Prof. PERUGINI Monia
Prof. PERUGINI Monia


Telefono: 0861-266988



Curriculum accademico

Laureata con lode presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell'Università degli Studi di Teramo, è professore di II fascia (S.S.D. VET 07, Farmacologia e Tossicologia Veterinaria) presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell'Università di Teramo. E' in possesso del titolo di Dottore di ricerca in "Farmacologia e Tossicologia Veterinaria" conseguito presso l'Università di Napoli Federico II.
La Dott.ssa Perugini è autore dioltre 50 pubblicazioni scientifiche pubblicate sia su riviste nazionali che internazionali o in atti di convegni nazionali ed internazionali. La sua attività di ricerca è stata da sempre incentrata sulle problematiche relative agli inquinanti ambientali ed alla tossicologia dei residui. Durante il dottorato ha sviluppato esperienza nel campo dell'ecotossicologia e dell'allestimento di saggi ecotossicologici presso il laboratorio IFREMER di Arcachon (Francia). Le principali tematiche di ricerca hanno riguardato studi relativi all'individuazione di composti tossici quali idrocarburi policiclici aromatici (IPA), pesticidi organoclorurati (OCs), bifenilipoliclorurati (PCBs) e metalli pesanti su pesci, ma anche mammiferi acquatici e rettili quali delfini e tartarughe marine. Inoltre si è occupata della contaminazione da contaminanti organici persistenti nei prodotti della pesca sia in relazione alla contaminazione naturale, sia come conseguenza di processi tecnologici. Attualmente, sempre in ambito di valutazione della contaminazione ambientale da sostanze organiche persistenti, sta conducendo degli studi di biomonitoraggio tramite le api e si sta approcciando alle problematiche dei prodotti apistici quali miele e propoli. La Dott.ssa Perugini ha altresì collaborato alla realizzazione di progetti di ricerca finanziati MIUR, MIPAF e di Ateneo. Ha svolto e svolge attività di referee per conto delle riviste internazionali "Environment International", "Environmental Pollution" nell'anno 2006 e "Meat Science" e "Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science" nell'anno 2007, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin nell'anno 2008.

Curriculum english version

Dr. Monia Perugini has a degree cum laude in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Teramo and is professor (S.S.D. VET 07, Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology) in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Teramo. PhD in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology. She is author ofmore than 50 scientific publications edited in national and international reviews or in proceedings of national and international congresses. She focused her researches in the field of environmental pollutants(PCBs, OCs, heavy metals and PAHs)and ecotoxicology, with a particular attention totoxicological and safety problems for fishery products.The presence of pollutantsin fish was evaluated both as contaminants and as consequence of food technologies like smoking process. Actually she is doing biomonitoring studies by using bees and related products as indicators of environmental contamination. Dr. Monia Perugini collaborated also to research projects with MIUR, MIPAF and University funds.She is also reviewer for "Environment International", "Environmental Pollution"since 2006,"Meat Science" and "Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science" since2007 and Fresenius Environmental Bulletin since 2008.




  1. Merola, M. Perugini, A. Conte, G. Angelozzi, M. Bozzelli, M. Amorena. (2020). Embryotoxicity of methylparaben to zebrafish (Danio rerio) early-life stages. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY PART C: TOXICOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY, 236, 108792.
  2. Coppola, S. Tait, L. Ciferri, G. Frustagli, C. Merola, M. Perugini, E. Fabbrizi, C. La Rocca. (2020). Integrated approach to evaluate the association between exposure to pesticides and idiopathic premature thelarche in girls: The PEACH project. INT J MOL SCI. 2020 May 6;21(9):3282.doi: 10.3390/ijms21093282.
3.        Perugini M., Merola C., Amorena M., D'Angelo M., Cimini A., Benedetti E. (2020). Sublethal exposure to propylparaben leads to lipid metabolism impairment in zebrafish early-life stages, JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY, DOI:10.1002/jat.3921.
  1. G. Gonzalez, R. Prete, M. Perugini, C. Merola, N. Battista, A. Corsetti (2020). Probiotic antigenotoxic activity as a DNA bioprotective tool: A minireview with focus on endocrine disruptors. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS, Volume 367, Issue 3, February 2020, fnaa041.
  2. Zezza, D., Tait, S., Della Salda, L., Amorena, M., Merola, C., Perugini, M. (2019). Toxicological, gene expression and histopathological evaluations of environmentally realistic concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers PBDE-47, PBDE-99 and PBDE-209 on zebrafish embryos. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, 183, 109566.
6.        Perugini, M., Tulini, S.M.R.,  Zezza, D.,  Fenucci, S., Conte, A., Amorena, M. (2018). Occurrence of agrochemical residues in beeswax samples collected in Italy during 2013–2015. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 625, 470-476. 7.        Tait, S., Perugini, M.,  La Rocca, C. (2017). Relative toxicological ranking of eight polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners using cytotoxicity, chemical properties and exposure data. FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY 108, 74-84.
  1. Esposito, M., Perugini, M. Lambiase, S., Conte, A.,Baldi, L., Amorena, M. (2017). Seasonal Trend of PAHs Concentrations in Farmed Mussels from the Coastal Areas of the Naples, Italy. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY 99(3), pp. 333-337.
  2. Lestingi, C., Tavoloni, T., Bardeggia, V., Perugini, M., Piersanti, A. (2017). A fit-for-purpose method to monitor 16 European Union PAHs in food: results of five years of official food control in two Italian regions. FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS - PART A CHEMISTRY, ANALYSIS, CONTROL, EXPOSURE AND RISK ASSESSMENT 34(7), pp. 1140-1152.
  3. Perugini M, Zezza D, Tulini SRM, Abete MC, Monaco G, Conte A, Olivieri V, Amorena M (2016)- Effect of cooking on total mercury content in Norway lobster and European hake and public health impact. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 109(1):521-525.
  4. Perugini Monia, Amorena Michele, Abete Maria Cesarina, Altea Tiziana, Posillico Mario, Conte Annamaria (2016). Assessment of the exposure to heavy metals in eurasian griffon vultures (gyps fulvus) from central italy. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, vol. 25, p. 2046-2051, ISSN: 1018-4619
  5. Perugini M, P Visciano, M Manera, A Zaccaroni, V Olivieri, M Amorena (2014). Heavy metal (As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu, Zn, Se) concentrations in muscle and bone of four commercial fish caught in the central Adriatic Sea, Italy. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, vol. 186, p. 2205-2213, ISSN: 0167-6369, doi: 10.1007/s10661-013-3530-7.
  6. Monia Perugini, Pierina Visciano, Maurizio Manera, Maria Cesarina Abete, Renata Tarasco, Michele Amorena (2014). Lead, cadmium and chromium in raw and boiled portions of Norway lobster. FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS. PART B, ISSN: 1939-3229, doi: 10.1080/19393210.2014.918661
  7. P Visciano, Perugini M, M Manera, C Salese, G Martino, M Amorena (2014). Nutritional Quality and Safety Related to Trace Element Content in Fish from Tyrrhenian Sea. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, ISSN: 1432-0800, doi: 10.1007/s00128-013-1175-4.
  8. P Visciano, Perugini M, M Manera, MC Abete, R Tarasco, C Salese, M Amorena (2013). Total arsenic in raw and boiled portions of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) from the central Adriatic Sea. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 61, p. 12445-12449, ISSN: 0021-8561, doi: 10.1021/jf404221y
  9. Perugini M, Visciano P, Manera M, Abete MC, Gavinelli S, Amorena M (2013). Contamination of different portions of raw and boiled specimens of Norway lobster by mercury and selenium. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, ISSN: 0944-1344, doi: DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-1804-9
  1. Perugini M, Manera M, Tavoloni T, Lestingi C, Pecorelli I, Piersanti A (2013). Temporal trends of PCBs in feed and dietary influence in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 141 , p. 2321-2327, ISSN: 0308-8146
  2. Piersanti A, Amorena M, Manera M, Tavoloni T, Lestingi C, Perugini M (2012). PCB concentrations in freshwater wild brown trouts (Salmo trutta trutta L) from Marche rivers, Central Italy . ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, vol. 84, p. 355-359, ISSN: 0147-6513
  3. Perugini M, Herrera Nuñez EG, Baldi L, Esposito M, Serpe FP, Amorena M (2012). Predicting dioxin-like PCBs soil contamination levels using milk of grazing animal as indicator. CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 89, p.964-969, ISSN: 0045-6535
  4. Herrera Nuñez, E.G., Perugini M, Esposito, M., Baldi, L., Amorena, M (2012). Sheep milk as a potential indicator of environmental exposure to dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) . SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH, p. S49-S53, ISSN: 0921-4488
  5. Perugini M, Maurizio Manera, Lisa Grotta, Maria Cesarina Abete, Renata Tarasco, Michele Amorena (2011). Heavy metal (Hg, Cr, Cd, and Pb) contamination in urban areas and wildlife reserves: honeybees as bioindicators. BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH, vol. 140, p. 170-176, ISSN: 0163-4984
  6. Giammarino A, Manera M, Robbe D, Perugini M, Amorena M (2009). The effect of GnRH on in vitro bovine myometrial activity. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE, vol. 112, p. 325-333, ISSN: 0378-4320
  7. Perugini M, Visciano P, Manera M, Zaccaroni A, Olivieri V, Amorena M (2009). Levels of total mercury in marine organisms from Adriatic Sea, Italy. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY, vol. 83, p. 244-248, ISSN: 0007-4861
  8. Visciano P, Perugini M, Manera M, Amorena M (2009). Selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in smoked tuna, swordfish and Atlantic salmon fillets. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, vol. 44, p. 2028-2032, ISSN: 0950-5423
  9. Perugini M, Di Serafino G, Giacomelli A, Medrzycki P, Sabatini Ag, Persano Oddo L, Marinelli E, Amorena M (2009). Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Bees ( Apis mellifera ) and Honey in Urban Areas and Wildlife Reserves. JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 57, p. 7440-7444, ISSN: 0021-8561
  10. Michele Del Carlo, Manuela Di Marcello, Perugini M, Valentina Ponzielli, Manuel Sergi, Marcello Mascini, Dario Compagnone (2008). "Electrochemical DNA biosensor for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon detection". MIKROCHIMICA ACTA, vol. 163, p. 163-169, ISSN: 0026-3672
  11. Amorena M, Visciano P, Giacomelli A, Marinelli E, Sabatini Ag, Medrzycki P, Oddo Lp, De Pace Fm, Belligoli P, Di Serafino G, Saccares S, Formato G, Langella V, Perugini M (2009). Monitoring of levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in bees caught from beekeeping: remark 1. VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 33, p. 165-167, ISSN: 0165-7380
  12. Giammarino, M. Manera, D. Robbe, Perugini M, F. Minervini, M Amorena (2008). "Influence of mycotoxins on spontaneus contraction in myometrial strips of prepubertale lamb". RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, vol. 84, p. 471-476, ISSN: 0034-5288.
  13. M. Manera, A. Giammarino, Perugini M, M. Amorena (2008). "In vitro evaluation of gut contractile response to istamine in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792)". RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, vol. 84, p. 126-131, ISSN: 0034-5288
  14. Visciano Pierina, Perugini M, Conte Francesca, Michele Amorena (2008). "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)processed by traditional flue gas smoking and by liquid smoke flavourings". FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY, vol. 46, p. 1409-1413, ISSN: 0278-6915
  15. Monia Perugini, Pierina Visciano, Maurizio Manera, Giuseppe Turno, Antonia Lucisano And Michele Amorena (2007). "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the marine organisms from the Gulf of Naples, Tyrrhenian Sea". JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 55, p. 2049-2054, ISSN: 0021-8561
  16. Perugini M, P. Visciano, A. Giammarino, M. Manera, W. Di Nardo, Amorena M (2007). "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine organisms from the Adriatic Sea, Italy". CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 66, p. 1904--1910, ISSN: 0045-6535
  17. Perugini M, Giammarino A, Olivieri V, Guccione S, Lai O.R, Amorena M (2006). "Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticide levels in tissues of Caretta caretta specimens (Linnaeus) from the Adriatic sea". DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS, vol. 71, p. 155-161, ISSN: 0177-5103
  18. Visciano P, Perugini M, Amorena M, Ianieri A (2006). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Fresh and Cold-Smoked Atlantic Salmon Fillets . JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, vol. 69, p. 1134-1138., ISSN: 0362-028X
  19. Perugini M, Giammarino A, Olivieri V, Di Nardo W, Amorena M (2006). "Assessment of edible marine species in the Adriatic Sea for contamination from polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine insecticides". JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION, vol. 69, p. 1144-1149, ISSN: 0362-028X
  20. Perugini M, Cavaliere M, Giammarino A, Mazzone P, Olivieri V. Amorena M (2004). "Levels of polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in some edile marine organisms from the medium Adriatic Sea. CHEMOSPHERE, vol. 57, p. 391-400, ISSN: 0045-6535

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