RIZZO Valeria
 RIZZO Valeria

Email: vrizzo@unite.it

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Curriculum accademico

Laureata in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari nel 2003 (110/110 e lode) presso l'Università degli Studi di Catania. Specializzazione conseguita con Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari nel 2008. Ha lavorato con contratti a tempo determinato nel settore della ricerca, in diverse istituzioni (Università, CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), CRA-ACM (Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura - Centro Ricerche Coltivazioni e Culture Mediterranee) dove si è occupata di analisi analitiche degli alimenti (HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS) e di ricerca innovativa nel packaging alimentare. Dopo numerosi assegni di ricerca e incarichi a tempo determinato, oggi è ricercatore a tempo determinato (RTDA) presso il Dipartimento di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agroalimentari e Ambientali dell'Università degli Studi di Teramo. Competenze principali: Packaging alimentare e conservabilità, Nutraceutici e Polifenoli, Caratteristiche nutrizionali e qualitative degli alimenti e delle bevande.

Curriculum english version

Degree in Food Science and Technology obtained in July 2003 (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Catania. Specialization obtained with PhD in Food Science and Technology in 2008. I have worked with fixed-term contracts in the research sector, in different institutions (University, CNR (Council National Research), CRA-ACM (Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture - Research Center for Cultivation and Mediterranean Cultures) dealing with analytical research (HPLC, GC-MS, LC-MS) and innovative research in the food packaging. After many research grants and temporary positions, today I’m researcher at fixed time (RTDA) in Department of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology, University of Teramo. Main topics: Food Packaging and shelf life, Nutraceuticals and Polyphenols, Nutritional and quality characteristics of foods and beverages.


  • Rizzo V., Tomaselli F., Gentile A., La Malfa S., Maccarone E. “Rheological Properties and Sugar Composition of Locust Bean Gum from Different Carob Varieties (Ceratonia siliqua L.)” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52, 2004, 7925-30.
  • Maccarone E., Rizzo V., Tomaselli F. “Valutazione di farine di semi di carruba di differente varietà”. Ricerche e Innovazioni nell’industria alimentare” Vol.VII Atti del 7° Congresso italiano di Scienza e Tecnologia degli Alimenti (7° CISETA) 2005, Chiriotti Editori -351-361.
  • Coriolani C., Rizzo V., Licciardello F., Muratore G. “Dependance of the shelf-life of carbonated soft drinks from PET performances as required by “The Coca Cola Company””. 2006. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 453-455. Chiriotti Editori (ISSN 1120-1770).
  • Rizzo V., Elefante E., Marletta V., Ricceri G., Muratore G. “Official controls of the migration limits in product and materials destined to enter in contact with food and beverage performed in U.S.M.A.F. office”. 2006. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 456-461. Chiriotti Editori (ISSN 1120-1770).
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., Maccarone E. “Effetto del processo di disidratazione sul contenuto di caroteni di una cultivar di pomodoro ciliegino (Lycopersicon esculentum M.)”. Proceedings “VI° Congresso Nazionale di Chimica degli Alimenti”, 2006, 340-344. Ed. Taro (ISBN: 978-88-87359-52-7).
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., Elefante E., Marletta V., Ricceri G.Overview “Controlli in porto”. Food Packages, 13, 2007, 12-16, Ed. ARTEK. (ISSN 1827-2533).
  • Rizzo V., Giannone I., Muratore G.“Effetti della concimazione azotata e del confezionamento sulla shelf life di sedano (Apium graveolens, L.)”. Proceedings 8° CISETA, 2007, 1033-1037. Chiriotti Editori (ISBN: 978-88-96027-00-4).
  • Peluso O., Rizzo V., Spagna G., Muratore G. “Ottimizzazione del processo di essiccamento su pomodorino ciliegino di Pachino”. Proceedings 8° CISETA, 2007, 913-917. Chiriotti Editori (ISBN: 978-88-96027-00-4).
  • Iacona R., Rizzo V., Muratore G., Russo M. A., Belligno A. “Fertilizzazione azotata e shelf-life: cinetica di decadimento qualitativo di piante di sedano (Apium Graveolens L.)” Proceedings Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria XXV Convegno Nazionale, 2007, 72.
  • Muratore G., Del Nobile M. A., Nicolosi Asmundo C., Rizzo V., Pirosa R., Arena E. “Effetto del confezionamento sulla shelf-life del vino Malvasia delle Lipari”. Proceedings II Simposio Internazionale “Malvasie del Mediterraneo”, 2007, 97.
  • Muratore G., Del Nobile M. A., Nicolosi Asmundo C., Rizzo V., Licciardello F., Paternò B., Pirosa R., Arena E. “Effetto del confezionamento sulla shelf-life del vino Malvasia delle Lipari”. Rivista di Viticoltura ed Enologia, N.2-3-4, 2008, 443-449. (ISSN 0370-7865).
  • Muratore G., Rizzo V., Licciardello F., Maccarone E. “Partial dehydration of cherry tomato at different temperature, and nutritional quality of the products”. Food Chemistry 111, 2008 887-891.
  • Rizzo V., Maccarone E., Messina R., Muratore G. “New processing to extend the shelf life of sliced apples”. Proceedings 3rd Shelf Life International Meeting 2008. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 135-137. Chiriotti Editori.
  • Muratore G., Fallico B., Rizzo V., Saccone R., Grillo O., Venora G. “Evaluation of shelf-life of bakery products by image analysis”. Proceedings 3rd Shelf Life International Meeting 2008. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 247-249. Chiriotti Editori.
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G. “Effects of packaging on shelf life of fresh celery”. Journal of Food Engineering 90, 2009, 124-28. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2008.06.011
  • Muratore G., Fallico B., Rizzo V., Saccone R., Grillo O., Venora G. “Evaluation of shelf-life of bakery products by image analysis”. Italian Food Technology Processing and Packaging n.58 October 2009 Chiriotti Editori (ISSN 1590-6515).
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., Russo M. A., Iacona R., Belligno A. “Quality Decay and Shelf-life Study of Fresh Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Grown Under Different Nitrogen Fertilization”. Nature Precedings: January 2010 doi:10.1038/npre.2010.4180.1
  • Brown J. E., Cropp E., Rizzo V. “Carotenoid content and antioxidant activity of fourteen tomato ketchups available in the UK”. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 2010, 69 (OCE1), E103. doi:10.1017/S0029665109992916.
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., Russo M. A., Belligno A. “Shelf-life Study of Fresh Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Grown Under Different Nitrogen Fertilization Treatments”. Journal of Food Science 76, Nr.4, 2011, S:225-232 (S:Sensory & Food Quality).
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., “Sedano freschissimo confezionato” Food Packages” n°40 Lug-Ago 2011, anno VII.pagg.29-32 Edizioni ARTEK ISSN 1827-2533.
  • Rizzo V., Torri L., Muratore G., The influence of lighting on shelf life of extra virgin olive oil packaged in coloured PET bottles”. 2011. Special Issue Italian Journal of Food Science. Vol.23, pp. 30-33. Chiriotti Editori. ISSN:1120-1770.
  • Fabroni S., Amenta M., Rizza G., Rizzo V., Russo G., Rapisarda P. New triploid citrus hybrids: quality and functional properties of fruits. Abstracts of “ChimAlSi_2012” IX° Italian Congress of Food Chemistry. “Food, Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals” Hotel Continental Terme, Ischia (NA), Italy, June 03-07, 2012
  • Licciardello F., Rizzo V., Grillo O., Venora G., Muratore G. “Bread-making performances of Durum Wheat semolina, as affected by ageing”. Journal of Cereal Science, 2013, 57(3) pp. 372 – 376; doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2013.01.002
  • Rizzo V., Torri L., Licciardello F., Piergiovanni L., Muratore G. “Quality changes of extra virgin olive oil packaged in coloured PET bottles stored under different lighting conditions”. Packaging Technology and Science, 2014, 27, 437-448. DOI: 10.1002/pts.2044.
  • Grillo O., Rizzo V., Saccone R., Fallico B., Mazzaglia A., Venora G., Muratore G. “Use of image analysis to evaluate the shelf life of bakery product”. Food Research International 62, 2014, 514-522.
  • Rizzo V., Mike N. Clifford, J. E. Brown, L. Siracusa, Muratore G. “Effects of processing on the polyphenol and phenolic acid content and antioxidant capacity of semi-dried cherry tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum M.)”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2016; 96, 2040-2046. DOI:10.1002/jsfa.7315
  • Rizzo V., Sapienza G., Restuccia C., Mauromicale G., Lombardo S., Pesce G. R., Rapisarda M., Perna S., Rizzarelli P., Muratore G. “Shelf life evaluation of fresh-cut globe artichoke packaged in a compostable biobased film. Proceedings Shelf Life International Meeting 2015. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 7-12. Chiriotti Editori. ISSN:1120-1770
  • Rizzo V., Muratore G., Allegra V., Zarbà A. S. “Economic assessment of french fries production, comparing different edible coating. Proceedings Shelf Life International Meeting 2015. Special issue Italian Journal of Food Science 33-37. Chiriotti Editori. ISSN:1120-1770
  • Patanè C., Pellegrino A., Malvuccio A., Siracusa L., Ruberto G., Rizzo V., Giuffrida F. “Minimally processed long-storage Mediterranean tomato: a novel product from traditional crops in the agrifood industry”. Acta Hortic. 1141. ISHS 2016. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1141.37 Proc. III Int. Conf. on Fresh‐Cut Produce: Maintaining Quality and Safety. : M.I. Cantwell.
  • Amoroso L., Rizzo V., Mazzaglia A., Licciardello F., Restuccia C., Muratore G.. “Sous-vide packaging: sensory characteristics of potato slices treated with rosemary essential oil”, “Shelf Life International Meeting 2017 (SLIM 2017)”, Bangkok (Thailand), 1-3 November 2017. Italian Journal of Food Science, 2017, Special Issue, 41-45, (ISSN: 1120-1770; impact factor=0.556, JCR Science Edition 2016).
  • Rizzo V., Chiella G., Licciardello F., Toscano S., Romano D., Muratore G.. “Shelf life assessment of green asparagus packaged in polypropylene macro-perforated and micro-perforated”, “Shelf Life International Meeting 2017 (SLIM 2017)”, Bangkok (Thailand), 1-3 November 2017. Italian Journal of Food Science, 2018, Special Issue, 115-119, (ISSN: 1120-1770; impact factor=0.556, JCR Science Edition 2016).
  • Licciardello F., Rizzo V., Coriolani C., Volo M., Muratore G.. “Measures to prevent stress corrosion cracking of aluminum cans for carbonated beverages”, “Shelf Life International Meeting 2017 (SLIM 2017)”, Bangkok (Thailand), 1-3 November 2017. Italian Journal of Food Science, Special Issue, 2017, 142-145, (ISSN: 1120-1770; impact factor=0.556, JCR Science Edition 2016).
  • Licciardello F., Lombardo S., Rizzo V., Pitino I., Pandino G., Strano M. G., Muratore G., Restuccia C., Mauromicale G.. “Integrated agronomical and technological approach for the quality maintenance of ready-to-fry potato sticks during refrigerated storage”. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2018, 136, 23-30.
  • Siracusa L., Patanè C., Rizzo V., Cosentino S. L., Ruberto G.. “Targeted secondary metabolic and physico-chemical traits analysis to assess genetic variability within a germplasm collection of long storage tomatoes”. Food Chemistry. 2018, 244, 275–283.
  • Patanè C., Malvuccio A., Saita A., Rizzo V., Muratore G., Rizzarelli P., Rapisarda M., “Quality aspects of fresh-cut ‘long storage tomato’ as affected by package, calcium chloride and storage time”. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2018, 53, 819–827. doi:10.1111/ijfs.13658
  • Rizzo V., Amoroso L., Licciardello F., Mazzaglia A., Muratore G., Restuccia C.∗, Lombardo S., Pandino G., Strano M. G., Mauromicale G.. “The effect of sous vide packaging with rosemary essential oil on storage quality of fresh-cut potato”. LWT - Food Science and Technology 2018, 94, 111–118.
  • Licciardello F., Arena E., Rizzo V., Fallico B.. “Contribution of blood orange-based beverages to bioactive compounds intake”. Frontiers in Chemistry 2018. Front. Chem., 29 August 2018 https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2018.00374
  • Amoroso L., Rizzo V., Muratore G.. “Nutritional values of potato slices added with rosemary essential oil cooked in sous vide bags”. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 2019, 15, 1-5.
  • Patane' C., Malvuccio A., Saita A., Rizzarelli P., Siracusa L., Rizzo V., Muratore G.. “Nutritional changes during storage in fresh-cut long storage tomato as affected by biocompostable packaging”. LWT - Food Science and Technology 101. 2019. 618–624.
  • Rizzo V., Toscano S., Farieri E., Romano D.. “Antioxidative defense mechanism in Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels and Viburnum tinus L. ‘Lucidum’ in response to seawater aerosol and surfactants”. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology Vol. 21, Issues 5, September 2019.
  • Rizzo V.; Lombardo, S.; Pandino, G.; Barbagallo, R. N.; Mazzaglia, A.; Restuccia, C.; Mauromicale, G.; Muratore, G.. “Shelf life study of ready to cook slices of globe artichoke ‘Spinoso sardo’: effects of anti-browning solutions and edible coating enriched with “Foeniculum vulgare” essential oil”. Journal Science of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 99, 5219-5228.
  • Rizzo V. “Un prodotto nutraceutico: lo smoothie” Food Hub magazine giugno 2019: online https://www.foodhubmagazine.com/2019/06/27/un-prodotto-nutraceutico-lo-smoothie/
  • Mauro R., Agnello M., Rizzo V., Graziani G., Fogliano V., Leonardi C., Giuffrida F.. “Recovery of eggplant field waste as a source of phytochemicals”. Scientia Horticulturae.2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2019.109023.
  • Rizzo V., Toscano S., Messina B., Muratore G., Romano D.. “Shelf life study of edible wild flowers”. Special Issue of Italian Journal of Food Science. December 2019.
  • Rizzo V. “Il sous vide: un grande ritorno” Food Hub – Il futuro è nel cibo – n.4 Tecnologie Emergenti – Innovazione a supporto dell’industria alimentare - luglio-settembre 2019; 156-169.
  • Rizzo V., Muratore, G.. “The Application of Essential Oils in Edible Coating: Case of Study on Two Fresh Cut Products”. International Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics 2020, 6: 149. https://doi.org/10.15344/2456-8171/2020/149
  • Mauro R.P., Rizzo V., Leonardi C., Mazzaglia A., Muratore G., Distefano M., Sabatino L., Giuffrida F.. “Influence of harvest stage and rootstock genotype on compositional and sensory profile of the elongated tomato cv. ‘Sir Elyan’”. Agriculture 2020, 10, 82; doi:10.3390/agriculture10030082
  • Toscano S., Rizzo V., Muratore G., Romano D. “Edible Wild Flowers: An Innovative but Ancient Food”, Proceedings (of The 1st International Electronic Conference on Food Science and Functional Foods 2021), EISSN 2504-3900, Published by MDPI; 70(1), 32; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods_2020-07751 -10 Nov 2020
  • Akrimi R., Hajlaoui H., Rizzo V.*, Muratore G., Mhamdid M.. “Agronomical traits, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in raw and cooked potato tubers growing under saline conditions”. Journal Science of Food and Agriculture 2020, 100: 3719-3728. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI 10.1002/jsfa.10411.
  • Rapisarda M., Patanè C., Pellegrino A., Malvuccio A., Rizzo V., Muratore G. and Rizzarelli P. “Compostable Polylactide and Cellulose Based Packaging for Fresh-Cut Cherry Tomatoes: Performance Evaluation and Influence of Sterilization Treatment”. Materials 2020, 13, 3432; doi:10.3390/ma13153432.
  • Toscano S., Rizzo V., Licciardello F., Romano D., Muratore G. "Packaging Solutions to Extend the Shelf Life of Green Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) ‘Vegalim’". Foods 2021, 10 (2), 478; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10020478 Special Issue Innovative Research in the Food Packaging to Improve Food Quality and Shelf Life
  • Rizzo V.; Lombardo, S.; Pandino, G.; Barbagallo, R. N.; Mazzaglia, A.; Restuccia, C.; Mauromicale, G.; Muratore, G.. “Active Packaging-Releasing System with Foeniculum vulgare Essential Oil for the Quality Preservation of Ready-to-Cook (RTC) Globe Artichoke Slices”. Foods 2021, 10, 517. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10030517 Special Issue Innovative Research in the Food Packaging to Improve Food Quality and Shelf Life
  • Arena E., Rizzo V., Licciardello F., Fallico B., Muratore G.."Effects of Light Exposure, Bottle Colour and Storage Temperature on the Quality of Malvasia delle Lipari Sweet Wine". Foods 2021, 10, 1881; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10081881 Special Issue Innovative Research in the Food Packaging to Improve Food Quality and Shelf Life
  • Mnafgui, W.; Rizzo V.; Muratore, G.; Hajlaoui, H.; de Oliveira Schinoff, B.; Mnafgui, K.; Elleuch, A. “Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Morphophysiological and Phytochemical Processes Controlling Iron Uptake and Translocation”. Crop Pasture Sci. 2021. (https://www.publish.csiro.au/CP/justaccepted/CP21419) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP21419
  • Rizzo V., Celano F., Sorci P., Barbagallo S., Muratore G.. “Comparison and consumer’s preference on jam and jelly from “Mastrantonio” sweet cherry fruits”. Article in Proceedings (of The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Food Science and Functional Foods 2021. https://doi.org/10.3390/Foods2021-10990. Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2021, 6, 35.
  • Mnafgui, W.; Hajlaoui, H.; Rizzo V.; Muratore, G.; Elleuch, A. “Priming with EDTA, IAA and Fe Alleviates Pb Toxicity in Trigonella Foneum graecum L. growth: Phytochemicals and secondary metabolites” Journal of Biotechnology 356, 2022, 42-50.
  • Mnafgui, W.; Rizzo V.; Muratore, G.; Hajlaoui, H.; Elleuch, A. “Evaluation of Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Plant Food Safety after Lead Exposure: Phytochemical Processes” Plants 2022, 11, 2526. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants 11192526.
  • Rizzo V., Dattilo S., Barbagallo S., Puglisi C., Muratore G.. “Packaging effects on highly nutritional value beverage obtained by a mix of typical sicilian fruits in accelerated storage”. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 38, 2023, 101138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fpsl.2023.101138
  • Guest Editors: Special Issue “Innovative Research in the Food Packaging to Improve Food Quality and Shelf Life” – Foods – MDPI ISBN 978-3-0365-2637-9 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-0365-2636-2 (PDF) https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-2636-2 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/foods/special_issues/innovative_packaging
  • Gentile, A.; Barbagallo, S.; Biondi, A.; Cirelli, G.; Consoli, S.; Continella, A.; La Malfa, S.; La Spada, P.; Muratore, G.; Rizzo, V. (2021) “Il ciliegio dell’Etna, caratteristiche varietali, aspetti agronomici e innovazioni possibili”, Quaderni CSEI Catania III serie vol. 19 (ISSN 2038-5854).

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