
Telefono: 0861-266990

Facoltà di appartenenza: MEDICINA VETERINARIA


Curriculum accademico

Curriculum english version


Matteo Chincarini

Web of Science ResearcherID: M-1693-2019

ORCiD: 0000-0001-6369-4992


Education and training

01/08/2019– to date

Research fellow
Research program: PON RESEARCH AND INNOVATION 2014-2020 "Attraction and international mobility" (Ministry of University)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - University of Teramo, Teramo (Italy)


11/11/2017– 07/31/2019

University of Teramo (Italy)
Project: "A new non-invasive approach to the investigation of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: Implications on animal welfare and on comparative system and cognitive neuroscience"



University of Teramo (Italy)
Project: "Approach to the investment of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy"



PhD - PhD in Veterinary Medical Sciences, Public Health and Animal Welfare
University of Teramo (Italy)
Topics covered in the doctoral thesis involved the study of emotional contagion in the sheep species, the study of adaptability and perseverance in detour-tested lambs and the use of fNIRS (functional near-infrared spectroscopy) technology in sheep tested to assess their emotional state.


• 20/07/2017: PhD thesis: Implications of emotions and cognitive abilities for sheep welfare



Veterinary doctor - voluntary training
IZSAM G. Corporal - Laboratory Human/Animal Relationship and Animal Welfare - Pineto (Teramo).
Key activities: development of animal welfare projects for the use of Animal Based Measures (ABM) in sheep, cattle and pets. Data analysis of dogs housed in public shelters and scientific writings (abstracts and articles)


• 28/03/2012 - DVM
Master's thesis discussion, title: Study of behavioural problems observed in the first month of adoption in dogs from the kennel in Madrid (Spain)


Education and research at foreign institutions

January 2017 – April 2017:
Ph.D. visiting student at "Centro de Estudos Comparativos em Sa'de, Sustentabilidade and Bem- Estar" - the University of Sao Paulo, Pirassununga (Brazil).

Research project: management of stray animals in the community of Pirassununga

Supervisor: Prof. Adroaldo Zanella


April 2016 – October 2016:

Ph.D. visiting student at "Norwegian Veterinary Insitute, Oslo (Norway)"

Research project 1: Use of new technologies to monitor the welfare of sheep in extensive farming

Research project 2: determination of immunoglobulins present in calves in the first days of calf life through non-invasive techniques.

Supervisor: Dr. Solveig Marie Stubsjoen



Student Placement - European project "Leonardo"
University of Bristol - Animal Welfare and Behaviour group, Bristol (United Kingdom)

Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Casey


March 2011 – June 2011
University internship at: Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Facultad de Veterinaria, Madrid (Spain)



ISAE Congress Attendance Fund (CAF) - 2018 ISAE congress on Prince Edward Island Scholarships for international mobility

International mobility internship (3 months), University of Teramo: Brazil

Erasmus traineeship (2 months) University of Teramo: Norway

Lifelong Learning Programme LEONARDO Project, Sub-programme: VETs in Europe VII (6 months): United Kingdom

Community programme LLP-ERASMUS PLACEMENT (3 months): Spain

LLP-Erasmus Socrates Mobility Scholarship (9 months): Spain


National research projects

Participation in the Prin (Scientific Research Programs of Relevant National Interest – Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) 2015. Project title: A new non- invasive approach to the investigation of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: Implications on animal welfare and on comparative system and cognitive neuroscience. National Coordinator: Prof. Bruno Cozzi. Protocol: 2015Y5W9YP_004




Minozzi, G., Biscarini, F., Dalla Costa, E., Chincarini, M., Ferri, N., Palestrini, C., Minero, M., Mazzola, S., Piccinini, R., Vignola, G., Cannas, S., 2020. Analysis of Hindgut Microbiome of

Sheep and Effect of Different Husbandry Conditions. Animals 11, 4.

Vaintrub, M.O., Levit, H., Chincarini, M., Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., 2020. Precision livestock farming, automats and new technologies: possible applications in extensive dairy sheep farming. Animal 100143. 

Chincarini, M., Dalla Costa, E., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Minero, M., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Ancora, D., De Pasquale, F., Vignola, G., Torricelli, A., 2020. Reliability of fNIRS for noninvasive monitoring of brain function and emotion in sheep. Sci. Rep. 10, 14726.

Gloria, A., Chincarini, M., Vignola, G., Ferri, N., Contri, A., 2020. Venous blood gas parameters in healthy Mediterranean buffalo calves in the first 72 hours of life. Theriogenology.

Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Odintsov Vaintrub, M., Chincarini, M., Manetta, A.C., Mammi, L.M.E., Palmonari, A., Formigoni, A., Vignola, G., 2020. Effects of three different diets on the fatty acid profile and sensory properties of fresh Pecorino cheese “Primo Sale.” Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci.

Chincarini, M., Dalla Costa, E., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Minero, M., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Ancora, D., De Pasquale, F., Vignola, G., Torricelli, A., 2020. Reliability of fNIRS for noninvasive monitoring of brain function and emotion in sheep. Sci. Rep.

La Rosa, C., Cavallo, F., Pecora, A., Chincarini, M., Ala, U., Faulkes, C.G., Nacher, J., Cozzi, B., Sherwood, C.C., Amrein, I., Bonfanti, L., 2020. Phylogenetic variation in cortical layer II immature neuron reservoir of mammals. Elife 9, 1–21.

Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Chincarini, M., Vaintrub, M.O., Palmonari, A., Mammi, L.M.E., Formigoni, A., Di Giuseppe, L., Vignola, G., 2020. Effect of ewe diet on milk and muscle fatty acid composition of suckling lambs of the protected geographical origin abbacchio romano. Animals 10.

Chincarini, M., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Torricelli, A., Minero, M., COSTA, E.D., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Dalla Costa, E., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Mariscoli, M., COSTA, E.D., Minero, M., Torricelli, A., Spinelli, L., Qiu, L., Chincarini, M., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Torricelli, A., Minero, M., COSTA, E.D., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., 2019. Evaluation of sheep anticipatory response to a food reward by means of functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Animals 9, 1–13.

Fuchs, B., Sørheim, K.M., Chincarini, M., Brunberg, E., Stubsjøen, S.M., Bratbergsengen, K., Hvasshovd, S.O., Zimmermann, B., Lande, U.S., Grøva, L., 2019. Heart rate sensor validation and seasonal and diurnal variation of body temperature and heart rate in domestic sheep. Vet. Anim. Sci.

Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Chincarini, M., Odintsov Vaintrub, M., Formigoni, A., Mammi, L.M.E., Vignola, G., 2019. Fatty acids, health indices and sensory properties of Ricotta cheese from sheep fed three different diets. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 72, 427–434.

Johnsen, J.F., Chincarini, M., Sogstad, Å.M., Sølverød, L., Vatne, M., Mejdell, C.M., Hänninen, L., 2019. Salivary IgG levels in neonatal calves and its association to serum IgG: An observational pilot study. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3, 589–593.

Stubsjøen, S.M., Sørheim, K., Chincarini, M., Bohlin, J., Brunberg, E., Fuchs, B., Palme, R., Grøva, L., 2018. Exploring hair cortisone concentration as a novel tool to assess chronic stress in sheep with tick-borne fever. Small Rumin. Res. 164, 110–119.

Dai, F., Segati, G., Brscic, M., Chincarini, M., Costa, E.D., Ferrari, L., Burden, F., Judge, A., Minero, M., Dalla Costa, E., Ferrari, L., Burden, F., Judge, A., Minero, M., Judge, A., Burden, F., Ferrari, L., Costa, E.D., Chincarini, M., Brscic, M., Segati, G., Dai, F., 2018. Effects of management practices on the welfare of dairy donkeys and risk factors associated with signs of hoof neglect. J. Dairy Res. 85, 30–38.

Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Heinzl, E., Minero, M., Chincarini, M., Vignola, G., Dalla Costa, E., 2018. Thermography as a non-invasive measure of stress and fear of humans in sheep. Animals 8.

Fusaro, I., Palmonari, A., Canestrari, G., Fustini, M., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Chincarini, M., Gramenzi, A., Fusaro, L., Formigoni, A., 2016. The influence of irrigation management and genotype on fiber content and in vitro digestibility of NDF in corn part plant. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. 22, 906–911.

Barnard, S., Chincarini, M., Di Tommaso, L., Di Giulio, F., Messori, S., Ferri, N., Tommaso, L. Di, Giulio, F. Di, Messori, S., Ferri, N., 2015. Free-roaming dogs control activities in one Italian province (2000-2013): Is the implemented approach effective? Maced. Vet. Rev. 38, 149–158.



Animals (ISSN 2076-2615)
Agriculture (ISSN 2077-0472)
Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Animal Behavior and Welfare (ISSN 2297-1769)


Scientific Expert

French National Research Agency (ANR)


Minozzi, G., Biscarini, F., Dalla Costa, E., Chincarini, M., Ferri, N., Palestrini, C., Minero, M., Mazzola, S., Piccinini, R., Vignola, G., Cannas, S., 2020. Analysis of Hindgut Microbiome of

Sheep and Effect of Different Husbandry Conditions. Animals 11, 4.


Vaintrub, M.O., Levit, H., Chincarini, M., Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., 2020. Precision livestock farming, automats and new technologies: possible applications in extensive dairy sheep farming. Animal 100143.


Chincarini, M., Dalla Costa, E., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Minero, M., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Ancora, D., De Pasquale, F., Vignola, G., Torricelli, A., 2020. Reliability of fNIRS for noninvasive monitoring of brain function and emotion in sheep. Sci. Rep. 10, 14726.


Gloria, A., Chincarini, M., Vignola, G., Ferri, N., Contri, A., 2020. Venous blood gas parameters in healthy Mediterranean buffalo calves in the first 72 hours of life. Theriogenology.


Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Odintsov Vaintrub, M., Chincarini, M., Manetta, A.C., Mammi, L.M.E., Palmonari, A., Formigoni, A., Vignola, G., 2020. Effects of three different diets on the fatty acid profile and sensory properties of fresh Pecorino cheese “Primo Sale.” Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci.


Chincarini, M., Dalla Costa, E., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Minero, M., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Ancora, D., De Pasquale, F., Vignola, G., Torricelli, A., 2020. Reliability of fNIRS for noninvasive monitoring of brain function and emotion in sheep. Sci. Rep.


La Rosa, C., Cavallo, F., Pecora, A., Chincarini, M., Ala, U., Faulkes, C.G., Nacher, J., Cozzi, B., Sherwood, C.C., Amrein, I., Bonfanti, L., 2020. Phylogenetic variation in cortical layer II immature neuron reservoir of mammals. Elife 9, 1–21.


Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Chincarini, M., Vaintrub, M.O., Palmonari, A., Mammi, L.M.E., Formigoni, A., Di Giuseppe, L., Vignola, G., 2020. Effect of ewe diet on milk and muscle fatty acid composition of suckling lambs of the protected geographical origin abbacchio romano. Animals 10.


Chincarini, M., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Torricelli, A., Minero, M., COSTA, E.D., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Dalla Costa, E., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Mariscoli, M., COSTA, E.D., Minero, M., Torricelli, A., Spinelli, L., Qiu, L., Chincarini, M., Qiu, L., Spinelli, L., Torricelli, A., Minero, M., COSTA, E.D., Mariscoli, M., Ferri, N., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., 2019. Evaluation of sheep anticipatory response to a food reward by means of functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Animals 9, 1–13.


Fuchs, B., Sørheim, K.M., Chincarini, M., Brunberg, E., Stubsjøen, S.M., Bratbergsengen, K., Hvasshovd, S.O., Zimmermann, B., Lande, U.S., Grøva, L., 2019. Heart rate sensor validation and seasonal and diurnal variation of body temperature and heart rate in domestic sheep. Vet. Anim. Sci.


Fusaro, I., Giammarco, M., Chincarini, M., Odintsov Vaintrub, M., Formigoni, A., Mammi, L.M.E., Vignola, G., 2019. Fatty acids, health indices and sensory properties of Ricotta cheese from sheep fed three different diets. Int. J. Dairy Technol. 72, 427–434.


Johnsen, J.F., Chincarini, M., Sogstad, Å.M., Sølverød, L., Vatne, M., Mejdell, C.M., Hänninen, L., 2019. Salivary IgG levels in neonatal calves and its association to serum IgG: An observational pilot study. Transl. Anim. Sci. 3, 589–593.


Stubsjøen, S.M., Sørheim, K., Chincarini, M., Bohlin, J., Brunberg, E., Fuchs, B., Palme, R., Grøva, L., 2018. Exploring hair cortisone concentration as a novel tool to assess chronic stress in sheep with tick-borne fever. Small Rumin. Res. 164, 110–119.


Dai, F., Segati, G., Brscic, M., Chincarini, M., Costa, E.D., Ferrari, L., Burden, F., Judge, A., Minero, M., Dalla Costa, E., Ferrari, L., Burden, F., Judge, A., Minero, M., Judge, A., Burden, F., Ferrari, L., Costa, E.D., Chincarini, M., Brscic, M., Segati, G., Dai, F., 2018. Effects of management practices on the welfare of dairy donkeys and risk factors associated with signs of hoof neglect. J. Dairy Res. 85, 30–38.


Cannas, S., Palestrini, C., Canali, E., Cozzi, B., Ferri, N., Heinzl, E., Minero, M., Chincarini, M., Vignola, G., Dalla Costa, E., 2018. Thermography as a non-invasive measure of stress and fear of humans in sheep. Animals 8.


Fusaro, I., Palmonari, A., Canestrari, G., Fustini, M., Giammarco, M., Vignola, G., Chincarini, M., Gramenzi, A., Fusaro, L., Formigoni, A., 2016. The influence of irrigation management and genotype on fiber content and in vitro digestibility of NDF in corn part plant. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. 22, 906–911.


Barnard, S., Chincarini, M., Di Tommaso, L., Di Giulio, F., Messori, S., Ferri, N., Tommaso, L. Di, Giulio, F. Di, Messori, S., Ferri, N., 2015. Free-roaming dogs control activities in one Italian province (2000-2013): Is the implemented approach effective? Maced. Vet. Rev. 38, 149–158.

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