Prof. DELLA PELLE Flavio
Prof. DELLA PELLE Flavio


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Curriculum accademico


Il Dr. Della Pelle ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Scienze degli Alimenti (UNITE) e Chimica Analitica (UAH), rispettivamente presso l’Università degli studi di Teramo e presso L’Università di Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spagna). Attualmente è ricercatore a tempo determinato (RTDb) in Chimica Analitica (SSD CHIM/01) presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo. 

Il Dr. Della Pelle è autore di oltre 80 pubblicazioni nel settore della Chimica Analitica, di cui oltre il 90% riportate su riviste scientifiche internazionali (con referee).

Il Dr. Della Pelle è inoltre autore e co-autore di circa 130 presentazioni orali e poster a convegni nazionali e internazionali. Attualmente partecipa attivamente alla ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo e l’Università di Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), collaborando con diversi enti di ricerca ed università nell’ambito della chimica analitica: tra cui l’ Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ di Teramo, l’Istituto di Scienza dei Materiali (CSIC) di Madrid, l’Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, l’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, L’Università degli Studi di Firenze, l’Università di Western Cape (Sud Africa), l’Università di Antioquia (Colombia), l'Università del Salento, Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, e la Grado Zero s.r.l..






Ricercatore a tempo determinato Tipo b (2022, ottobre 2022-posizione attuale), in Chimica Analitica (SSD CHIM/01).


Abilitazione a Professore di II fascia (2020-2029), (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) nel settore 03/A1: Chimica Analitica.


Visiting researcher (2021, maggio - ottobre), presso il Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) (Bellaterra, Barcellona, Spain)


Ricercatore a tempo determinato Tipo a (settembre 2019- ottobre 2022), in Chimica Analitica (SSD CHIM/01).


Docente del Corso di Chimica Generale e Inorganica (2022-in corso), Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari e Ambientali, corso di Laurea Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE).


Docente del Corso di Laboratorio di Analisi Chimiche degli Alimenti (2020-in corso), Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari e Ambientali, corso di Laurea Magistrale in Food Science and Technology, Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE). SSD CHIM/01. 


Docente del Corso di Practicals in food analysis (2019-2020), Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-alimentari e Ambientali, corso di Laurea Magistrale in Food Science and Technology, Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE). SSD CHIM/01.


Visiting researcher (2019-2020, ottobre 2019 - febbraio 2020) presso l'Università di Alcalà de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spagna).


Assegnista di ricerca (2017-2019, ottobre 2017– luglio 2019) presso l'Università degli Studi di Teramo. Titolo progetto: “Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi rapidi basati su nanomateriali per applicazioni in campo alimentare ed ambientale”.


Visiting researcher (2017, settembre - ottobre) presso la University of Western Cape (South Africa), presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Analitica, Facoltà di Scienze Naturali.


Docente a Contratto (2016-2017), dell'insegnamento di "Elementi di Chimica", Facoltà di medicina Veterinaria, Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE).  


Borsa di studio (2017, marzo - luglio) per attività di ricerca post-dottorato presso l'Università degli Studi di Teramo. Titolo: 'Application and delivery of experimental methodologies in biotechnology'.


Borsa di studio (2016-2017, giugno 2016 - gennaio 2017) per attività di ricerca post-dottorato presso l'Università degli Studi di Teramo. Titolo: “Development of rapid analytical methods for the determination of pesticides in food matrices”.


Conseguimento del doppio titolo di Ph.D. (17/06/2016) - in Scienze degli Alimenti presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE) e Ph.D. in Chimica Analitica (conseguito con “mención cum Laude") presso l’Università di Alcalà de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spagna). 


Dottorato (1/05/2013-17/06/2016) - in Scienze degli Alimenti (UNITE) e Chimica Analitica (UAH), svolto sotto contratto di co-tutela stipulato tra l’Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE) e l’Università di Alcalá de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spagna). 


Laurea magistrale (28/03/2013) - in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Università degli Studi di Teramo, 110/110 cum laude. Tirocinio di tesi svolto in collaborazione tra il laboratorio di Chimica Analitica dell'UNITE e presso il laboratorio di Chimica analitica "MINYNANOTECH" della UAH (Madrid, Spagna).


Erasmus Placement (2012, aprile-agosto) - Presso il Laboratorio ‘Miniaturization and Analytical Nanotechnology’ (MINYNANOTECH), Department of Analytical Chemistry, dell'Università di Alcalà de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spagna). Tutor Professor Alberto Escarpa.


Tirocinio post-lauream (2010, marzo-Settembre) - (in veste di ‘Laureato Frequentatore’), Presso il Laboratorio di Chimica Analitica Di STA, Università degli Studi di Teramo.


Laurea Triennale (31/03/2010) - in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (STA), Università degli Studi di Teramo (UNITE), 110/110 cum laude. 





Il Dr. Della Pelle è autore di oltre 65 pubblicazioni nel settore della Chimica Analitica, di cui oltre il 90% riportate su riviste scientifiche internazionali (con referee), è inoltre autore e co-autore di circa 90 presentazioni orali e poster presentati a convegni nazionali e internazionali.

Attualmente partecipa ad attività di ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi di Teramo, l’Università di Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spagna), ed al Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-ICN2 (Bellaterra, Barcellona, Spagna). Inoltre, collabora con diversi enti di ricerca ed università: tra cui l’istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’ di Teramo, l’Istituto di Scienza dei Materiali (CSIC) di Madrid, l’Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, l’Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, L’Università degli Studi di Firenze, l’Università di Western Cape (Sud Africa) e l’Università di Antioquia (Colombia).

La principale attività di ricerca, portata avanti dal Dr. Flavio Della Pelle, riguarda lo sviluppo di metodologie analitiche e biosensori robusti e semplici, realizzati con metodologie low-cost basate su materiali nano e micro-strutturati, per la detection rapida di markers di qualità e sicurezza alimentare, biomarcatori e stress ossidativo in colture cellulari. Negli ultimi anni, la ricerca è stata focalizzata allo sviluppo di elettrodi basati su nanomateriali, metodologie di sensing e biosensing basati su formazione di nanoparticelle metalliche, funzionalizzazione ed utilizzo di sensori di gas basati su nanomateriali e bio-composti (peptidi, nuclotidi, etc.), utilizzo di sistemi microfluidici accoppiati a detection su sensori nano-strutturati (in particolare elettroforesi capillare e sistemi lab-on-chip), sviluppo di tecniche di estrazione rapida basate su micro/nano materiali, sviluppo e utilizzo di biosensori per il monitoraggio di markers di stress ossidativo in colture cellulari e matrici biologiche.

Attualmente le linee di ricerca riguardano prevalentemente la messa a punto di paper/plastic devices funzionalizzati con nanomateriali, utilizzo di biocomposti per lo sviluppo di mediatori elettrochimici e per la sintesi/esfoliazione di nanomateriali, studio delle proprietà e implementazione di sensori nanoibridi basati su materiali 2D ‘graphene-like” (e.g. transition metal dichalcogenides), nanostrutturazione di biochar ottenuto da fonti rinnovabili, implementazione di smart-devices per l’analisi rapida di composti antiossidanti e ossidanti e loro interazione con sistemi biologici. Recentemente, un ulteriore argomento di ricerca riguarda la valutazione della tossicità e biocompatibilità di nanomateriali, ‘prodotti’ con composti naturali, utilizzando modelli biologici, quali batteri, funghi, spermatozoi ed embrioni di zebrafish.

Il fine ultimo delle diverse linee di ricerca è l’implementazione di biosensori, piattaforme di sensing e nanomateriali funzionali, cercando di massimizzare la sostenibilità dell’analisi (tempo, riduzione dell’utilizzo di solventi, e rifiuti prodotti, etc.) e del metodo di produzione dei materiali, semplificando al massimo il ‘metodo/sistema analitico’, attraverso l’utilizzo di strumentazioni e materiali low-cost, e materiali sostenibili.


Curriculum english version


Dr. Della Pelle holds the PhD in Food Science (UNITE) and Analytical Chemistry (UAH), respectively at the University of Teramo and at the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain). He is currently an Assistant professor in Analytical Chemistry (SSD CHIM/01) at the University of Teramo.

Dr. Della Pelle is the author of 80 publications in the field of Analytical Chemistry, of which over 90% are reported in international scientific journals (with referee).

Dr. Della Pelle is also author and co-author of about 130 oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences. Currently, he actively participates in research both at the University of Teramo and the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), collaborating with various research institutions and universities in the field of analytical chemistry: including the istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale" (public institute for the safeguard of public health), the Institute of Materials Science (CSIC) of Madrid, the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of L'Aquila, the University of Florence, the University of Western Cape (South Africa), the University of Antioquia (Colombia), University of Salento, University of Bari Aldo Moro, and the Grado Zero s.r.l..






Assistant professor Tenure track (October 2022 - current position) in Analytical Chemistry (SSD CHIM / 01).


National Scientific Enabling as Associate Professor (from 2020 to 2029), SSD CHIM/01, Analytical Chemistry (art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10).


Visiting researcher (2021, may - octoberat the  Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) (Bellaterra, Barcellona, Spain)


Assistant professor (August 2019September 2022) in Analytical Chemistry (SSD CHIM / 01).


Responsible for the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry (2022-currentat the Faculty of Biosciences and Agro-food and Environmental Technologies, Bachelor's degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Teramo (UNITE). 


Responsible for the course of Laboratorio di Analisi Chimiche degli Alimenti (2020-current) at the Faculty of Biosciences and Agro-food and Environmental Technologies, Master's Degree course in Food Science and Technology, University of Teramo (UNITE). SSD CHIM/01 (Analytical Chemistry).


Responsible for the course of Practicals in Food Analysis (2019-2020) at the Faculty of Biosciences and Agro-food and Environmental Technologies, Master's Degree course in Food Science and Technology, University of Teramo (UNITE). SSD CHIM/01 (Analytical Chemistry).


Visiting researcher (2019-2020, October 2019 - February 2020) at the University of Alcalà de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spain).


Research fellow (2017-2019, October 2017– July 2019) at the University of Teramo (position obtained with a public competition).

Project title: Development and application of rapid methods based on nanomaterials for applications in the food and environmental fields.


Visiting researcher (2017, September - October) at the University of Western Cape (South Africa), Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences.


Adjunct Professor (2016-2017) of "Elements of Chemistry", at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo (UNITE). 


Scholarship (2017, March - July) for post-doctoral research activities at the University of Teramo.

Title: Application and delivery of experimental methodologies in biotechnology.


Scholarship (2016-2017, June 2016 - January 2017) for post-doctoral research activities at the University of Teramo.

Title: Development of rapid analytical methods for the determination of pesticides in food matrices.


Achievement of the dual-title Ph.D. (17/06/2016) - in Food Science (UNITE) and Analytical Chemistry (UAH) achieved with ‘mención cum Laude’.


Ph.D. student (1/05/2013-17/06/2016) - in Food Science (UNITE) and Analytical Chemistry (UAH), carried out under a co-tutoring agreement contract stipulated between the University of Teramo (UNITE) and the University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spain). 


Master's degree (28/03/2013) in Food Science and Technology, University of Teramo (UNITE), vote 110/110 cum laude.

Thesis internship carried out under a co-tutoring agreement between the UNITE -Analytical Chemistry laboratory and the UAH laboratory of ‘Miniaturization and Analytical Nanotechnology’ (MINYNANOTECH).


Erasmus Placement (2012, April-August) - at the laboratory of ‘Miniaturization and Analytical Nanotechnology’ (MINYNANOTECH), Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Alcalà de Henares (UAH) (Madrid, Spain). 


Internship post-lauream (2010, March-September) - carried out at the Analytical Chemistry laboratory of University of Teramo.


Bachelor's degree (31/03/2010) - in Food Science and Technology, University of Teramo (UNITE), vote 110/110 cum laude. 





Currently, he actively participates in research at the University of Teramo, collaborating with various research institutions and universities in the field of analytical chemistry: including the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain), the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) (Barcelona, Spain), the istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise "G. Caporale" (public institute for the safeguard of public health), the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of L'Aquila, the University of Florence, The University of Bari, The University of Salento, the University of Western Cape (South Africa), and the University of Antioquia (Colombia).

The main research activity, carried out by Dr. Flavio Della Pelle, concerns the development of both analytical methodologies and robust and simple biosensors, made with low-cost methodologies, based on nano and micro-structured materials, for the rapid detection of food quality and safety and of biomarkers of oxidative stress.

In recent years, he has focused research efforts on the development of electrodes based on nanomaterials, sensing and biosensing methodologies based on the formation of metal nanoparticles, functionalization and use of gas sensors based on nanomaterials and bio-compounds (peptides, nucleotides, etc.), use of microfluidic systems coupled to detection on nano-structured sensors (in particular capillary electrophoresis in lab-on-chip systems), development of rapid extraction techniques based on micro/nanomaterials, development and use of biosensors for oxidative stress markers monitoring in cell cultures and biological matrices.

Currently, the mains research lines concern the development of paper/plastic devices functionalized with nanomaterials, use of bio-compounds for the development of electrochemical mediators and the synthesis/exfoliation of nanomaterials, study of the properties and implementation of nanohybrid sensors based on 2D materials 'graphene-like ”(eg transition metal dichalcogenides), nanostructuring of biochar obtained from renewable sources, implementation of smart-devices for the rapid analysis of antioxidant and oxidant compounds and their interaction with biological systems. Recently, another research topic concerns the evaluation of the nanotoxicity of nanomaterials, 'produced' with natural compounds, towards biological models, such as bacteria, fungi, spermatozoa, and zebrafish embryos.

The ultimate goal of the dr. Della Pelle research lines is the implementation of biosensors and sensing platforms trying to maximize the sustainability of the analysis (analysis time, reduction of the use of solvents and waste produced, etc.) simplifying the 'analytical method/system' as much as possible, through the use of low-cost instruments and materials, and emerging technologies.





Citations registered by the main scientific databases:


Source Google Scholar:

Citations = 1550; H-index= 25; I10-index = 37


Source Scopus:

Citations = 1350; H-index= 23.





* = Corresponding author

**= First author: equal contribution


Silveri, F., Paolini, D., Della Pelle, F.*, Bollella, P., Scroccarello, A., Suzuki, Y., ... & Compagnone, D. (2023). Lab-made flexible third-generation fructose biosensors based on 0D-nanostructured transducers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 115450.


Merola, C., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Ferraro, G., Caioni, G., Perugini, M., ... & Compagnone, D. (2023). Ecotoxicological assessment of water phase exfoliated two-dimensional Group-VI transition metal dichalcogenides using zebrafish embryo model. Chemosphere, 140167.


Silveri, F., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Rapid pretreatment-free evaluation of antioxidant capacity in extra virgin olive oil using a laser-nanodecorated electrochemical lab-on-strip. Food Chemistry420, 136112.


Della Pelle, F., Bukhari, Q. U. A., Diduk, R. A., Scroccarello, A., Compagnone, D., & Merkoçi, A. (2023). Freestanding laser-induced two dimensional heterostructures for self-contained paper-based sensors. Nanoscale15(15), 7164-7175.


Zhao, L., Rosati, G., Piper, A., de Carvalho Castro e Silva, C., Hu, L., Yang, Q., Della Pelle. F., Ruslán, A-D, & Merkoçi, A. (2023). Laser Reduced Graphene Oxide Electrode for Pathogenic Escherichia coli Detection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.


Scroccarello, A., Álvarez-Diduk, R., Della Pelle, F., de Carvalho Castro e Silva, C., Idili, A., Parolo, C., Compagnone, D.,  & Merkoçi, A. (2023). One-Step Laser Nanostructuration of Reduced Graphene Oxide Films Embedding Metal Nanoparticles for Sensing Applications. ACS sensors.


Scroccarello, A., Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Metal Nanoparticles on Board of Low-Cost Devices for Optical Sensing. In Sensors and Microsystems: Proceedings of AISEM 2022 (pp. 100-110). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.


Elfadil, D., Silveri, F., Palmieri, S., Della Pelle, F.*, Sergi, M., Del Carlo, M., Amine, A., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Liquid-phase exfoliated 2D graphene nanoflakes electrochemical sensor coupled to molecularly imprinted polymers for the determination of citrinin in food. Talanta, 253, 124010


Nisini, G., Scroccarello, A., Ripanti, F., Fasolato, C., Cappelluti, F., Capocefalo, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, D., & Postorino, P. (2023). Nanoscale Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Investigation of a Polyphenol-Based Plasmonic Nanovector. Nanomaterials, 13(3), 377.


Fiori, S., Della Pelle, F.*, Silveri, F., Scroccarello, A., Cozzoni, E., Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Nanofibrillar biochar from industrial waste as hosting network for transition metal dichalcogenides. Novel sustainable 1D/2D nanocomposites for electrochemical sensing. Chemosphere, 137884.


Valentino, M., Imbriano, A., Tricase, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, D., Macchia, E., Torsi. L., Bollella, P., & Ditaranto, N. (2023). Electropolymerized molecularly imprinted polypyrrole film for dimethoate sensing: investigation on template removal after the imprinting process. Analytical Methods.


Cimini, C., Ramal-Sanchez, M., Taraschi, A., Della Pelle, F., Scroccarello, A., Belda-Perez, R., Valbonettim, V., Lanuti, P., Marchisio, M., D'atri, M., Ortolani, C., Papa, S., Capacchietti, G., Bernabò, N., Compagnone, D., & Barboni, B. (2023). Catechin Versus MoS2 Nanoflakes Functionalized with Catechin: Improving the Sperm Fertilizing Ability—An In Vitro Study in a Swine Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(5), 4788.


Palmieri, S., Elfadil, D., Fanti, F., Della Pelle, F., Sergi, M., Amine, A., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Study on Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Obtained Sonochemically for the Determination of Aflatoxins in Food. Molecules, 28(2), 703.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2023). Optical plasmonic sensing based on nanomaterials integrated in solid supports. A critical review. Analytica Chimica Acta1237, 340594.


Gaggiotti, S., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Ferraro, G., Del Carlo, M., Mascini, M., Angelo, C.,  & Compagnone, D. (2022). An electronic nose based on 2D group VI transition metal dichalcogenides/organic compounds sensor array. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 218, 114749.


Elfadil, D., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, D., & Amine, A. (2022). Green Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Dispersive Magnetic Solid-Phase Extraction of Erythrosine B Associated with Smartphone Detection in Food Samples. Materials, 15(21), 7653.


Stanchieri, G. D. P., De Marcellis, A., Faccio, M., Palange, E., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Differential Phase Shift Detection System for High Sensitivity High Resolution Optical Sensing of Nanostructured Plasmonic Thin-Films. In 2022 IEEE Sensors (pp. 1-4). IEEE. 


Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F.*, Scroccarello, A., Mazzotta, E., Di Giulio, T., Malitesta, C., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Carbon Black Functionalized with Naturally Occurring Compounds in Water Phase for Electrochemical Sensing of Antioxidant Compounds. Antioxidants, 11(10), 2008


Rojas, D., Della Pelle, F.*, Silveri, F., Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Phenolic compounds as redox-active exfoliation agents for group VI transition metal dichalcogenides. Materials Today Chemistry, 26, 101122.


Molina-Hernandez, J.B., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, De Flaviis, R., Compagnone, D., Del Carlo, M., Paparela, A., Chaves Lόpez, C. (2022) Synergistic antifungal activity of catechin and silver nanoparticles on Aspergillus niger isolated from coffee seeds. LWT, Available online 21 September 2022, 113990


Rojas, D., Hernández-Rodríguez, J. F., Della Pelle, F., Escarpa, A., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Correction: New trends in enzyme-free electrochemical sensing of ROS/RNS. Application to live cell analysis. Microchimica Acta, 189(3), 1-22.


Cimini, C., Bernabò, N., Ramal-Sanchez, M., Taraschi, A., Belda-Perez, R., Valbonetti, L., Capachietti, F., Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, D., Barboni, B. (2022). P-109 Nanoflakes of molybdenum disulfide functionalized with catechins modulate the sperm capacitation resulting in an improvement of the IVF outcomes in a swine in vitro model. Human Reproduction, 37(Supplement_1), deac107-105.


Elfadil, D., Palmieri, S., Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F.*, Sergi, M., Del Carlo, M., Aziz Amine & Compagnone, D. (2022). Fast sonochemical molecularly imprinted polymer synthesis for selective electrochemical determination of maleic hydrazide. Microchemical Journal, 107634.


Rojas D., Hernández-Rodríguez J.F., Della Pelle, F., Escarpa, A., Compagnone, D. (2022), New trends in enzyme-free electrochemical sensing of ROS/RNS. Application to live cell analysis. Microchimica Acta, 189(3), 1-22.


Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F.*, Scroccarello, A., Bukhari, Q. U. A., Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Modular graphene mediator film-based electrochemical pocket device for chlorpyrifos determination. Talanta, 240, 123212.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Monitoring disinfection in the Covid-19 era. A reagent-free nanostructured smartphone-based device for the detection of oxidative disinfectants. Microchemical Journal, 107165.


Elfadil, D., Palmieri, S., Della Pelle, F., Sergi, M., Amine, A., & Compagnone, D. (2022). Enzyme inhibition coupled to molecularly imprinted polymers for acetazolamide determination in biological samples. Talanta, 240, 123195.


Bukhari, Q. U. A., Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F.*, Scroccarello, A., Zappi, D., Cozzoni, E., & Compagnone, D. (2021). Water-Phase Exfoliated Biochar Nanofibers from Eucalyptus Scraps for Electrode Modification and Conductive Film Fabrication. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 9(41), 13988-13998.


Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F.*, Rojas, D., Bukhari, Q. U. A., Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., & Compagnone, D. (2021). (+)-Catechin-assisted graphene production by sonochemical exfoliation in water. A new redox-active nanomaterial for electromediated sensing. Microchimica Acta188(11), 1-13.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Rojas, D., Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., Gaggiotti, S., Cichelli A., & Compagnone, D. (2021). Metal nanoparticles based lab-on-paper for phenolic compounds evaluation with no sample pretreatment. Application to extra virgin olive oil samples. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1183, 338971.


Elfadil, D., Lamaoui, A., Della Pelle, F., Amine, A., & Compagnone, D. (2021). Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Combined with Electrochemical Sensors for Food Contaminants Analysis. Molecules, 26(15), 4607.


Scroccarello, A., Molina-Hernández, J.B., Della Pelle, F.*, Ciancetta, J., Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., Valbonetti, L., Chaves-Lopez. , Compagnone, D. (2021). Effect of phenolic compounds-capped AgNPs on growth inhibition of Aspergillus niger. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 199, 111533.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., Tempera, F., Dainese, E., & Compagnone, D. (2021). Plasmonic active film integrating gold/silver nanostructures for H2O2 Talanta, 222, 121682.


Rojas, D., Hernández-Rodrígueza, J.F., Della Pelle, F, Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D. & Escarpa, A. (2020). Oxidative stress on-chip: Prussian blue-based electrode array for in situ detection of H2O2 from cell populations. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 170, 112669.


Hernández Rodríguez, J. F., Della Pelle, F.**(First author: equal contribution), Rojas, D., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2020). Xurography-enabled thermally transferred carbon nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensors on PET-EVA films. Analytical Chemistry, 92(19), 13565–13572.


Gaggiotti, S., Della Pelle, F., Mascini, M., Cichelli, A., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Peptides, DNA and MIPs in Gas Sensing. From the Realization of the Sensors to Sample Analysis. Sensors, 20(16), 4433.


Della Pelle, F., Rojas, D., Silveri, F., Ferraro, G., Fratini, E., Scroccarello, A., Escarpa A., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Class-selective voltammetric determination of hydroxycinnamic acids structural analogs using a WS 2/catechin-capped AuNPs/carbon black–based nanocomposite sensor. Microchimica Acta, 187, 1-13.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F.*, Fratini, E., Ferraro, G., Scarano, S., Palladino, P., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Colorimetric determination of polyphenols via a gold nanoseeds–decorated polydopamine film. Microchimica Acta, 187, 1-10.


Gaggiotti, S., Palmieri, S., Della Pelle, F., Sergi, M., Cichelli, A., Mascini, M., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Piezoelectric peptide-hpDNA based electronic nose for the detection of terpenes; Evaluation of the aroma profile in different Cannabis sativa L.(hemp) samples. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 308, 127697.


Rojas, D., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2020). Group VI transition metal dichalcogenides as antifouling transducers for electrochemical oxidation of catechol-containing structures. Electrochemistry Communications, 115, 106718.


Della Pelle, F., Blandón-Naranjo, L., Alzate, M., Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Cocoa powder and catechins as natural mediators to modify carbon-black based screen-printed electrodes. Application to free and total glutathione detection in blood. Talanta, 207, 120349.


Della Pelle, F., Rojas, D., Scroccarello, A., Del Carlo, M., Ferraro, G., Di Mattia, C., Martuscelli, M., Escarpa A., & Compagnone, D. (2019). High-performance carbon black/molybdenum disulfide nanohybrid sensor for cocoa catechins determination using an extraction-free approach. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 296, 126651.


Gaggiotti, S., Mascini, M., Pittia, P., Della Pelle, F*., & Compagnone, D. (2019). Headspace Volatile Evaluation of Carrot Samples—Comparison of GC/MS and AuNPs-hpDNA-Based E-Nose. Foods, 8(8), 293.


Daniel, R., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Emiliano, F., Alberto, E., & Compagnone, D. (2019). Nanohybrid carbon black-molybdenum disulfide transducers for preconcentration-free voltammetric detection of the olive oil o-diphenols hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein. Microchimica Acta (Accepted. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3418-5).


Mascini, M., Gaggiotti, S., Della Pelle, F., Wang, J., Pingarrón, J. M., & Compagnone, D. (2019). Hairpin DNA-AuNPs as molecular binding elements for the detection of volatile organic compounds. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 123, 124-130.


Acevedo-Restrepo, I., Blandón-Naranjo, L., Hoyos-Arbeláez, J., Della Pelle, F., & Vázquez, M. V. (2019). Electrochemical Glucose Quantification as a Strategy for Ethanolic Fermentation Monitoring. Chemosensors, 7(1), 14.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Neri, L., Pittia, P., & Compagnone, D. (2019). Silver and gold nanoparticles based colorimetric assays for the determination of sugars and polyphenols in apples. Food Research International, 119, 359-368.


Della Pelle, F., Scroccarello, A., Scarano, S., & Compagnone, D. (2019). Silver nanoparticles-based plasmonic assay for the determination of sugar content in food matrices. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1051, 129-137.


Capoferri, D., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D. (2018) Affinity sensing strategies for the detection of pesticides in food. Foods, 7(9), 148.


Rojas, D., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., D'angelo, M., Dominguez-Benot. , Cimini, A., Escarpa, A., Compagnone, D. (2018) Electrodeposited Prussian blue on carbon black modified disposable electrodes for direct enzyme-free H2O2 sensing in a Parkinson's disease in vitro model. Sensors & Actuators: B, 275, 402-408.


Della Pelle, F., Angelini, C., Sergi, M., Del Carlo, M., Pepe, A., & Compagnone, D. (2018). Nano carbon black-based screen printed sensor for carbofuran, isoprocarb, carbaryl and fenobucarb detection: application to grain samples. Talanta, 186, 389-396.


Della Pelle, F., & Compagnone, D. (2018). Nanomaterial-based sensing and biosensing of phenolic compounds and related antioxidant capacity in food. Sensors, 18(2), 462.


Mascini, M., Gaggiotti. S., Della Pelle, F., Di Natale, C., Qakala, Sinazo., Iwuoha, Emmanuel., Pittia, P., Compagnone, D. (2018). Peptide modified ZnO nanoparticles as gas sensors array for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Frontiers in chemistry, 6, 105.


Blandón-Naranjo, L., Hoyos-Arbeláez, J., Vázquez, M. V., Della Pelle, F., & Compagnone, D. (2018). NADH oxidation onto different carbon-based sensors: Effect of structure and surface-oxygenated Groups. Journal of Sensors, 2018.


Della Pelle, F., Scroccarello, A., Sergi, M., Mascini, M., Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2018). Simple and rapid silver nanoparticles based antioxidant capacity assays: Reactivity study for phenolic compounds. Food Chemistry, 256, 342-349.


Calzarano, F., Osti F., D’Agostino, V., Pepe, A., Della Pelle, F., De Rosso, M., De, Di Marco, S. (2018). Levels of phytoalexins in vine leaves with different degrees of grapevine leaf stripe disease symptoms (Esca complex of diseases). Phytopathologia Mediterranea56(3), 494-501.


Blandón‐Naranjo, L., Della Pelle, F.*, Vázquez, M. V., Gallego, J., Santamaría, A., Alzate‐Tobón, M., Compagnone, D. (2018). Electrochemical Behaviour of Microwave‐assisted Oxidized MWCNTs Based Disposable Electrodes: Proposal of a NADH Electrochemical Sensor. Electroanalysis30(3), 509-516.


Della Pelle, F., Roberto, D. B., Vázquez, L., Del Carlo, M., Sergi, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2017). Press-transferred carbon black nanoparticles for class-selective antioxidant detection. Applied Materials Today,9, 29-36.


Calzarano, F., D’Agostino, V., Alessia, P., Fabio, O., Della Pelle, F., De Rosso, M., Di Marco, S. (2017). Patterns of phytoalexins in the grapevine leaf stripe disease (esca complex)/grapevine pathosystem.Phytopathologia Mediterranea,55(3), 410-426.


Di Ottavio, F., Della Pelle, F., Montesano, C., Scarpone, R., Escarpa, A., Compagnone, D., & Sergi, M. (2017). Determination of Pesticides in Wheat Flour Using Microextraction on Packed Sorbent Coupled to Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Food Analytical Methods10(6), 1699-1708.


Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Sergi, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2016). Press-transferred carbon black nanoparticles on board of microfluidic chips for rapid and sensitive amperometric determination of phenyl carbamate pesticides in environmental samples.Microchimica Acta,183(12), 3143-3149.


Della Pelle, F., Di Crescenzo, M. C., Sergi, M., Montesano, C., Di Ottavio, F., Scarpone, R., ... & Compagnone, D. (2016). Micro-solid-phase extraction (µ-SPE) of organophosphorous pesticides from wheat followed by LC-MS/MS determination.Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A,33(2), 291-299.


Della Pelle, F., Vázquez, L., Del Carlo, M., Sergi, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2016). Press‐Printed Conductive Carbon Black Nanoparticle Films for Molecular Detection at the Microscale.Chemistry-A European Journal,22(36), 12761-12766.


Lanzone, V., Sergi, M., Mascini, M., Scarpone, R., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., ... & Compagnone, D. (2015). Solid-phase extraction of pesticides by using bioinspired peptide receptors.Journal of Chemistry,2015.


Della Pelle, F., González, M. C., Sergi, M., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2015). Gold nanoparticles-based extraction-free colorimetric assay in organic media: an optical index for determination of total polyphenols in fat-rich samples.Analytical chemistry,87(13), 6905-6911.


Della Pelle, F., Vilela, D., González, M. C., Sterzo, C. L., Compagnone, D., Del Carlo, M., & Escarpa, A. (2015). Antioxidant capacity index based on gold nanoparticles formation. Application to extra virgin olive oil samples.Food chemistry,178, 70-75.


Del Carlo, M., Amine, A., Haddam, M., Della Pelle, F., Fusella, G. C., & Compagnone, D. (2012). Selective Voltammetric Analysis of o‐Diphenols from Olive Oil Using Na2MoO4 as Electrochemical Mediator.Electroanalysis,24(4), 889-896.






Silveri, F., Della Pelle, F., Rojas, D., Compagnone, D. Graphene Nanoflakes Incorporating Natural Phytochemicals Containing Catechols as Functional Material for Sensors. Chemistry Proceedings5, no. 1 (2021): 14. (DOI: 10.3390/CSAC2021-10619)


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F. , Bukhari, Q. U. A., Silveri, F., Zappi, D., Cozzoni, E., & Compagnone, D. (2021). Eucalyptus biochar as a sustainable nanomaterial for electrochemical sensors. Chemistry Proceedings, 5(1), 13. (DOI: 10.3390/CSAC2021-10618).


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone D. (2020) Lab-on-a-Tip Based on a Bimetallic Nanoarchitecture Enabling Catalytic 4-Nitrophenol Switch-off. MPDI Proceedings 2020, 60, 4.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Scarano, S., & Compagnone, D. (2020). Studies on Silver Nanoparticles Production Mediated by Sugars. In AISEM Annual Conference on Sensors and Microsystems (pp. 29-34). Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-030-37557-7).


Rojas, D., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., & Compagnone, D. (2018). Carbon Black as Electrode Modifier in Prussian Blue Electrodeposition for H2O2 Sensing. In Convegno Nazionale Sensori (pp. 345-350). Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-030-04323-0).


Gaggiotti, S., Della Pelle, F., Masciulli, V., Di Natale, C., & Compagnone, D. (2018). Monitoring Shelf Life of Carrots with a Peptides Based Electronic Nose. In Convegno Nazionale Sensori (pp. 69-74). Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-030-04323-0).


Della Pelle, F., Scroccarello, A., Santone, A., Compagnone, D. (2017). Optical Detection of Antioxidant Capacity in Food Using Metal Nanoparticles Formation. Study on Saffron Constituents. Sensors and Microsystems (pp. 151-157). Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-319-66801-7).


Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, D., Del Carlo, M., Vilela, D., González, M. C., & Escarpa, A. (2015). Development of an Optical Sensing Strategy Based on Gold Nanoparticles Formation Driven by Polyphenols. Application to Food Samples. InSensors (pp. 39-46). Springer International Publishing. (ISBN: 978-3-319-09616-2).


Della Pelle, F., Sergi, M., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D., & Escarpa, A. (2015). Press-transferred carbon black electrodes coupled to microchip electrophoresis for food pesticides detection. InAISEM Annual Conference, 2015 XVIII (pp. 1-3). (ISBN: 978-1-4799-8591-3).


Del Carlo, M., Pepe, A., Della Pelle, F., Mascini, M., Compagnone, D., Amine, A., & Fusella, G. C. (2011). An Amperometric Sensor for the Selective Determination of Ortho-Diphenols in Olive Oil. InSensors and Microsystems (pp. 361-365). Springer Netherlands. (ISBN: 978-94-007-1323-9).


Papers and metrics updated 21/02/2022





Oral presentations


Della Pelle F., Rojas D., Del Carlo M., Vázquez L., Compagnone D., Escarpa A. Carbon black based electrochemical transducers for microfluidic detection. 25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2019). Alcalá de Henares, Spain. 29/09/2019-2/10/2019 (INTERNATIONAL).


Della Pelle F., Rojas D., Del Carlo M., Diodato M., Escarpa A., Compagnone D. Nanomaterial-based sensors and food polyphenols: an analytical challenge and a source of useful electrochemical compounds. XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division. Bari, Italia. 22/09/2019-26/09/2019.


Della Pelle F., Gaggiotti S., Mascini M., Compagnone D. Gas sensors array equipped with Hairpin DNA traps for food quality and production process evaluation. 2nd European Biosensor Symposium 2019, Firenze, Italy. 18/2/2019-21/2/2019 (INTERNATIONAL).


Della Pelle F. Sensing of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Food using Nanoparticles and Carbon Black based Sensors. XXXVI Convegno interregionale TUMA, Pisa, Italia. 4/10/2018-5/10/2018


Della Pelle F., Scroccarello A., Compagnone D. Colorimetric metal nanoparticles plasmonic assays: a new tool for food analysis. CHIMALI - XII Italian Food Chemistry Congress. Camerino, Italia. 24/09/2018-27/09/2018.


Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D. Smart colorimetric metal nanoparticles plasmonic approach: a new analytical tool for olive oil antioxidant capacity evaluation and directly in fat matrix total polyphenols quantification. 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Belfast, Irlanda. 16/09/2018-19/09/2018. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., Compagnone D., Iwuoha E. Nanostructured sensors for rapid detection of pesticides in food. South African Association for Food Science & Technology (SAAFoST), 22nd Biennial International Congress & Exhibition. Cape Town, South Africa. 3/09/2017-6/09/2017. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., Vázquez L., Del Carlo M., Sergi M., Escarpa A., Compagnonea D. Microextraction techniques coupled to different carbon black based electrochemical detection strategy:mapplication to carbamates analysis. Giornata scientifica della divisione di bioanalitica in memoria del Prof. Francesco Dondi. Ferrara, Italia. 10/07/2017-11/07/2017.


Della Pelle F., Escarpa A., Vázquez L., Del Carlo M., Sergi M., Compagnone D. Press-Transferred carbon black nanoparticles: a new exclusive transducer for electrochemical sensing. XXXV convegno interregionale TUMA. Giulianova (Teramo), Italia. 25/09/2016-27/09/2016.


Della Pelle F., Vázquez L., Del Carlo M., Sergi M., Compagnone D., Escarpa A. Press-printed conductive carbon black nanoparticles films for molecular detection at the microscale. Congresso della divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica italiana Giardini Naxos (Messina), Italia. 18/09/2016-22/09/2016.


Della Pelle F., González M.C., Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., Escarpa A.Development of a nanostructured press transferred electrode coupled to microfluidic electrophoresis, for food contaminants determination. Convegno GS 2015 Sensori e biosensori: stato dell’arte e nuove prospettive. Parma, Italia. 15/06/2015-17/06/2015.


Della Pelle F., Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., Esccarpa A. Press-transferred carbon black electrodes coupled to microchip electrophoresis for food pesticide detection. Annual Conference XVIII AISEM. Trento, Italia. 03/02/2015-05/02/2015.


Della Pelle F., Pasquarelli R., Escarpa A., Compagnone D., Del Carlo M. Colorimetric method for the direct determination of total polyphenols in the matrix: application to virgin, extra virgin olive oil. XXV congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana. Rende (Cosenza), Italia. 07/09/2014-12/09/2014.




Della Pelle F., Scroccarello A., Fabri M., Martuscelli M., Di Mattia C., Compagnone D. Proposal of a rapid extraction-free strategy for cocoa powder antioxidant capacity evaluation. CHIMALI - XII Italian Food Chemistry Congress. Camerino, Italia. 24/09/2018-27/09/2018.


Della Pelle F., Santone A., Scroccarello A., Compagnone D. Rapid evaluation of polyphenols antioxidant capacity based on au and ag nanoparticles plasmonic assay. Food integrity 2017 conference. Parma, Italia.10/05/2017-11/05/2017. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., Santone A., Scroccarello A., Compagnone D. Optical detection of antioxidant capacity in food using metal nanoparticles formation. study on saffron constituents. Annual Conference XIX AISEM. Lecce, Italia. 21/02/2017-23/02/2017.


Della Pelle F., Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., González M.C., Escarpa A. Extraction-free, determination of total polyphenols in fat rich samples using a gold nanoparticle based colorimetric assay. EURO FOOD CHEM XVII. Madrid, España. 13/10/2015-16/10/2015. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., González M.C., Escarpa A. Nanostructured press transferred electrode for electrochemical sensing in microchip electrophoresis. Application to food contaminants. EURO FOOD CHEM XVII. Madrid, España. 13/10/2015-16/10/2015. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., González M.C., Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., Escarpa A. Nanostructured press transferred electrode coupled to microfluidic electrophoresis, for pesticide detection. XXV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana. Trieste, Italia. 13/09/2015-17/09/2015.


Della Pelle F., González M.C., Serg , Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., Escarpa A.Gold nanoparticles-based extraction-free colorimetric assay in organic media. VII Workshop on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Salamanca, España.. 06/07/2015-07/07/2015. (INTERNACIONAL)


Della Pelle F., Sergi M., Scarpone R., Montesano C., Curini R., Compagnone D., Escarpa M. Determination of pesticides in wheat with micro-solid phase extraction (μSPE) follow by HPLC-MS/MS. XXV congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana. Rende (Cosenza), Italia. 07/09/2014-07/12/2014.


Della Pelle F., Vilela D., González M.C., Compagnone D., Del Carlo M., Escarpa M. Development of an optical sensing strategy based on gold nanoparticles formation driven by polyphenols. Application to food samples. Secondo Convegno Nazionale Sensori. Roma, Italia. 19/02/2014-21/02/2014.


Della Pelle F. Control of pesticides in agro-food chain: development of analytical methodologies based on functionalized nanomaterials for in field and in lab rapid determinations. 18th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology. Conegliano (Treviso), Italia. 25/09/2013-27/09/2013.


Posters and oral presentations as co-author


Sara Gaggiotti, Flavio Della Pelle, Annalisa Scroccarello, Dario Compagnone. Liquid phase exfoliated Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for gas sensing. XXVII Congresso Nazionale SCI, Virtual Conference, 14/09/2021-23/07/2021.


Annalisa Scroccarello, Flavio Della Pelle, Dario Compagnone. Colorimetric paper-based analytical device for direct evaluation of olive oil phenols. XXVII Congresso Nazionale SCI, Virtual Conference, 14/09/2021-23/07/2021.


Filippo Silveri, Flavio Della Pelle, Annalisa Scroccarello, Qurat Ul Ain Bukhari, Dario Compagnone. Redox-active graphene film integrated into a smart device for pesticide biosensing. ​XXVII Congresso Nazionale SCI, Virtual Conference, 14/09/2021-23/07/2021.


Dounia Elfadil, Sara Palmieri, Flavio Della Pelle, Manuel Sergi, Aziz Amine, Dario Compagnone. Enzyme inhibition coupled to Molecular Imprinted Polymers for acetazolamide determination in biological samples. XXVII Congresso Nazionale SCI, Virtual Conference, 14/09/2021-23/07/2021.


Sara Palmieri, Dounia ElFadil, Flavio Della Pelle, Manuel Sergi, Dario Compagnone. Molecularly imprinted polymer coupled to LC-MS/MS for maleic hydrazide determination in food samples. XXVII Congresso Nazionale SCI, Virtual Conference, 14/09/2021-23/07/2021.


Filippo Silveri, Flavio Della Pelle, Daniel Rojas, Dario Compagnone. Graphene exfoliated through phytochemicals compounds containing cathecolic moieties as a functional nanomaterial for sensors. 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021). Virtual Conference, 01/07/2021-15/07/2021.


Annalisa Scroccarello, Flavio Della Pelle, Qurat Ul Ain Bukhari, Filippo Silveri, Daniele Zappi, Enrico Cozzoni, Dario Compagnone. Eucalyptus biochar as a sustainable nanomaterial for electrochemical sensors .1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry (CSAC2021). Virtual Conference, 01/07/2021-15/07/2021.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone D. Plasmonic-active nanostructured thin-films for sensing and biosensing. Towards lab-on-astrip smart devices. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. Virtual Conference, 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Filippo Silveri, Flavio Della Pelle, Daniel Rojas, Qurat Ul Ain Bukhari, Dario Compagnone. Liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene by phytochemicals. A new source of redox-active nanostructured functional materials for (bio)sensing. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. Virtual Conference, 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Dounia Elfadil, Flavio Della Pelle, Aziz Amine, Dario Compagnone. Rapid ultrasound-assisted synthesis of MIPs for sulfonamides. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. Virtual Conference, 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone D. Plasmonic-active nanostructured thin-films for sensing and biosensing. Towards lab-on-astrip smart devices. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Filippo Silveri, Flavio Della Pelle, Daniel Rojas, Qurat Ul Ain Bukhari, Dario Compagnone. Liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene by phytochemicals. A new source of redox-active nanostructured functional materials for (bio)sensing. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Dounia Elfadil, Flavio Della Pelle, Aziz Amine, Dario Compagnone. Rapid ultrasound-assisted synthesis of MIPs for sulfonamides. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021. 3rd European BioSensor Symposium. On-line 09/03/2021-12/03/2021.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone D. Lab-on-a-Tip Based on a Bimetallic Nanoarchitecture Enabling Catalytic 4-Nitrophenol Switch-off. The 1st International Electronic Conference on Biosensors. On-line, 02/11/2020 - 17/11/2020.


Rojas, D., Hernández-Rodríguez, J.F., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D., Escarpa, A. Development of a Prussian blue-based electrode array for in situ detection of H2O2 from living cells. Autumn Meeting for Young Chemists in Biomedical Sciences. On-line, 13/10/2020-14/10/2020.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Emiliano, F., Giovanni, F., Simona, S., & Compagnone, D. A nanohybrid bimetallic plasmonic active platform for hydrogen peroxide sensing and glucose biosensing. In Bioanalitica 2019 “From molecules to devices”. Parma, Italia, 06/12/2019.


Santiago, Q., Manuela, A., Della Pelle F., Mario, V., & Lucas, B. Design of a redox-mediator electrochemical sensor based in an in-situ immobilization of catechin on different carbon-based materials. CIM-2019: X Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Santander Bucaramanga, Colombia, 23/10/2019-25/10/2019.


Compagnone, D., Della Pelle, F., Daniel, R., Del Carlo, M., & Alberto, E. Transition metal dichalcogenides based nanohybrid sensors as useful devices in food polyphenols analysis. Merzouga, Morocco, 09/10/2019-11/10/2019.


Scroccarello, A., Della Pelle, F., Palladino, P., Scarano, S., & Compagnone, D. Multi metal-nanoparticles functionalized optical polymeric platforms as new useful analytical tool for food analysis. In XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division. XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division. Bari, Italia. 22/09/2019-26/09/2019.


Gaggiotti, S., Palmieri, S., Della Pelle, F., Ricci, A., Lo Sterzo, C., & Compagnone, D. Determination of volatile compounds in cannabis sativa l. using electronic nose based on peptide and hairpin dna vs. solid-phase microextraction and GC-MS. XXVIII Congress of the Analytical Chemistry Division. Bari, Italia. 22/09/2019-26/09/2019.


Rojas D., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D., Escarpa A. Carbon black-molybdenum disulfide nanohybrids as electrochemical transducers. IX International Conference on Analytical Nanosciences and Nanotechnology. Zaragoza, Spain, 2/07/2020-4/07/2019.


Martuscelli, M., Di Mattia, C. D., Della Pelle, F., Compagnone, d., sacchetti, g., & mastrocola, d. (2019). Effect of alkalization on bioactive compounds in cocoa powder samples. In 2nd Food Chemistry Conference: Shaping the Future of Food Quality, Safety, Nutrition, and Health. Siviglia, Spain 17/06/2019-19/06/2019 September, Seville (Spain).


Daniel, R., Hernández-Rodríguez, J. F., Della Pelle, F., Del Carlo, M., Compagnone, D., & Alberto, E. Microfluidic devices for cell culturing and electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite. In SelectBio conference-Lab-on-a-chip, microfluidics, organ-on-a-chip, point-of-care diagnostics conference. 2019, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 18/06/2019-19/06/2019.


Compagnone D., Della Pelle F. Innovative analytical and instrumental tools for quality and safety evaluation ABioNet Armenian Network of Excellence in Bio-products Science and Technology. Training, Workshop, and Meeting. 2019, Teramo, Italia. 6/05/2019-11/05/2019.


Rojas D., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Escarpa A., Compagnone D. Nanomaterial-based Electrochemical Sensing For Cell Lines Oxidative Stress Evaluation And For Bio-compounds Detection In Food. 2nd European Biosensor Symposium 2019, Florence, Italia. 18/02/2019-21/021/2019.


Scroccarello A., Della Pelle F., Scarano S., Compagnone D. Studies on silver nanoparticles production mediated by sugars. AISEM 2019. XX National Conference on Sensors and Microsystems (AISEM), Napoli, Italia. 11/02/2019-13/021/2019.


Gaggiotti S., Della Pelle F., Mascini M., Compagnone D. Study of process markers deriving from drying treatment of pasta using a peptide based gas sensor. XXVII Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana (SCI), Bologna, Italia. 16/09/2019-20/09/2019.


Rojas D., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D. Carbon Black -MoS2 nanocomposite as novel screen-printed electrodes modifier. XXVII Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana (SCI), Bologna, Italia. 16/09/2019-20/09/2019.


Rojas D., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D. Disposable electrodes for direct enzyme-free H2O2 sensing in a parkinson’s disease in vitro model.  64th GEI – Italian Society of Developmental and Cell Biology. L’Aquila, Italia. 11/6/2018-14/6/2018.


Compagnone D., Della Pelle F., Scroccarello A., Penna A. Metal nanoparticles-based plasmonic assays: an emerging analytical tool for food analysis. Iseki food. Stuttgart, Germany. 2/6/2018-5/6/2018.


Gaggiotti S., Della Pelle F., Masciulli V., Di Natale C., Compagnone D. Monitoring Shelf Life of Carrots with Peptide Based Electronic Nose. Catania, Italia. 21/02/2018-23/02/2018.


Gaggiotti S., Della Pelle F., Mascini M., Compagnone D. Sensing vocs using dna-based quartz crystal microbalances. Covegno Nazionale Sensori. Catania, Italia. 21/02/2018-23/02/2018.


Rojas D., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Compagnone D. Nanostructured screen-printed electrodes for hydrogen peroxide sensing in cell cultures. Convegno Nazionale Sensori. Catania, Italia. 21/02/2018-23/02/2018.


Gaggiotti S, Della Pelle F., Di Natale C., Qakalc S., Iwuohac E, Compagnonea D. Peptides Functionalized ZnO Nanoparticles Array as New Tool for Gas Sensors. Giornata scientifica della divisione di bioanalitica in memoria del Prof. Francesco Dondi. Ferrara, Italia. 10/07/2017-11/07/2017.


Vázquez M., Blandón-Naranjo L., Gallego J., Alzate-Tobon M., Della Pelle F., Compagnone D. Respuesta electroquímica de NADH sobre electrodos impresos modificados con nanotubos de carbono oxidados. XXXII CONGRESO DE LA SOCIEDAD MEXICANA DE ELECTROQUIMICA. Guanajuato, Gto. 2017, Messico. 5/06/2017-8/06/2017. (INTERNACIONAL).


Gaggiotti S., Della Pelle F., Di Natale C., Qakala S., Iwuoha E., Compagnone D .Peptides functionalized ZnO nanoparticles array, as new tool for gas sensors. Annual Conference XIX AISEM. Lecce, Italia. 21/02/2017-23/02/2017.


Di Ottavio F., Simeoni M.C., Della Pelle F., Montesano C., Curini R., Sergi M., Pittia P., Compagnone D. MEPS extraction of pesticides in wheat followed UHPLC-MS/MS analysis. 4° MS Food Day. Foggia, Italia. 07/10/2015-09/10/2015. (INTERNACIONAL).


Di Ottavio F., Della Pelle F., Montesano C., Simenoni M.C, Compagnone D., Curini R., Sergi M., Scarpone R., Scortichini G. Multiclass determination of pesticides in wheat flour by MEPS followed by HPLC-MS/MS. XXV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana. Trieste, Italia. 13/09/2015-17/09/2015.


Lanzonea V., Sergi M., Mascini M., Scarpone R., Della Pelle F., Del Carlo M., Scortichini G., Compagnone d. Bio-inspired peptide receptors for solid-phase extraction of pesticides.. Giornata scientifica della divisione di bioanalitica. Bologna, Italia. 04/07/2014.


Lanzone V, Mascini M, Sergi M., Del Carlo M., Della Pelle F., Pepe A., Compagnone D. Computational design and selection of biomimetic receptors for pesticides selective extraction. XXIV Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana. Sestri Levante (GE), Italia. 15/09/2013-19/09/2013.


Del Carlo M., Fusella G.C., Della Pelle F., Cichelli A., Amine A., Compagnone D. Direct and mediated electrochemical approaches for the analysis of polyphenols in extravirgin olive oil. IV Workshop del Gruppo Sensori della Divisione di Chimica Analitica. Teramo, Italia. 15/06/2011-17/06/2011.





 2019 (September) - Alcalá de Henares (Spain) ‘Pre-symposium course’ of the 25th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical, and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2019). Title: Microchip-electrophoresis coupled to

nanomaterial-based electrochemical detection in food analysis. 29/09/2019.


2017 (September) - Western Cape (South Africa), University of the Western Cape (Seminario). Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences. Title: Analytical methodologies based on nano and microstructured materials for rapid determination of pesticides in food. 29/09/2017.





2021–XXVII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SCI, Italian Society of Chemistry (14-23 September, telematic). Title: ‘2D Nanomaterials: among functional natural compounds and affordable sensor designs’.


2018–TUMA XXXVI Interregional congress, Italian Society of Chemistry (October, Siena, Italy). Title: ‘Sensing of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity in Food using Nanoparticles and Carbon Black based Sensors’. 





Analytical Chemistry

Analytica Chimica Acta

Microchimica Acta

Electrochimica Acta

RSC Advance


Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry


Food Chemistry

Nanoscale Research Letters


Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta


Journal of Cereal Science






Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology

Food Technology and Biotechnology journal

Microchemical Journal

Green Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Biochemistry 

Green Analytical Chemistry
Analytical biochemistry

Surfaces and Interfaces Journal
Applied Surface Science
Journal of Molecular Liquids
Material letters


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-01-2016