Prof. SERAFINI Mauro
Prof. SERAFINI Mauro


Telefono: 0861-266939



Curriculum accademico

 Luogo e data di nascita:                     Roma 28/3/1966


Ordinario di Scienze Tecniche e Dietetiche Applicate (MED49), Insegnamento di Alimentazione e Nutrizione Umana. Incluso nella lista redatta dalla Thomson Reuters relativa ai Ricercatori più citati nel periodo 2002-2013 nel campo agricoltura/nutrizione.

Commendatore dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana per meriti scientifici.


Missione: Svelare i meccanismi di difesa dell’organismo nei confronti di stress esogeni (ossidativi/infiammatori), identificare ingredienti e alimenti funzionali da utilizzare come sorgente naturale di molecole bio-attive per strategie nutrizionali di prevenzione dello stress metabolico e delle patologie correlate e per la tutela della salute umana. La ricerca si snoda attraverso un percorso sperimentale che va dall’analisi dei principali ingredienti, alla ricerca su modelli cellulari fino allo studio nell’uomo garantendo un approccio multifunzionale e versatile. Sono sviluppati studi d’intervento nutrizionali pre-clinici su soggetti sani caratterizzati da fattori di rischio cardiovascolare (sovrappeso etc), in presenza e non, di fattori stressogeni nutrizionali (stress postprandiale etc). Recentemente è stata avviata una linea di ricerca in eco-nutrizione focalizzata sulla valutazione della sostenibilità di diete ad alto contenuto in alimenti di origine vegetale e alla valutazione dell’impatto dello spreco alimentare su marcatori ambientali/nutrizionali.


Titoli di studio:


1992       Laurea con lode in Scienze Biologiche presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma “ La Sapienza”, discutendo una tesi sperimentale effettuata presso l’Unità di Nutrizione Umana dell’Istituto Nazionale della Nutrizione.


1999      Dottorato di ricerca in Fisiopatologia Sperimentale (XII ciclo), facoltà di Medicina dell’Università degli studi di Pavia. Tesi sperimentale dal titolo “Modulazione red-ox dello stress ossidativo da parte dei composti fenolici: meccanismo d’azione e impatto sulla risposta immunitaria cellulo-mediata”. Coordinatore Prof. V. Vannini.


Esperienze professionali:


Incarico professionale INN: “Alimentazione e rischio ossidativo: messa a punto di modelli sperimentali e protocolli epidemiologici”. Durante questo periodo sviluppa un modello sperimentale fluorimetrico per la determinazione del Potere Antiossidante Totale dei fluidi biologici, matrici alimentari e delle soluzioni. Studia l’effetto della supplementazione con antiossidanti sullo stato red-ox plasmatico in soggetti sani sottoposti a stress ossidativo.


Da Gennaio 1994 a Marzo 1994. Partecipa al WHO-Immunocompetence Study, in collaborazione con il Rowett Research Institute di Aberdeen e il St. John Medical College di Bangalore. Nell'ambito di tale progetto si reca in un villaggio situato nel sud dell'India ove si occupa dell'organizzazione dello studio sul campo.


Da Aprile 1994 a Maggio 1996. Come borsista CNR svolge all’INN ricerche volte a chiarire l’effetto della supplementazione con bevande ad alto contenuto fenolico sullo stato red-ox in vivo nell'uomo.


Da Luglio 1996 a Novembre 1996. Incarico professionale INN: “Valutazione attività antiossidante in vitro ed ex vivo di alcuni polifenoli rappresentativi della dieta mediterranea” Conduce ricerche tese a chiarire il meccanismo d’azione di sostanze antiossidanti rappresentative della dieta mediterranea utilizzando modelli sperimentali di stress ossidativo in vitro ed ex-vivo.


Giugno 1996.  Vincitore della borsa di studio relativa al programma CNR-Enti di Ricerca Italiani ed Istituzioni di Ricerca Straniere mobilità di breve durata (short-term fellowship). Visiting Scientist nel Dipartimento di Biochimica, Facoltà di Farmacia dell'Universita di Coimbra, Portogallo. Capo del laboratorio: Prof. Leonor Almeida.


Da Giugno 1997 a Novembre 1998. Ricercatore alNutritional Immunology Laboratory al Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston USA, diretto dal Prof. Simin Meydani. Conduce ricerche tese a chiarire il meccanismo d’azione dell’effetto immunostimolante dei fenoli nell’invecchiamento e a valutare l’azione immunostimolante dei diversi isomeri della vitamina E in modelli animali e cellulari durante l’invecchiamento. Acquisisce esperienza nell’isolamento e nella coltura di cellule primarie e secondarie (splenociti e macrofagi), nella valutazione della proliferazione cellulare e della produzione di mediatori infiammatori in modelli cellulari .


2000. Titolare di una borsa di studio della Comunità Europea “Short-term scientific mission within COST Action 916”presso l’Instituto de Nutrición y Bromatologia (CSIC-UCM) dell’Universitá Complutense di Madrid, Prof. Ascensión Marcos. Apprende tecniche ELISA per misurare la proliferazione linfocitaria e la produzione di citochine, tecniche di citofluorimetria per determinare profilo linfocitario e burst ossidativo .


1999-2007. Ricercatore a contratto (ex art. 23) INRAN.


Membro del Comitato Scientifico 2a Conferenza Nazionale per l’Educazione Alimentare, Roma.


Membro delComitato Organizzatore del FENS Meeting Roma.


Titolare di una borsa di studio Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences per svolgere attività di ricerca alla Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine e per tenere seminari in Università e Centri di Ricerca giapponesi.


Gennaio 2008. Assunto come ricercatore all’INRAN.


2012-2013. Direttore del Programma “Alimenti funzionali e Prevenzione Stress Metabolico” (INRAN).


2014: Incluso nella lista redatta dalla Thomson Reuters relativa ai Ricercatori più citati nel periodo 2002-2013 nel campo agricoltura/nutrizione.


2014. Organizzatore della VII Immuno-Nutrition Conference. Carovigno, Bari. May 2014.


2014-2015. Consulente FAO per argomenti di eco-nutrizione e spreco alimentare.


2014-2016. Membro Gruppo di lavoro per la revisione delle “Linee guida per una sana alimentazione italiana”: Sostenibilità alimentare e Frutta e verdura


2015-on. ConsulenteScientifico per la Nutrizione del Commissario del CREA e Gruppo Supporto Stesura Piano Triennale CREA.


Organizzatore dell’Evento Expo 2015: “Menù Funzionali e Sostenibili per l’Uomo e il Pianeta”.


2016. Visiting Scientist alla Kyoto Women University. Titolare di una borsa di studio Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences per condurre ricerca e tenere seminari in Università e Centri di Ricerca giapponesi.


Progetti Scientifici


Responsabilità e Gestione di Progetti Nazionali e Internazionali finanziati da enti pubblici e privati.


Effetto sulla salute e biodisponibilità degli antiossidanti di bevande ad alto contenuto in estratti naturali di frutti diversi (Coca Cola 1).

Attività antiossidante e anti-infiammatoria di bevande a base di frutta e a basso apporto calorico (Coca Cola 2).


Quantificazione dell’attività antiossidante in vitro di bevande a base di tè (IN VITRO).


Effetto dell'ingestione in acuto di te' Rooibos (aspalathus linearis) sui bio-marcatori di stato antiossidante in soggetti sani (BPW).


QUALIFU-IDF Sviluppo e applicazione di un indice multifattoriale, Impronta Digitale Funzionale, caratterizzante le proprietà antiossidanti e nutrizionali di alimenti italiani di origine vegetale (MIPAAF).


QUALIFU-ALIETA Alimenti funzionali per l’età avanzata: ottimizzazione e valorizzazione dei prodotti italiani in grado di migliorare la qualità dela vita delle persone anziane (MIPAAF).


ORDET: Valutazione della capacità antiossidante totale su campioni ematici dello studio caso-controllo ORDET.


MEDITO: Effetto della dieta mediterranea sullo stato redox ed infiammatorio e sulla funzione endoteliale, in soggetti esposti a fattori di rischio per malattie cardiovascolari . Coordinatore U.O (MIPAAF).



Attività didattica:


2014-2020. Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale.

Abilitato OrdinarioBIO10 (Biochimica); 05E1.


2016-17: Insegnamento di Nutrizione Umana, Facoltà di Bioscienze e tecnologie agro-alimentari e ambientali, Università di Teramo.


2017-18: Insegnamento di Nutrizione Sostenibile, Facoltà di Bioscienze e tecnologie agro-alimentari e ambientali, Università di Teramo.


2017-18: Insegnamento di Experimental Nutrition, Facoltà di Bioscienze e tecnologie agro-alimentari e ambientali, Università di Teramo.


2015-on: Insegnamento “Food, Nutrition and Culture”, GustoLab Center, University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne e Auburn University.

2007-on. Professore a invito di “Food, Nutrition and Health” and “Sustainable Nutrition”, Facoltà di Tecnologie Alimentari e Biotecnologie, Università di Zagabria .

2007-on. Insegnamento “Modulazione nutrizionale dello stress ossidativo e infiammatorio nell’uomo”. Master in Dietologia e Nutrizione Clinica, Istituto Alta Formazione, Roma.


2009-2013. Insegnamento al Corso Medicina anti-aging. Scuola Internazionale Medicina Estetica, Fondazione Fatebenefratelli .


2003-on. Docenza per l’area “fitoterapia clinica” e insegnamento “Antiossidanti della dieta, stato redox e patologie” al Master di II livello in Fitoterapia e al Master di I livello in Fondamenti di Fitoterapia (dall’A.A. 2014/2015) dell’Università di Siena.


2004-2013. Insegnamento “Antiossidanti della dieta e prevenzione”. Master primo livello in Prevenzione e assistenza a sovrappeso, obesità e disturbi dell’alimentazione”, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”.


2012-2013 Docente allaPhytoAcademy - Scuola di Fitoterapia per Pediatri.


2012 Insegnamento corso Immuno-nutrizione CSIC, Madrid.


2000-2010. Insegnamento di Dietologia Fisiologica Scuola di Specializzazione in Scienza dell’Alimentazione. Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università di Roma “La Sapienza.


2002-2003 Insegnamento al Corso Opzionale di “Modulazione nutrizionale dello stato redox” Corso di Laurea Professioni Sanitarie Tecniche di Dietistica. Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”.


2010 Insegnamento corso di formazione dell’Università di Teramo, Istituto Zooprofilattico sperimentale abruzzo e molise .


Borse di Studio Internazionali e Premi:


1992       Premio SINU, riservato a giovani ricercatori XXV° Riunione Generale SINU Roma


1995       FASEB Summer Research Course:“Antioxidant Nutrients in the Cellular Biology of Health and Disease” Vermont University USA.


1996       "III° European Nutrition Leadership Programme" Lussemburgo.


1996       Borsa di studio CNR-Enti di Ricerca Italiani ed Istituzioni di Ricerca Straniere. Visiting Scientist Facoltà di Farmacia Università di Coimbra, Portogallo.


1999      Vincitore borsa di studio della Comunità Europea “Short-term scientific mission within COST Action 916” Università Complutense, Madrid.


2005      Lettera di apprezzamento scientifico da parte della società giapponese di anti-invecchiamento.


2014      Highly Cited Scientist (Thomson Reuters).


2015      Vincitore del Premio Gusto” della Stampa Estera per la sana e giusta divulgazione alimentare.


2016     Lettera Apprezzamento Scientifico e Accademico Università Zagabria.


Gruppi di lavoro, revisioni sicnetifiche e incarichi editoriali.


Esperto della Task force dell’ILSI Europe “Application of PASSCLAIM

criteria on polyphenols antioxidative acity” .


Esperto della Task force dell’ILSI Europe “Nutrition and Immunity in Man”.


Membro del programma Europeo “Eurofir”.


Esperto nazionale membro del gruppo di lavoro “Antioxidant capacity methodlogies” nell’ambito del COST 916 Action “Bioactive plant cell wall components in nutrition and health”.


Editore Capo di Frontiers in Nutritional Epidemiology.


Editore Associato di Journal of Functional Foods, Nutrition and Aging, Frontiers in Nutrition and Ecological Sustainability e Frontiers in Immunological Nutrition.


Revisore scientifico per: JAMA, Gastroenterology, JAFC, British Journal Nutrition, Free Radical Research, Free Radical Biology Medicine, Journal Food Sciences, Redox Report, European Journal of Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Talanta, Journal of Human Nutrition Dietetics, American Journal Medical Sciences, Food Sciences Technology, American Journal Clinical Nutrition, World Cancer Research Fund.


Editore del Research Topic di Frontier in Nutritional Immunology and Frontiers in Cardiovascular Metabolism: “Chocolate and health: friends or foe”.


Revisore CINECA, VQR MIUR, World Cancer Research Fund, Ministero Croato per la Ricerca.


Presidente Commissioni Giudicatrici Concorsi CoCoCo.



Società Scientifiche e Convegni


Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione “Gruppo 2003 per la Ricerca Scientifica” che riunisci tutti gli “Highly Cited” Italiani.


Membro del Consiglio Direttivo della Societá Italiana Scienza dell’Alimentazione.


Relatore invitato a numerosi congressi nazionali, internazionali e in Istituti di Ricerca e Università nazionali e internazionali per tenere seminari sulla modulazione nutrizionale dello stress ossidativo/infiammatorio nell’uomo.

Curriculum english version

Date and place of birth :         28/3/1966, Rome


Full Professor of Human Nutrition. Knight Commander of the Order of Merit of Italian Republic.


Research Mission: Unravelling the mechanism of body’s resistance to dietary-induced stressors and to understand the role of plant foods in modulating antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cell-mediated immune reponse in humans. Research is developed following a path of different experimental models from the cell culture to animals and, to specific dietary intervention trials in humans, in order to plan strategies of dietary intervention for metabolic stress prevention. Assessment of the nutritional sustainability of diet and their impact on human and planet health.

Current Research Objectives:
i) Understanding the biological mechanism (s) of the dietary modulation of body fluids and tissues oxidative stress in humans.
ii) Investigate the role of dietary plant foods in modulating post-prandial inflammatory and lipidic stress in humans
iii) Understanding the bioavailability of phenolic compounds in humans and evaluation of the dietary factors interfering with their absorption.
iv) Development of biomarkers and experimental models for the assessment of redox, and oxidative status in tissues and body fluids.
v) Unraveling the link between sustainable dietary behavior and metabolic health.



University of Rome "La Sapienza", Faculty of Biological Sciences Doctoral Degree cum laude in April 1992 on Human Nutrition. Thesis "Plasma levels of natural antioxidants in groups of population from different geographical areas."


Research Experience:

1992 - 1993

Post-Graduate Research Assistant with Prof. A. Ferro-Luzzi, Unit of Human Nutrition, National Institute of Food and Nutrition, Rome, Italy.

Research project: Assessment of human red-ox status by biochemical indexes.

1994 - May 1997

Post-Graduate Research Fellow with Prof A. Ferro-Luzzi, Unit of Human Nutrition, National Institute of Food and Nutrition, Rome, Italy.

Research project: Dietary modulation of oxidative stress by phenolic compounds.


1996    Visiting Scientist nel Dipartimento di Biochimica, Facoltà di Farmacia dell'Universita di Coimbra, Portogallo. Capo del laboratorio: Prof. Leonor Almeida

Research project: Role of phenolic compounds in LDL oxidative protection.


1997-1999. Visiting Scientist with Prof. Simin Nikbin Meydani at the Nutritional Immunology Laboratory, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, Mass, USA.

Research Project: Red-ox modulation of the cell-mediated immune response in ageing.


November 1999 Visiting Scientist“Short-term scientific mission within COST Action 916” at the ’Instituto de Nutrición y Bromatologia (CSIC-UCM) Complutense University of Madrid. Prof. Ascensión Marcos.

Research Project: Red-ox modulation of the cell-mediated immune response.


2005: Visiting professor at the Kyoto medical University, department of inflammation. Tenour of a grant of the Japan Society for Promotional of Sciences.


2012-2013. Director of the Programme “Functional food and metabolic stress prevention” Programme. INRAN, Rome, Italy. (now CRA-NUT).


2013-on. FAO consultant for the Nutrition Unit on aspects related to Food Waste and Losses.


2014. Organizer of the VII ImmunoNutrition Conference. Carovigno, Bari. May 2014.


2014. Highly cited scientist. Inclusion in the list of international researchers displaying the greatest numbers of report officially designated by Essential Science Indicators as Highly Cited Papers, ranking among the top 1% most cited for their subject field and year of publication, earning the mark of exceptional impact. Source Thomson Reuters (


2015-2016. Scientific Consultant of the Director of Italian Research Council on Agriculture.


2015. Organizer of the Expo Event: “Sustainable Menu for Human and Planet Health”.


2016. Visiting professor at the Kyoto Women University, Department of food and nutrition. Tenour of a grant of the Japan Society for Promotional of Sciences to give lecture at Japanese Research Center and University.


2016. Winnerof the Award “Gusto” of the International Press for best communication in nutrition.





2016-17: Teaching of Human Nutrition, Faculty of Biosciences and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment Teramo University


2017-18: Teaching of Sustainable  Nutrition, Faculty of Biosciences and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, Teramo University.


2017-18: Teaching of Experimental  Nutrition, Faculty of Biosciences and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment, Teramo University.


2015-on: Teaching “Food, Nutrition and Culture” at GustoLab Center of University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne.


2014-2018: National Abilitation as Full Professor in Nutrition in Biochemistry (BIO10).


2008-on: Invited Professor of Nutrition at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology


2010-on: Teaching at the Immuno-Nutrition workshop (CSIC)


2009-on. Teaching of “Diet and disease” at the International School of Esthetic Medicine, Fondazione fatebenefratelli


2007-on. Teaching of “Dietary modulation of oxidative and inflammatory stress in humans” Master in clinical nutrition and dietetics. Istituto Alta Formazione.


2003-on. Teaching of “Dietary antioxidants, redox status and pathologies”. Master of Phytoterapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Siena University.


2000 – 2010: Teaching of “Nutrition Phisiology” at the School of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rome “La Sapienza”


2005: Visiting professor at the Kyoto medical University, department of inflammation. Tenour of a grant of the Japan Society for Promotional of Sciences.


2004-on Teaching “Dietary antioxidants and CVD prevention” at the Master in “Obesity prevention” of the Faculty of Medicine, University “La Sapienza”.


2002-2003 Teaching “Dietary modulation of oxidative stress”. Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”



Other Responsibilities:


1992           Award for best poster of the Italian Society for Human Nutrition


1996           Selected to participate at the European Nutrition Leadership Programme (Luxembourg)


2001           Expert for the measurement of Total Antioxidant Capacity in food and biological matrixes. EU COST Action 916.


2005           Member of the EU programme Eurofir.


2005           Expert of the ILSI Europe Task force “Nutrition and Immunity in Man”


2005           Appreciation letter from Antiageing Japanese Society


2007            Expert of the ILSI Europe Task force “Application of PASSCLAIM criteria on polyphenols antioxidative activity”


Scientific referee for: Gastroenterology, JAFC, British Journal Nutrition, Free Radical Research, Free Radical Biology Medicine, Journal Food Sciences, Redox Report, European Journal of Nutrition, Food Chemistry, Talanta, Journal of Human Nutrition Dietetics, Journal Food Composition Analyses, American Journal Medical Sciences, JAMA, Food Sciences Technology, American Journal Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition & Cancer, Croatian Ministry of Science. Portoguese Ministry of Science,World Cancer Research Fund, CINECA, Italian and Croatian Ministry of Research.


Member of International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

Member of the Directive Board of the Italian Society of Food Science

Member of Oxygen Club of California

Member of Free Radical Research Society

Associate Editor of Frontiers in Nutrition and Environmental Sustainability

Associate Editor of Frontiers in Nutritional Immunology


Funded Project


Biomarkers of antioxidant and bioavailability status following ingestion of flavan-3-ol-rich teas to human volunteers. (World Partner Beverages).


Effect of ingestion of Rooibos (ASPALATHUS LINEARIS) herbal tea on biomarkers of antioxidant status in human volunteers. (World Partner Beverages).


Health effects and bioavailability of antioxidants in a beverage formulation (Coca-Cola)


Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect of fruit drinks. (Coca-cola)


Life style, hormones, gene expression and oxidative stress in the process of development of breast cancer. (Italian Association for Research on Cancer)


QUALIFU/IDF Development of an index to assess nutritional quality of food. (Ministry of Agricolture).



Articoli di particolare rilevanza sono:


Serafini M, Bugianesi R, Maiani M, Valtueňa S, De Santis S & Crozier A. Plasma antioxidants from chocolate. Nature 2003: 424:1013.


Serafini M, & Crozier A. Milk and absorption of dietary flavonols. Nature 2003: 426:788.


Serafini M., Bellocco R., Wolk A., & Ekström AM. Total Antioxidant Potential of Fruit and Vegetables and risk of gastric cancer.Gastroenterology 2003;123:985-991. La copertina di Gastroenterology è stata dedicata alla pubblicazione.


Serafini M., Ghiselli A. & Ferro-Luzzi A.In vivo antioxidant effect of green and black tea in man.Eur J Clin Nutr 1996: 50:28-32. *** Lavoro con il maggior numero di citazioni pubblicato su EJCN dal 1996 al 2002, “highly cited paper” in medicina clinica (top 1%) secondo ISI Essential Science Indicators. (EJCN 2002: 56).


Serafini M., Ghiselli A., Ferro-Luzzi A. Red wine, tea, and antioxidants. The Lancet 1994; 344:626.


Altre Pubblicazioni


Ghiselli A., Serafini M., & Ferro-Luzzi A.: New approaches for measuring plasma or serum antioxidant capacity: a methodological note. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1994:16:135.


Ghiselli A., Serafini M., Maiani G., Azzini E., & Ferro-Luzzi A.: A fluorescence-based method for measuring total plasma antioxidant capability. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1995:18: 29-36.


Ferro-Luzzi A., Serafini M.:Polyphenols in our diet: Do they matter?. Nutrition 1995:11:399-400.


Maiani G., Serafini M., Salucci M., Azzini E. Ferro-Luzzi A.: Application of a new high-performance liquid chromatographic method for measuring selected polyphenols in human plasma. Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Application 1997:692,311-317.


Pappalardo G., Maiani M., Mobarhan S., Guadalaxara A., Azzini E., Raguzzini A., Salucci M., Serafini M., Trifero M., Illomei G., Ferro-Luzzi A. Plasma (carotenoids, retinol, -tocopherol) and tissue (carotenoids) levels after supplementation with ß-carotene in subjects with precancerous and cancerous lesions of sigmoid colon. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1997:51,661-666.


Ghiselli A. & Serafini M. Measurements of the antioxidant capacity in human plasma. Biofactors 1997:6,451-453.


Serafini M., Maiani G. & Ferro-Luzzi A.: Effect of ethanol on red wine tannin-protein (BSA) interactions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1997:45,3148-3151.


Ticca M., Serafini M. Wine, health and dietary modulation of oxidative stress: an up-date. Alcologia 1997:9,185-189.


Serafini M., Maiani G. & Ferro-Luzzi A. Alcohol-free red wine enhances plasma antioxidant capacity in humans. Journal of Nutrition 1998:128,1003-1007.


Ghiselli A. & Serafini M. Diet and total plasma antioxidant capacity in humans. Médecine Biologie Environnement 1998:26,171-175.


Serafini M, Wu D, Beharka A, Martin KR, Meydani M, Meydani SN. Effect of different forms of vitamin E (E) on prostaglandin (PG)E2 production and in vitro T cell proliferation of old mice. FASEB Journal 1998:12(5).


Wu D., Meydani M., Beharka A., Serafini M., Martin KR. & SN Meydani. In vitro supplementation with different tocopherol homologues can affect the function of immune cells in old mice. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2000:28,643-651.


Serafini M. Dietary vitamin E and T cell-mediated function in the elderly: effectiveness and mechanism of action. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 2000:18,401-410.


Ekström AM., Serafini M., Nyrén O., Hansson L-E., Ye W. & Wolk A. Dietary antioxidant intake and the risk of cardia cancer and non-cardia cancer of the intestinal and diffuse types - a population-based case-control study in Sweden. International Journal of Cancer 2000:87,133-140.


Bugianesi R., Serafini M., Simone F., Wu D., Meydani S., Ferro-Luzzi A., Azzini E. & Maiani G. High-performance liquid chromatography with coulometric electrode array detector for the determination of quercetin levels in cells of the immune system. Analytical Biochemistry 2000:284,296-300.


Serafini M., Laranhjinha JAN., Almeida L. & Maiani G. Inhibition of human LDL lipid peroxidation by phenol-rich beverages and their impact on plasma Total Antioxidant Capacity (TRAP) in humans. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2000:11,585-590.


Ghiselli A., Serafini M., Natella F., & Scaccini C. Total antioxidant capacity as a tool to assess redox status:critical view and experimental data. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2000:29,1106-1114.


Beharka A., Wu D., Serafini M., & SN Meydani. Mechanism of vitamin E inhibition of cyclooxygenase activity in macrophages from old mice: role of peroxynitrite. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2002:32,503-511.


Serafini M., Bugianesi R., Salucci M., & Maiani G., Ferro-Luzzi A., Azzini E. Effect of acute ingestion of fresh and stored lettuce on plasma total antioxidant capacity and antioxidant levels in humans. British Journal of Nutrition 2002:88,615-623.


Del Rio D., Serafini M., Pellegrini, N. Selected methodologies to assess oxidative/antioxidant status in vivo: a critical review. Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 2002:12,343-351.


Del Rio D., Pellegrini N., Colombi B., Bianchi M., Serafini M., Torta F., Tegoni M., Musci M & Brighenti F. A rapid fluorimetric method to detect total plasma malondialdehyde with mild derivatization conditions. Clinical Chemistry 2003:49,690-693.


Roukos DH, Paraskevaidis E, Agnantis NJ, Kappas AM, Ekström AM,Wolk A, Bellocco R, Serafini M. (2003). Fruit and Vegetables: do they protect from gastric cancer. Gastroenterology 2003:124, 2006-2007.


Serafini M.Health promoting effect of fruit and vegetables consumption: mechanism of action in humans. J of Applied Cosmetology 2003:2,109-116.


Pellegrini N, Serafini M, Colombi B, Del Rio D, Salvatore S, Bianchi M & Brighenti F.Total antioxidant capacity of plant foods, beverages and oils consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro assays. J of Nutrition 2003:133,2812-2819.


Serafini M. Polyphenols from tea and cocoa: ancient ingredients for human health. Agro-food industry high tech. March-April 2004:15,13-15. 


Peluso I, Serafini M, Campolongo P, Palmery M. Effect on rat arterial blood pressure of chemically generated peroxyl radicals and protection by antioxidants. J Nutritional Biochemistry 2004: 15, 323-327.


Serafini M. & Del Rio D. Understanding the association between dietary antioxidants, red-ox status and disease: is the Total Antioxidant Capacity the right tool?. Redox report 2004:9,145-152.


Serafini, M., Mallozzi, C., Di Stasi, A.M.M., Minetti, M. (2005) Peroxynitrite-dependent upregulation of Src kinases in red blood cells. Strategies to study the activation mechanisms. Methods in Enzymology, 2005:396,215-229.


Brighenti, F, Valtuena S, Pellegrini N, Ardigò D, Del Rio D, Salvatore S, Piatti PM, Serafini, M, Zavaroni I. Total antioxidant capacity of the diet is inversely and independently related to plasma concentration of high sensitivity C-reactive protein in adult Italian subjects. British Journal Nutrition 2005:93,619-625.


Serafini M, Del Rio D, Crozier A, Benzie I. Effect of changes in fruit and vegetable intake on plasma antioxidant defences in human. American Journal Clinical Nutrition 2005:81,531-532.


Zini A, Del Rio D, Stewart AJ, Mandrioli J, Merelli E, Sola P, Nichelli P, Serafini, M, Brighenti F, Edwards CA, Crozier A.Do flavan-3-ols from green tea reach the human bran? Nutritional Neurosciences 2006:9,57-61.  Serafini, M. (2006) Back to the origin of the 'antioxidant hypothesis': the lost role of the antioxidant network in disease prevention. Journal Science Food Agriculture 2006:86,1989-1991. 

Pellegrini N, Serafini M, Colombi M, Del Rio D, Salvatore S, Bianchi M, Brighenti F. Total antioxidant capacity of spices, dried fruits, nuts, pulses, cereals and sweets consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro assays. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2006:50,1030-1038.


Serafini, M. Valencia D.V. Spera, G. Pellegrini, N. Redox molecules and cancer prevention: the importance of understanding the role of the antioxidant network. Nutrition and Cancer 2006:56(2),232-240.


Serafini, M. The role of antioxidants in disease prevention. Medicine 2006:34(12),533-535.


Flammer JA, HermannF, SudanoI, Lukas SpiekerI, Matthias HermannM, Karen A. CooperKA, SerafiniM, Thomas F. LüscherTF, Ruschitzka F, Noll G and CortiR. Circulation 2007:116(21),2376-82.


Rautianen S, Serafini, M, Morgenstern R, Prior RL, Wolk A. The validity and reproducibility of the food-frequency questionnaire-based total antioxidant capacity estimates in Swedish women. AJCN 2008:87,1247-1253.


Mullen W, Edwards CA, Serafini M, Crozier A. Bioavailability of pelargonidin-3-O-glucoside and its metabolites in humans following the ingestion of strawberries with and without cream. J Agric Food Chem 2008:56,713-9.


Calder PC, Albers R, Antoine J-M, Blum S, Bourdet-Sicard R, Ferns GA, Folkerts G, Friedmann PS, Frost GS, Guarner F, Lovik M, Macfarlane S, Meyer PD, Rabet LM, Serafini M., van Eden W, van Looo J, Vas Dias W, Videry S, Winklhofer-Roob, Zhao J Nutrition and inflammatory processes. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2008: E9


Koutelidakis AE, Argiri K, Serafini M, Proestos C, Komaitis M, Pecorari M, Kapsokefalou M. Green tea, white tea, and Pelargonium purpureum increase the antioxidant capacity of plasma and some organs in mice. Nutrition 2009:25,453-8.


Serafini, M, Testa MF. Redox ingredients for oxidative stress prevention: the unexplored potentiality of coffee. Clinics in Dermatology 2009:27,225-229.


Serafini M, Testa MF, Villaño D, Pecorari M, van Wieren K, Azzini E, Brambilla A, Maiani G. Antioxidant activity of blueberry fruit is impaired by association with milk. Free Radic Biol Med 2009:46,769-774.


Pellegrini N, Miglio C, Del Rio D, Salvatore S, Serafini M, Brighenti F. Effect of domestic cooking methods on the total antioxidant capacity of vegetables. Int J Food Sci Nutr 2009: 2,1-11.


Visioli F, Bernaert H, Corti R, Ferri C, Heptinstall S, Molinari E, Poli A, Serafini M, Smit HJ, Vinson JA, Violi F, Paoletti R. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2009:49(4),299-312.


Mullen W, Borges G, Donovan JL, Edwards CA, Serafini M, Lean MJ, Crozier A. Milk decrease urinary excretion but not plasma pharmacokinetics of cocoa flavan-3-ol metabolites in humans. AJCN 2009:89:1784-91.


Stalmach A, Mullen W, Pecorari M, Serafini M, Crozier A. Bioavailability of C-linked dihydrochalcone and flavanone glucosides in humans following ingestion of unfermented and fermented Rooibos tea. JAFC 2009:57,7104-11.


Calder PC, Albers R, Antoine J-M, Blum S, Bourdet-Sicard R, Ferns GA, Folkerts G, Friedmann PS, Frost GS, Guarner F, Lovik M, Macfarlane S, Meyer PD, Rabet LM, Serafini M, van Eden W, van Looo J, Vas Dias W, Videry S, Winklhofer-Roob, Zhao J. Inflammatory disease processes and interactions with nutrition. BJN 2009:101,S1-45.


Tudor M, Havranek J, Serafini M. Dairy foods and body weight management. Mljekarstvo 2009:59,88-95.


Stalmach A, Troufflard S, Serafini M, Crozier A. Absorption, metabolism and excretion of Choladi green tea flavan-3-ols by humans. Mol Nutr Food Res 2009:53,S44-53.


Wieten L, van der Zee R, Goedemans R, Sijtsma J, Serafini M, Lubsen HN, van Eden W,

Broere F. Hsp70 expression and induction as a readout for detection of immune modulatory components in food. Cell Stress and Chaperones 2010:15,25-37.


Villaño, D., Pecorari MF, Testa A, Raguzzini A, Stalmach A, Crozier A, Tubili C, Serafini M. Unfermented and fermented rooibos teas (Aspalathus linearis) increase plasma total antioxidant capacity in healthy humans. Food Chemistry 2010:123,679-683.


Pecorari M, Villaño D, Testa MF, Schmid M, Serafini M. Biomarkers of antioxidant status following ingestion of green teas at different polyphenol concentrations and antioxidant capacity in human volunteers. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010:54,Suppl 2:S278-83.


Serafini M, Peluso I, Raguzzini A. Flavonoids as anti-inflammatory agents. Proc Nutr Soc. 2010 69(3):273-8.


Karlsen A, Paur I, Bøhn SK, Sakhi AK, Borge GI, Serafini M, Erlund I, Laake P, Tonstad S, Blomhoff R.Bilberry juice modulates plasma concentration of NF-kappaB related inflammatory markers in subjects at increased risk of CVD. Eur J Nutr. 2010:49,345-55.


Koutelidakis A. E., Serafini M, Komaitis M and Kapsokefalou M. Oxidative activity of some iron compounds on colon tissue homogenates from mice after administration of green tea, white tea and Pelargonium purpureum. Food Chemistry 2010:120,895–901.


Serafini M, Miglio C, Peluso I, Petrosino T.Modulation of plasma non enzimatic antioxidant capacity (NEAC) by plant foods: the role of polyphenols. Curr Top Med Chem 2011:11(14),1821-46.


Ekström AM, Serafini M, Nyrén O, Wolk A, Bosetti C, Bellocco R. Dietary quercetin intake and risk of gastric cancer: results from a population-based study in sweden. Ann Oncol 2011:22(2),438-43.


Hollman PC, Cassidy A, Comte B, Heinonen M, Richelle M, Richling E, Serafini M, Scalbert A, Sies H, Vidry S. The biological relevance of direct antioxidant effects of polyphenols for cardiovascular health in humans is not established. J Nutr 2011:141(5),989S-1009S.


Karlsen A, Svendsen M, Seljeflot I, Sommernes MA, Sexton J, Brevik A, Erlund I, Serafini M. et al. Compliance, tolerability and safety of two antioxidant-rich diets: a randomised controlled trial in male smokers. Br J Nutr. 2011:106,557-71.


Serafini M, Jakszyn P, LujánL, AgudoA, Bueno-de-MesquitaHB et al. Dietary total antioxidant capacity and gastric cancer risk in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition study. International Journal of Cancer 2012:131,544-554.


Lettieri-Barbato D, Villano DV, Beheydt B, Guadagni F, Throgh I, Serafini M. Effect of ingestion of dark chocolates with similar lipid composition and different cocoa content on antioxidant and lipid status in healthy humans. Food Chemistry 2012:132(3),1305-1310.


Villano DV, Lettieri-Barbato D, Guadagni F, Schmid M, Serafini M. Effect of acute consumption of oolong tea on antioxidant parameters in healthy individuals. Food Chemistry 2012:132(4),2102-2106.


Peluso I, Raguzzini A, Villano DV, Cesqui E, Toti E, Catasta G, Serafini M. High fat meal increase of il-17 is prevented by ingestion of mixed fruitjuice drinkin healthy overweight subjects. Curr Pharmacol Design 2012:18(1),85-90.


Di Giuseppe R, Arcari A, Serafini M, Di Castelnuovo A, Zito F et al. Total Dietary Antioxidant Capacity and Lung Function in an Italian population: a favorable role in premenopausal/never smoker women. European Journal Clinical Nutrition 2012:66(1),61-68.


Serafini M, Morabito G. The Role of Polyphenols in the Modulation of Plasma Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Capacity (NEAC). Int J Vitam Nutr Res 2012:82(3),228-32.


Peluso I, Morabito G, Urban L, Ioannone F, Serafini M. Oxidative stress in atherosclerosis development: the central role of LDL and oxidative burst. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2012:12,351-60.


Flammer AJ., Sudano I., Wolfrum M., Thomas R., Enseleit F., Periat D., Kaiser P., Hirt A., Hermann M., Serafini M., Leveques A., Luscher TF., Ruschitza F., Noll G., Corti R. Cardiovascular effects of flavanol-rich chocolate in patients with heart failure. Eur Heart J 2012:33,2172-2180.


Peluso I, Morabito G, Riondino S, La Farina F, Serafini M. Lymphocytes as internal standard in oxidative burst analysis by cytometry: a new data analysis approach.J Immunol Methods 2012:390,113-120.


Miglio C, Peluso I, Raguzzini A, Villano DV, Cesqui E, Catasta G, Toti E, Serafini M. Antioxidant and inflammatory response following high-fat meal consumption in overweight subjects. European Journal Nutrition 2013:52,1107-14.


Peluso I, Raguzzini A, Serafini M. Effect of flavonoids on circulating levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mol Nutr Food Res 2013:57(5),784-801.


Magrone T, Perez de Heredia F, Jirillo E, Morabito G, Marcos A, Serafini M.Functional foods and nutraceuticals as therapeutic tools for the treatment of diet-related diseases. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2013:91,387-96.


Peluso I., Adorno G., Raguzzini A., Urban L., Ghiselli A., Serafini M. A new flow cytometry method to measure oxidative status: The Peroxidation of Leukocytes Index Ratio (PLIR).Journal Immunological Methods 2013:390,113-120.


Lettieri-Barbato D, Tomei F, Sancini A, Morabito G, Serafini M. Effect of plant foods and beverages on plasma non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity in human subjects: a meta-analysis. Br J Nutr 2013:109,1544-56.


Zamora-Ros R, Serafini M, Estruch R, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Martínez-González MA, Salas-Salvadó J, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Arós F, Covas MI, Andres-Lacueva C; on behalf of the PREDIMED Study Investigators. Mediterranean diet and non enzymatic antioxidant capacity in the PREDIMED study: Evidence for a mechanism of antioxidant tuning. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Disease 2013:23(12):1167-74.

Zamora-Ros R, Fedirko V, Trichopoulou A, González CA, Bamia C, Trepo E, Nöthlings U, Duarte-Salles T, Serafini M, Bredsdorff L, Overvad K, Tjønneland A, Halkjaer J, Fagherazzi G, Perquier F, Boutron-Ruault MC, Katzke V, Lukanova A, Floegel A, Boeing H, Lagiou P, Trichopoulos D, Saieva C, Agnoli C, Mattiello A, Tumino R, Sacerdote C, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Peeters PM, Weiderpass E, Engeset D, Skeie G, Argüelles MV, Molina-Montes E, Dorronsoro M, Tormo MJ, Ardanaz E, Ericson U, Sonestedt E, Sund M, Landberg R, Khaw KT, Wareham NJ, Crowe FL, Riboli E, Jenab M. Dietary flavonoid, lignan and antioxidant capacity and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in the european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) study. Int J Cancer 2013:133(10),2429-43.


La Vecchia C., Decarli A., Serafini M., Parpinel M., Bellocco R., Galeone C., Bosetti C., Zucchetto A., Polesel J., Lagiou P., Negri E., Rossi M. Dietary total antioxidant capacity and colorectal cancer: a large case-control study in Italy. Int J Cancer 2013:133(6),1447-52.


Peluso I, Villano DV, Roberts SA, Cesqui E, Raguzzini A, Borges G, Crozier A, Catasta G, Toti E, Serafini M. Consumption of Mixed Fruit-Juice Drink and Vitamin C Reduces Postprandial Stress Induced By A High Fat Meal In Healthy Overweight Subjects. Curr Pharmacol Design 2014:20(6)1020-4.


Petrosino T & Serafini M. Antioxidant modulation of F2-isoprostanes in humans: a systematic review. Critical Reviews Food Science and Nutrition 2014:54(9)1202-21.


Petrosino T & Serafini M. Matrix effect in F2-isoprostanes quantification by HPLC-MS/MS: a validated method for analysis of iPF2-III and iPF2-VI in human urine. J Chromatogr B Anal Techn Biomed Life Sci 2014:965:100-106.


Fabbrini E, Serafini M, Colic Baric I, Hazen SL, Klein S.Effect of plasma uric acid on antioxidant capacity, oxidative stress, and insulin sensitivity in obese subjects. Diabetes. 2014: 63(3),976-81.


Miglio C, Peluso I, Raguzzini A, Villaño DV, Cesqui E, Catasta G, Toti E, Serafini M. Fruit juice drinks prevent endogenous antioxidant response to high-fat meal ingestion. Br J Nutr 2014:111,294-300.


Rossi M, Praud D, Monzio Compagnoni M, Bellocco R, Serafini M, Parpinel M, La Vecchia C, Tavani A. Dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and the risk of myocardial infarction: a case-control study in Italy. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2014 Nov;24(11):1246-51.


Fabbrini E, Serafini M, Klein S. Response to Comment on Fabbrini et al. Effect of plasma uric acid on antioxidant capacity, oxidative stress, and insulin sensitivity in obese subjects. Diabetes. 2014 Sep;63(9) e19.


Morabito G, Kucan P, Serafini M. Prevention of Postprandial Metabolic Stress in Humans: Role of Fruit-Derived Products. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets 2015:15(1):46-53.


Peluso I., Miglio C., Morabito G., Ioannone F., Serafini M. Flavonoids and immune function in human: a systematic review. Critical Reviews Food Science and Nutrition 2015: 55(3):383-395.


M. Serafini, G. Sacchetti. Flavanols, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant activity changes during cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) roasting as affected by temperature and time of processing. Food Chemistry 2015:174,256-262.


Praud D, Parpinel M, Serafini M, Bellocco R, Tavani A, Lagiou P, La Vecchia C, Rossi M. Non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and risk of gastric cancer. Cancer Epidemiol 2015:39(3),340-5.


Costanzo S, De Curtis A. di Niro V, Olivieri M, Morena M, De Filippo CM, Caradonna E, Krogh V, Serafini M, Pellegrini N, Donati MB, de Gaetano G, Iacoviello L.Postoperative atrial fibrillation and total dietary antioxidant capacity in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: The Polyphemus Observational Study.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015:149(4),1175-1182.


Peluso I, Palmery M, Serafini M. Association of flavonoid-rich foods and statins in the management of hypercholesterolemia: a dangerous or helpful combinations? Curr Drug Metab 2015: 16(9):833-46.


Peluso I, Palmery M, Serafini M. Effect of cocoa products and flavanols on platelet aggregation in humans: a systematic review. Food Function 2015:6(7),2128-34.


Sacchetti G, Ioannone F, De Gregorio M, Di Mattia C, Serafini M, Mastrocola D. Non enzymatic browning during cocoa roasting as affected by processing time and temperature. Journal Food Engineering 2016:169,44-52.


Hantikainen E, Grotta A, Ye W, Adami HO, Surkan PJ, Serafini M, Michaëlsson K, Bellocco R, Trolle Lagerros Y. Prospective study of dietary non enzimatic antioxidant capacity on the risk of hip fracture in the elderly. Bone 2016: 90:31-6.


Lucas AL, Bosetti C, Boffetta P, Negri E, Tavani A, Serafini M, Polesel J, Serraino D, La Vecchia C, Rossi M. Dietary total antioxidant capacity and pancreatic cancer risk: an Italian case-control study. Br J Cancer 2016: 28;115(1):102-7.


Bastide N, Dartois L, Dyevre V, Dossus L, Fagherazzi G, Serafini M, Boutron-Ruault MC. Dietary antioxidant capacity and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in the E3N/EPIC cohort study. Eur J Nutr 2016 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print].


Rossi M, Tavani A, Ciociola V, Ferraroni M, Parpinel M, Serafini M, Bellocco R, Zucchetto A, Montella M, Serraino D, Lagiou P, La Vecchia C. Dietary total antioxidant capacity in relation to endometrial cancer risk: a case-control study in Italy. Cancer Causes Control 2016: 27(3):425-31.


Bastide N, Morois S, Cadeau C, Kangas S, Serafini M, Gusto G, Dossus L, Pierre FH, Clavel-Chapelon F, Boutron-Ruault MC. Heme Iron Intake, Dietary Antioxidant Capacity, and Risk of Colorectal Adenomas in a Large Cohort Study of French Women. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016: 25(4):640-7.


Serafini M Peluso I. Functional foods for health: the interrelated antioxidant and anti-inflammatory role of fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices and cocoa in humans. Curr Pharm Des 2016: Nov 22 [Epub ahead of print].


Serafini M, Toti E. Unsustainability of Obesity: Metabolic Food Waste.Front Nutr Immunol 2016: Oct 7;3:40. eCollection 2016.


Serafini M Peluso I. Antioxidants from black and green tea: from dietary modulation of oxidative stress to pharmacological mechanisms. Br J Pharmacol 2016: Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]


Serafini M,Toti E. Unsustainability of Obesity: Metabolic Food Waste.Front Nutr Immunol2016: Oct 7;3:40. eCollection 2016.


Serafini MPeluso I. Antioxidants from black and green tea: from dietary modulation of oxidative stress to pharmacological mechanisms. Br J Pharmacol2016: Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]


Di Mattia C, Sacchetti G, Mastrocola D, Ioannone F, Serafini M. From cocoa to chocolate: the impact of processing on in vitro antioxidant activity and the effects of chocolate on antioxidant markers in vivo. Frontiers in Immunology2017: Sep29:8.


Colarusso L, Serafini M,Lagerros Y, Nyren O, La Vecchia C, Rossi M, Ye W, Tavani A, Adami HO, Grotta A, Bellocco R. Dietary antioxidant capacity and risk for stroke in a prospective cohort study of Swedish men and women. Nutrition2017: 33:234-239.


Ioannone F, Sacchetti G, Serafini M. Effectof dark chocolate extracts on Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced oxidative burst in leukocytes isolated by normo-weight and overweight subjects. Frontier in Nutrition2017: June 9:4:23.


Serafini M, & Jirillo E. Editorial: Chocolate and Health: Friend or Foe? Front Nutr2017 Dec 22;4:67. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2017.00067. eCollection 2017


Palmeri R, Restuccia C, Monteleone JI, Sperlinga E, Siracusa L, Serafini M,Finamore A, Spagna G. Bioactivity improvement of Olea europaea leaf extract biotransformed by Wickerhamomyces anomalus enzymes. Plant Food Hum Nut2017:72(2):211-218.




Hantikainen E, Grotta A, Serafini M, Trolle Lagerros Y, Nyren O, Ye W, Colarusso L, Bellocco R. Dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and the risk of myocardial infarction: the Swedish National March Cohort. Int J Epidemiol2018 1:47(6):1947-55. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyy220.

Peluso I, Raguzzini A, Catasta G, Cammisotto V, Perrone A, Tomino C, Toti E, Serafini M.

Effects of High Consumption of Vegetables on Clinical, Immunological, and Antioxidant Markers in Subjects at Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018 Oct 8;2018:5417165. doi: 10.1155/2018/5417165. eCollection 2018.


Kashino I, Serafini M, Ishihara J, Mizoue T, Sunami A, Maruyama K, Sawada N, Inoue M, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Akter S, Iwasaki M, Tsugane S. The Validity and Reproducibility of Dietary Non-enzymatic Antioxidant Capacity Estimated by Self-administered Food Frequency Questionnaires. J Epidemiol. 2018 Oct 5;28(10):428-436. doi: 10.2188/jea.JE20170063. Epub 2018 Jul 14.


Finamore A, Ambra R, Nobili F, Garaguso I, Raguzzini A, Serafini M. Redox Role of Lactobacillus casei Shirota Against the Cellular Damage Induced by 2,2'-Azobis (2-Amidinopropane) Dihydrochloride-Induced Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress in Enterocytes-Like Epithelial Cells. Front Immunol. 2018 May 24;9:1131. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.01131. eCollection 2018.


Dufrusine B, Di Francesco A, Oddi S, Scipioni L, Angelucci CB, D'Addario C, Serafini M, Häfner AK, Steinhilber D, Maccarrone M, Dainese E. Iron-Dependent Trafficking of 5-Lipoxygenase and Impact on Human Macrophage Activation. Front Immunol. 2019 Jun 28;10:1347. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01347. eCollection 2019.


Di Mattia C, Battista N, Sacchetti G, Serafini M. Antioxidant Activities in vitro of Water and Liposoluble Extracts Obtained by Different Species of Edible Insects and Invertebrates. Front Nutr. 2019 Jul 15;6:106. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00106. eCollection 2019.


Kashino I, Serafini M, Kurotani K, Akter S, Mizoue T, Ishihara J, Kotemori A, Sawada N, Inoue M, Iwasaki M, Noda M, Tsugane S; Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study Group. Relationship between dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and type 2 diabetes risk in the Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. Nutrition. 2019 Mar 29;66:62-69. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.03.011. [Epub ahead of print].


Toti E, Di Mattia C, Serafini M. Metabolic Food Waste and Ecological Impact of Obesity in FAO World's Region. Front Nutr. 2019 Aug 23;6:126. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2019.00126. eCollection 2019.


Kashino I, Mizoue T, Serafini M, Akter S, Sawada N, Ishihara J, Kotemori A, Inoue M, Yamaji T, Goto A, Iwasaki M, Noda M, Tsugane S; Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study Group. Higher Dietary Non-enzymatic Antioxidant Capacity Is Associated with Decreased Risk of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality in Japanese Adults. J Nutr. 2019 Sep 9. pii: nxz145. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz145. [Epub ahead of print].


Magrone T, Haslberger A, Jirillo E, Serafini M. Immunonutrient Supplementation. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2019 Vol 6, 182.


Toti E, Di Mattia C, Serafini M. Corrigendum: Metabolic Food Waste and Ecological Impact of Obesity in FAO World's Region. Front Nutr. 2019;6:160. Published 2019 Oct 11. doi:10.3389/fnut.2019.00160


Hantikainen E, Löf M, Grotta A, Lagerros YT, Serafini M, Bellocco R, Weiderpass E.

Dietary non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and risk of stroke: The Swedish Women's Lifestyle and Health Cohort. Nutrition. 2020;73:110723. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2020.110723


Fanti F, Vincenti F, Montesano C, Serafini M, Compagnone D, Sergi M. dLLME-μSPE extraction coupled to HPLC-ESI-MS/MS for the determination of F2α-IsoPs in human urine [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 17]. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2020;186:113302. doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2020.113302


Carrión-García CJ, Guerra-Hernández EJ, García-Villanova B, Serafini M, Sanchèz MJ, Amiano P, Molina-Montes E. Plasma Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Capacity (NEAC) in Relation to Dietary NEAC, Nutrient Antioxidants and Inflammation-Related Biomarkers. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020;9(4):301. Published 2020 Apr 5. doi:10.3390/antiox9040301


Veen L, Hantikainen E, Bellocco R, Ye W, Serafini M, Ponzano M, Grotta A, Lagerros YT. Dietary antioxidants, non-enzymatic antioxidant capacity and the risk of osteoarthritis in the Swedish National March Cohort [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 2]. Eur J Nutr. 2020;10.1007/s00394-020-02239-8. doi:10.1007/s00394-020-02239-8


Montalcini T, Pujia A, Donini LM, Frittitta L, Galvano F, Natali A, Pironi L, Porrini M, Riso P, Rivellese AA, Russo D, Scapagnini G, Serafini M, Tagliabue A, De Lorenzo A. A Call to Action: Now Is the Time to Screen Elderly and Treat Osteosarcopenia, a Position Paper of the Italian College of Academic Nutritionists MED/49 (ICAN-49). Nutrients. 2020 Aug 31;12(9):E2662. doi: 10.3390/nu12092662. PMID: 32878316.


Bassaganya-Riera J, Berry EM, Blaak EE, Burlingame B, le Coutre J, van Eden W, El-Sohemy A, German JB, Knorr D, Lacroix C, Muscaritoli M, Nieman DC, Rychlik M, Scholey A, Serafini M. Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025. Front Nutr. 2021 Feb 9;7:606378. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2020.606378. PMID: 33665201; PMCID: PMC7923694.


D'Antonio V, Serafini M, Battista N. Dietary Modulation of Oxidative Stress From Edible Insects: A Mini-Review. Front Nutr. 2021 Feb 26;8:642551. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.642551. PMID: 33718423; PMCID: PMC7952304.


Hantikainen E, Trolle Lagerros Y, Ye W, Serafini M, Adami HO, Bellocco R, Bonn S. Dietary Antioxidants and the Risk of Parkinson Disease: The Swedish National March Cohort. Neurology. 2021 Feb 9;96(6):e895-e903. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000011373. Epub 2021 Jan 6. PMID: 33408141.




Capitoli di Libro


Maiani G., Azzini E., Salucci M., Ghiselli A., Serafini M., and A. Ferro-Luzzi: A New sensitive and specific HPLC method for measuring polyphenol plasma and urinary levels after green tea ingestion. In Natural Antioxidants and Food Quality in Atherosclerosis and Cancer Prevention. Edited by J.T. Kumpalainen and J.T. Salonen. The Royal Society of Chemistry; 1996: 264-272.


Serafini M, Branca F. Dietary plant products and human health: evidence of protective effects on degenerative diseases. Diet Therapy Research Trends 2007:149-175. Nova Science Publisher.


Serafini M. Roleof antioxidant network in the prevention of age-related diseases. In: Oxidative stress in ageing. Humana Press USA. (2008).


Serafini M, Miglio C. Dietary plant products and human health. New evidences about the effects on degenerative diseases. Nova Science Publisher. NY, USA. (2011).


Serafini M, Del Rio D, Yao DN, Bettuzzi S, Peluso I. Health benefits of tea. In: Herbal medicine Biomolecular and clinical aspects. Second edition. CRC Press Los Angeles, USA. (2011).


Peluso I, MiglioC, MorabitoG, IoannoneF, SerafiniM.Flavonoids and immune function. In: Diet, immunity and inflammation. Woodhead Publishing. (2013)


Morabito G., Miglio C., Peluso I. and Serafini M. Fruit polyphenols and postprandial inflammatory stress. Polyphenols in human health and disease. Academic Press UK (2014).


Serafini M. & Jirillo E. Mangiare per prevenire. L’Immunonutrizione a tavola. 2015. Books & Company Editore.


Pubblicazioni su Riviste Nazionali


Ferro-Luzzi A., Ghiselli A., Serafini M., Baldi A.: Modulazione alimentare dello stress ossidativo. Giornale Italiano di Nutrizione Clinica e Preventiva 1993: 2, 113-118.


Ghiselli A., Serafini M.: La misura del potenziale antiossidante plasmatico nell'uomo. La Lettera della Nutrizione Anno VI, N°1 Gennaio-Febbraio 1994. 9-11.


Serafini M., Simone F., Bugianesi R., Salucci M., & Maiani G. Attività antiossidante in vivo dei composti fenolici: nuove evidenze dalla letteratura. Il bollettino S.I.N.U. Novembre 2000, 3: 6-8.


Serafini, M. (2005)Capacità Antiossidante Totale degli alimenti di origine vegetale: parametro funzionale per una dieta salutistica? Farmacia news 5..


Serafini, M. & Caprio MC. (2005) Vino e salute: una relazione complessa. Farmacia news 10.


Serafini, M. (2006)Antiossidanti di sintesi e prevenzione delle patologie degenerative: inizio di un nuovo corso ? Farmacia news 4.


Serafini, M. & Caprio MC. (2006) Geni, nutrienti e prevenzione delle patologie: le potenzialita’ della Genomica Nutrizionale.Farmacia news 6, 26.


Serafini, M. Paleari L. (2007) Gli organismi marini come fonte di nuovi composti ad attività anti-tumorale. Farmacia News 2, 39.


Serafini, M. & Caprio MC. (2007) I vantaggi dell’allattamento al seno.Farmacia news 6, 32.


Serafini, M. Antichi ingredienti per la salute dell’uomo: il tè verde e le sue catechine. 2007 Farmacia News 4, 46.


Serafini, M. (2007)Il cibo degli Dei. Farmacia News 9, 38.


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-01-2016