lato oscuro della diversificazione bancaria: Effetti del cross-selling sulla rischiosità dei prestiti", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, 2, pp. 75-101.

18)  Cosci, S. - R. Guida - V. Meliciani (2007) "The Employee Severance Indemnity Reform and Firm Capital Structure: An Empirical Analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Rivista di Politica Economica, settembre-ottobre.

19)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Cardoni, A. (2007) "ICT as a General Purpose Technology", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

20)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Luciani, M. (2007) "Technology and Performance: a comparative assessment of computable general equilibrium models (CGE)", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

21)  Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568.

22)  Meliciani, V. - S. Cosci (2006) "Multiple banking relationships and over-leverage in Italian manufacturing firms", The Manchester School, Supplement, pp.78-92.

23)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91.

24)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Istruzione e differenziali salariali di genere", in PLUS Participation Labour Unemployment Survey a cura di E. Mandrone e D. Radicchia, I libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo, Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale e ISFOL.

25)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502.

26)  Cosci, S. - Isopi, A.- Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. - Pozzolo, A (2005), "Credito al consumo e comportamento economico delle famiglie", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, n. 3, Cacucci editore.

27)  Guerrieri, P. - B. Maggi - V. Meliciani e P.C. Padoan (2005), "Technology diffusion, services and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon strategy useful?", Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 95, pp. 271-317 e Working Paper del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (WP/05/103).

28)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Do inter-sectoral flows of services matter for productivity growth? An input/output analysis of OECD countries", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 14, pp. 149-171.

29)  Meliciani, V. - D. Radicchia (2005), "Rendimenti dell'investimento in capitale umano in Italia: il ruolo dei canali d'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro", in La ricerca di lavoro. Raccolta di studi empirici, Monografie sul mercato del lavoro e le politiche per l'impiego, ISFOL, novembre.

30)  Mandrone, M. - V. Meliciani (2004), "News nel mercato del lavoro e curva di Beveridge in Italia", in D. Choi, De Filippi, G. e Pennisi, G., La Net Economy nella Pubblica Amministrazione 2004,  Collana Studi e Ricerche, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione.

31)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894.

32)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (2002), "Manovre di risanamento e sviluppo economico: i tagli alla spesa pubblica e la crescita delle economie locali", in Bagella e Paganetto (a cura di), Politiche macroeconomiche, gestione del debito pubblico e mercati finanziari, il Mulino.

33)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54.

34)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118.

35)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, Londra.

36)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437.

37)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723.

38)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (1999), "Gli effetti della spesa pubblica sulla crescita delle regioni italiane", Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, n.2.

39)  Meliciani, V. - R. Simonetti (1998), "Specialization in areas of strong technological opportunity and economic growth", in Eliasson, G. - C. Green - C.R. McCann (eds.), Microfoundations of Economic Growth. A Schumpeterian Perspective, The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, U.S.A.

40)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1997), "Integration and international market shares: the changing role of price and non price competitiveness", Quaderni ISE n. 105, LUISS Guido Carli (Roma), settembre.

41)  Meliciani, V. - M. Pianta  (1995) "Specializzazione tecnologica e crescita economica nei paesi OCSE", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, n. 7-8.

42)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1995), "Inter-industry, international technology flows and economic growth: the Italian case, in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.2.

43)  Sirilli, G. - V. Meliciani (1994), "Research evaluation at the National Research Council of Italy: a survey of decision-makers", Research Evaluation, n.2.

44)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1994), "A classification according to technology of the service industry: implications for convergence", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.3.

45)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani - A. Pandimiglio - A. Petrucci (1994), "Crescita e cambiamento tecnologico: un'analisi dei settori industriali in Italia", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 2.

46)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1994), "The effect of the European Monetary System on the Italian labour market", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 1.

47)  Meliciani, V. (1994) Technology, patterns of specialisation and economic growth: an empirical investigation, Quaderni ISE n. 83, LUISS (Roma), marzo.

48)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Technology and growth: some recent developments", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 3.

49)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Testing the link between technical progress, trade and growth", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n. 2.

50)  Meliciani, V. (1992), Valutazione della ricerca: problemi e prospettive, Rapporto tecnico n. 15, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma), settembre.

Working papers

1)      Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "The spatial determinants of specialisation in business services in the EU regions", paper in corso di revisione per Journal of Economic Geography.

2)      Castellani, D. - Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. (2013), "The Detrminants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Business Services across European Regions", in corso di revisione per Regional Studies

3)      Meliciani, V. (2013), "The development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies and of Knowledge Intensive Business Services. New Challenges for Competitiveness and Growth in Advanced and Emerging Countries", background paper per il World Trade Report del WTO



1)      Di Cagno, D. - Fabrizi, A. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "The impact of participation in European joint research projects on knowledge creation and economic growth", Journal of Technology Transfer, August 2013, available online. IF=1.692

2)      Cosci, S. - Guida, R. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Leasing decisions and credit constraints: empirical analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Europan Financial Management, published online 17 june 2013, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-036X.2013.12019.x IF=0.738

3)      Meliciani, V. - Evangelista, R. - Maggi, B. - Castellani, D. (2013) (Eds.) "The role of Business Services for Innovation, Internationalisation and Structural Change", Special Issue of Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol.25, pp. 74-76.

4)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2013), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 25, pp. 119-132

5)      Cosci, S. - Meliciani, V. - Sabato, V. (2012), "The transition to a market orientation in banking: cross-selling, screening incentives and information synergies", Banks and Bank Systems, vol. 7, pp. 94-107

6)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, 26, pp. 445-467.

7)      Chapman, S. - Meliciani, V. (2012), "Income disparties in the enlarged EU. Socio-economic, specialization and geographical clusters", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, vol. 103 (3), pp. 293-311.

8)      Meliciani, V. (2011), "The economic impact of digital technologies: an empirical analysis on European countries", in Guerrieri, P. e S. Bentivegna (a cura di), The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK e Northampton, USA, pp. 145-161.

9)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544.

10)  Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

11)  V. Meliciani (2010), "Exports of knowledge-intensive services and manufactures", in R.M. Solow e J.P. Touffut (a cura di) The Shape of the Division of Labour, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK e Northampton, MA, USA..

12)  P. Guerrieri - V. Meliciani (2010), "Internationalization, Technology and Business Services Specialization in Europe", in G. GIOVANNETTI, P. GUERRIERI, B. QUINTIERI. Business services: the new frontier of competitiveness. Rubettino.  

13)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697.

14)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2009), "Banks' Diversification, Cross-Selling And The Quality Of Banks' Loans",  Manchester School, vol. 77(s1), pp. 40-65.

15)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2009) "La specializzazione regionale nei servizi alle imprese: la tecnologia, il capitale umano ed i legami con il settore manifatturiero", in Competitività e sviluppo internazionale del sistema economico meridionale. Il ruolo dei servizi alla produzione in Campania, Giannini Editore, Napoli.

16)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2008) "The Transformation of the Banking Sector: Diversification and Bank-Firm Relationships", in Fuchs, E.J. and F. Braun (eds), Emerging Topics in Banking and Finance, pp. 27-50, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

17)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2008), "Il lato oscuro della diversificazione bancaria: Effetti del cross-selling sulla rischiosità dei prestiti", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, 2, pp. 75-101.

18)  Cosci, S. - R. Guida - V. Meliciani (2007) "The Employee Severance Indemnity Reform and Firm Capital Structure: An Empirical Analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Rivista di Politica Economica, settembre-ottobre.

19)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Cardoni, A. (2007) "ICT as a General Purpose Technology", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

20)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Luciani, M. (2007) "Technology and Performance: a comparative assessment of computable general equilibrium models (CGE)", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

21)  Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568.

22)  Meliciani, V. - S. Cosci (2006) "Multiple banking relationships and over-leverage in Italian manufacturing firms", The Manchester School, Supplement, pp.78-92.

23)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91.

24)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Istruzione e differenziali salariali di genere", in PLUS Participation Labour Unemployment Survey a cura di E. Mandrone e D. Radicchia, I libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo, Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale e ISFOL.

25)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502.

26)  Cosci, S. - Isopi, A.- Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. - Pozzolo, A (2005), "Credito al consumo e comportamento economico delle famiglie", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, n. 3, Cacucci editore.

27)  Guerrieri, P. - B. Maggi - V. Meliciani e P.C. Padoan (2005), "Technology diffusion, services and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon strategy useful?", Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 95, pp. 271-317 e Working Paper del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (WP/05/103).

28)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Do inter-sectoral flows of services matter for productivity growth? An input/output analysis of OECD countries", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 14, pp. 149-171.

29)  Meliciani, V. - D. Radicchia (2005), "Rendimenti dell'investimento in capitale umano in Italia: il ruolo dei canali d'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro", in La ricerca di lavoro. Raccolta di studi empirici, Monografie sul mercato del lavoro e le politiche per l'impiego, ISFOL, novembre.

30)  Mandrone, M. - V. Meliciani (2004), "News nel mercato del lavoro e curva di Beveridge in Italia", in D. Choi, De Filippi, G. e Pennisi, G., La Net Economy nella Pubblica Amministrazione 2004,  Collana Studi e Ricerche, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione.

31)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894.

32)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (2002), "Manovre di risanamento e sviluppo economico: i tagli alla spesa pubblica e la crescita delle economie locali", in Bagella e Paganetto (a cura di), Politiche macroeconomiche, gestione del debito pubblico e mercati finanziari, il Mulino.

33)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54.

34)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118.

35)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, Londra.

36)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437.

37)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723.

38)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (1999), "Gli effetti della spesa pubblica sulla crescita delle regioni italiane", Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, n.2.

39)  Meliciani, V. - R. Simonetti (1998), "Specialization in areas of strong technological opportunity and economic growth", in Eliasson, G. - C. Green - C.R. McCann (eds.), Microfoundations of Economic Growth. A Schumpeterian Perspective, The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, U.S.A.

40)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1997), "Integration and international market shares: the changing role of price and non price competitiveness", Quaderni ISE n. 105, LUISS Guido Carli (Roma), settembre.

41)  Meliciani, V. - M. Pianta  (1995) "Specializzazione tecnologica e crescita economica nei paesi OCSE", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, n. 7-8.

42)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1995), "Inter-industry, international technology flows and economic growth: the Italian case, in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.2.

43)  Sirilli, G. - V. Meliciani (1994), "Research evaluation at the National Research Council of Italy: a survey of decision-makers", Research Evaluation, n.2.

44)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1994), "A classification according to technology of the service industry: implications for convergence", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.3.

45)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani - A. Pandimiglio - A. Petrucci (1994), "Crescita e cambiamento tecnologico: un'analisi dei settori industriali in Italia", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 2.

46)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1994), "The effect of the European Monetary System on the Italian labour market", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 1.

47)  Meliciani, V. (1994) Technology, patterns of specialisation and economic growth: an empirical investigation, Quaderni ISE n. 83, LUISS (Roma), marzo.

48)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Technology and growth: some recent developments", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 3.

49)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Testing the link between technical progress, trade and growth", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n. 2.

50)  Meliciani, V. (1992), Valutazione della ricerca: problemi e prospettive, Rapporto tecnico n. 15, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma), settembre.

Working papers

1)      Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "The spatial determinants of specialisation in business services in the EU regions", paper in corso di revisione per Journal of Economic Geography.

2)      Castellani, D. - Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. (2013), "The Detrminants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Business Services across European Regions", in corso di revisione per Regional Studies

3)      Meliciani, V. (2013), "The development and diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies and of Knowledge Intensive Business Services. New Challenges for Competitiveness and Growth in Advanced and Emerging Countries", background paper per il World Trade Report del WTO

Prodotti della ricerca

1)      Cosci, S. - Meliciani, V. - Sabato, V. (2012), "The transition to a market orientation in banking: cross-selling, screening incentives and information synergies", Banks and Bank Systems, vol. 7, pp. 94-107

2)      Evangelista, R. - Lucchese, M. - Meliciani, V. (2012), "Business services, innovation and sectoral growth", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, in corso di pubblicazione

3)      Ciarli, T. - Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "Knowledge dynamics, structural change and the geography of business services", Journal of Economic Surveys, in corso di pubblicazione.

4)      Chapman, S. - Meliciani, V. (2012), "Income disparties in the enlarged EU. Socio-economic, specialization and geographical clusters", Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, vol. 103 (3), pp. 293-311.

5)      Evangelista, R. - Meliciani, V. (2011), "The economic impact of digital technologies: an empirical analysis on European countries", in Guerrieri, P. e S. Bentivegna (a cura di), The Economic Impact of Digital Technologies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK e Northampton, USA.

6)      Meliciani, V. - Radicchia, D. (2011), "The informal recruitment channel and the quality of jo-worker matches. An analysis on Italian survey data" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 20 (2), pp. 511-544.

7)      Guerrieri, P. - Luciani, M. - Meliciani, V. (2010), "The determinants of investment in Information and Communication Technologies", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 20, pp. 387-403.

8)      V. Meliciani (2010), "Exports of knowledge-intensive services and manufactures", in R.M. Solow e J.P. Touffut (a cura di) The Shape of the Division of Labour, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK e Northampton, MA, USA..

9)      P. Guerrieri - V. Meliciani (2010), "Internationalization, Technology and Business Services Specialization in Europe", in G. GIOVANNETTI, P. GUERRIERI, B. QUINTIERI. Business services: the new frontier of competitiveness. Rubettino.  

10)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2010), "The Role of ICT Knowledge Flows for International Market Share Dynamics", Research Policy, vol 39, pp. 687-697.

11)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2009), "Banks' Diversification, Cross-Selling And The Quality Of Banks' Loans",  Manchester School, vol. 77(s1), pp. 40-65.

12)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2009) "La specializzazione regionale nei servizi alle imprese: la tecnologia, il capitale umano ed i legami con il settore manifatturiero", in Competitività e sviluppo internazionale del sistema economico meridionale. Il ruolo dei servizi alla produzione in Campania, Giannini Editore, Napoli.

13)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2008) "The Transformation of the Banking Sector: Diversification and Bank-Firm Relationships", in Fuchs, E.J. and F. Braun (eds), Emerging Topics in Banking and Finance, pp. 27-50, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

14)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani - V. Sabato (2008), "Il lato oscuro della diversificazione bancaria: Effetti del cross-selling sulla rischiosità dei prestiti", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, 2, pp. 75-101.

15)  Cosci, S. - R. Guida - V. Meliciani (2007) "The Employee Severance Indemnity Reform and Firm Capital Structure: An Empirical Analysis on a sample of Italian firms", Rivista di Politica Economica, settembre-ottobre.

16)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Cardoni, A. (2007) "ICT as a General Purpose Technology", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

17)  Maggi, B. - Meliciani, V. - Luciani, M. (2007) "Technology and Performance: a comparative assessment of computable general equilibrium models (CGE)", in Guerrieri, P. - Padoan, P.C. (eds), Modelling ICT as a General Purpose Technology, Collegium n. 35, College of Europe.

18)  Meliciani, V. - F. Peracchi (2006) "Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions: a reappraisal", Empirical Economics, vol. 31 (3), pp. 549-568.

19)  Meliciani, V. - S. Cosci (2006) "Multiple banking relationships and over-leverage in Italian manufacturing firms", The Manchester School, Supplement, pp.78-92.

20)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Income and employment disparities across European regions. The role of national and spatial factors", Regional Studies, vol. 40 (1), pp. 75-91.

21)  Meliciani, V. (2006) "Istruzione e differenziali salariali di genere", in PLUS Participation Labour Unemployment Survey a cura di E. Mandrone e D. Radicchia, I libri del Fondo Sociale Europeo, Ministero del lavoro e della previdenza sociale e ISFOL.

22)  Guerrieri, P. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Technology and international competitiveness: The interdependence between manufacturing and producer services", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 16, pp. 489-502.

23)  Cosci, S. - Isopi, A.- Meliciani, V. - Mirra, L. - Pozzolo, A (2005), "Credito al consumo e comportamento economico delle famiglie", Economia, Impresa e Mercati Finanziari, n. 3, Cacucci editore.

24)  Guerrieri, P. - B. Maggi - V. Meliciani e P.C. Padoan (2005), "Technology diffusion, services and endogenous growth in Europe. Is the Lisbon strategy useful?", Rivista di Politica Economica, vol. 95, pp. 271-317 e Working Paper del Fondo Monetario Internazionale (WP/05/103).

25)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (2005), "Do inter-sectoral flows of services matter for productivity growth? An input/output analysis of OECD countries", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 14, pp. 149-171.

26)  Meliciani, V. - D. Radicchia (2005), "Rendimenti dell'investimento in capitale umano in Italia: il ruolo dei canali d'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro", in La ricerca di lavoro. Raccolta di studi empirici, Monografie sul mercato del lavoro e le politiche per l'impiego, ISFOL, novembre.

27)  Mandrone, M. - V. Meliciani (2004), "News nel mercato del lavoro e curva di Beveridge in Italia", in D. Choi, De Filippi, G. e Pennisi, G., La Net Economy nella Pubblica Amministrazione 2004,  Collana Studi e Ricerche, Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione.

28)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2002), "The relative importance of international vis-à-vis national technological spillovers for market share dynamics" Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 11. pp. 875-894.

29)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (2002), "Manovre di risanamento e sviluppo economico: i tagli alla spesa pubblica e la crescita delle economie locali", in Bagella e Paganetto (a cura di), Politiche macroeconomiche, gestione del debito pubblico e mercati finanziari, il Mulino.

30)  Cosci, S. - V. Meliciani (2002), "Multiple banking relationships: evidence from the Italian experience", The Manchester School, vol. 70, pp. 37-54.

31)  Meliciani, V. (2002), "The impact of technological specialisation on national performance in a balance-of-payments-constrained growth model", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 13, pp. 101-118.

32)  Meliciani, V. (2001), Technology, Trade and Growth in OECD Countries: Does Specialisation Matter?, Routledge, Londra.

33)  Meliciani, V. (2000), "The relationship between R&D, investment and patents: a panel data analysis", Applied Economics, vol. 32, n.11, pp. 1429-1437.

34)  Laursen, K. - V. Meliciani (2000), "The Importance of Technology Based Inter-sectoral Linkages for Market Share Dynamics", Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 702-723.

35)  Cosci, S. - D. Di Cagno - V. Meliciani (1999), "Gli effetti della spesa pubblica sulla crescita delle regioni italiane", Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, n.2.

36)  Meliciani, V. - R. Simonetti (1998), "Specialization in areas of strong technological opportunity and economic growth", in Eliasson, G. - C. Green - C.R. McCann (eds.), Microfoundations of Economic Growth. A Schumpeterian Perspective, The University of Michigan Press, Michigan, U.S.A.

37)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1997), "Integration and international market shares: the changing role of price and non price competitiveness", Quaderni ISE n. 105, LUISS Guido Carli (Roma), settembre.

38)  Meliciani, V. - M. Pianta  (1995) "Specializzazione tecnologica e crescita economica nei paesi OCSE", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, n. 7-8.

39)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1995), "Inter-industry, international technology flows and economic growth: the Italian case, in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.2.

40)  Sirilli, G. - V. Meliciani (1994), "Research evaluation at the National Research Council of Italy: a survey of decision-makers", Research Evaluation, n.2.

41)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani (1994), "A classification according to technology of the service industry: implications for convergence", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n.3.

42)  Di Cagno, D. - V. Meliciani - A. Pandimiglio - A. Petrucci (1994), "Crescita e cambiamento tecnologico: un'analisi dei settori industriali in Italia", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 2.

43)  Meliciani, V. - R. Piermartini (1994), "The effect of the European Monetary System on the Italian labour market", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 1.

44)  Meliciani, V. (1994) Technology, patterns of specialisation and economic growth: an empirical investigation, Quaderni ISE n. 83, LUISS (Roma), marzo.

45)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Technology and growth: some recent developments", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni,  n. 3.

46)  Meliciani, V. (1993), "Testing the link between technical progress, trade and growth", in Economia, Società e Istituzioni, n. 2.

47)  Meliciani, V. (1992), Valutazione della ricerca: problemi e prospettive, Rapporto tecnico n. 15, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma), settembre.


Working papers

1)      Meliciani, V. - Savona, M. (2012), "The spatial determinants of specialisation in business services in the EU regions", paper in corso di revisione per Journal of Economic Geography. 

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-02-2024