test scritto dei saperi minimi in entrata verrà svolto in forma cartacea il 6 novembre ore 14.30 -After enrollment you have to take the entrance test on the 6th of November 2018 2.30 p.m

 Quest'anno il test scritto dei saperi minimi in entrata verrà svolto in forma cartacea il 6 novembre ore 14.30 in aula 23 di Scienze Politiche.   After  enrollment you have to take the entrance test on the 6th of November 2018 2.30 p.m. classroom 23 Scienze Politiche Building The entrance test is not mandatory for enrollment. 
The written test entails 5 subjects: citology, medical genetics, cellular physiology and cell culture, biochemistry and molecular biology, english language.  If you do not pass the test (7 right questions out of 10, for each subject) you should  improve your knowledge either by attending specific Remedial courses (in november-dicember 2018) or by written examination before the related exam.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09-10-2018