Prof. CANCIELLO Angelo
Prof. CANCIELLO Angelo


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Curriculum accademico


16 Dicembre 2010

Laurea triennale in Biotecnologie per la Salute presso Università Federico II di Napoli

Tesi: “Studio dell’espressione di biomarcatori del metabolismo ossidativo mediante western blotting in un modello in vitro della linea cellulare di mioblasti C2C12”.

24 Ottobre 2012

Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Mediche presso Università Federico II di Napoli

Tesi: “Cellular and biochemical effects on myotube differentiation in myoblast skeletal cells treated with serum of athletes”.

13 Febbraio 2014

Esame di stato per l’abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di Biologo (Università del Sannio)



12 Giugno 2017

Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) presso Università degli studi di Teramo

Tesi: “Progesterone inhibits Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Enhances the Immunomodulatory properties of AEC”.



dal 15 Ottobre 2015 al 30 Novembre 2015

Visiting PhD Student presso il “Centro di Ricerca E. Menni (CREM), Fondazione poliambulanza – Istituto ospedaliero” di Brescia

dal 10 Ottobre 2017 al 30 Aprile 2020

Postdoctoral fellowship presso Università degli studi di Teramo

dal 30 Aprile 2019 al 1 Maggio 2020

Visiting Research Scholar presso Sbarro Health Research Organization, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

dal 1 Giugno 2020 al 31 Giugno 2021

Research Assistant Professor presso Sbarro Health Research Organization, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA



Cellule staminali placentari; Cellule staminali; Medicina traslazionale; Medicina rigenerativa; Rigenerazione tendinea; Immunomodulazione; Immunità placentare; Transizione Epitelio-Mesenchimale (EMT); Anoikis; Next Generation Sequencing; RNA-seq; System Biology; Ricerca sul Cancro; Mesotelioma; Cancro ai Polmoni; Cancro alla Vescica; Invasività/Metastasi; Localizzazione subcellulare delle proteine; Interazioni Proteina-Proteina.



Colture cellulari primarie, immortalizzate, tumorali e di tessuti. Co-colture con linfociti isolate da sangue periferico e tessuti tendinei. Differenziamento miogenico, condrogenico, osteogenico e neurogenico di cellule staminali umane, murine e ovine. Cell Reprogramming. Trapianto di cellule staminali in grandi animali. Biologia della riproduzione: isolamento e manipolazione di ovociti e valutazione dello stadio di maturazione. Isolamento di frazioni cellulari (mitocondri, microsomi, nuclei, citosol). Purificazione di DNA, RNA, miRNA, Plasmidi e proteine. Biologia molecolare: gel electrophoresis, PCR, RT-PCR, Real-Time qPCR, colony PCR, colture batteriche, Cloning, digestion con enzimi di restrizione, trasfezione stabile e transiente con siRNA e shRNA, produzione di lentivirus e trasduzione. Biochimica: quantificazione di proteine e acidi nucleici, SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, ELISA, MTT, test di immunomodulazione, Invasion assay, Wound healing assay, Soft agar e Colony assay. Imaging: microscopia a fluorescenza, a contrasto di fase, confocale e stereomicroscopio; Immunoistochimica, immunocitochimica and immunofluorescenza. Bioinformatica: uso di bioinformatics tools, RNA-seq and Omics analysis e image-processing software (e.g., ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop).



da Agosto 2017

Editorial Board Member del Journal of Stem Cell and Transplantation Biology

14 Novembre 2017

Paolo Bianco Award 2017” per la miglior presentazione orale tra giovani ricercatori conferito al meeting Stem Cell Research Italy 2017

da Agosto 2018

Vincitore di un Progetto di ricerca bandito dalla Fondazione Abruzzese per le Scienze della Vita ONLUS per la selezione di n. 2 progetti di ricerca finalizzati allo studio delle principali patologie che affliggono l’uomo (tumori, malattie infiammatorie, malattie cardiovascolari, e simili) e avente come argomento lo studio dei meccanismi cellulari e molecolari alla base dell’Anoikis.

da Maggio 2020

Reviewer della rivista Frontiers in Biotechnology

da 1 Giugno 2020 al 30 Giugno 2021

Membro del progetto di ricerca internazionale denominato REPLICA Project (della durata di 4 anni) presso la Temple University di Philadelphia, PA, USA, coordinato centralmente dal CoEHAR (Centro di Ricerca internazionale per la Riduzione del danno da fumo dell’Università di Catania) in collaborazione con cinque Università (Indonesia, Oman, Russia, Serbia e USA) ed un laboratorio accademico affiliato in Grecia. Gli obbiettivi del progetto sono di selezionare gli studi più rilevanti condotti da ricercatori delle aziende del tabacco di sigarette elettroniche e di replicarli in maniera indipendente da tutti i partner coinvolti, al fine di convalidare o confutare i risultati dei suddetti studi.   


Curriculum english version

December 16, 2010
Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology for Health at the Federico II University of Naples
Thesis: "Study of the expression of biomarkers of oxidative metabolism by western blotting in an in vitro model of C2C12 myoblast".
October 24, 2012
Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnology at Federico II University of Naples
Thesis: “Cellular and biochemical effects on myotube differentiation in myoblast skeletal cells treated with serum of athletes”.
February 13, 2014
Italian National Exam for the certification of the public activity of Biologist


June 12, 2017
Research Doctorate (Ph.D.) at the University of Teramo
Thesis: “Progesterone inhibits Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Enhances the Immunomodulatory properties of AEC”.


from 15 October 2015 to 30 November 2015
Visiting PhD Student at the "E. Menni Research Center (CREM), Poliambulanza Foundation - Hospital Institute" of Brescia
from 10 October 2017 to 30 April 2020
Postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Teramo
from 30 April 2019 to 1 May 2020
Visiting Research Scholar at Sbarro Health Research Organization, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
from 1 June 2020 to 31 June 2021
Research Assistant Professor at Sbarro Health Research Organization, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Placental stem cells; Stem cells; Translational medicine; Regenerative medicine; tendon regeneration; Immunomodulation; placental immunity; Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT); anoikis; Next Generation Sequencing; RNA-seq; System Biology; Cancer Research; Mesothelioma; Lung cancer; Bladder Cancer; Invasivity/Metastasis; Subcellular localization of proteins; Protein-Protein interactions.


Primary, immortalized, tumor and tissue cell cultures. Co-cultures with lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood and tendon tissues. Myogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic and neurogenic differentiation of human, murine and ovine stem cells. Cell Reprogramming. Stem cell transplantation in large animals. Reproductive biology: isolation and manipulation of oocytes and evaluation of the stage of maturation. Isolation of cellular fractions (mitochondria, microsomes, nuclei, cytosol). Purification of DNA, RNA, miRNA, Plasmids and proteins. Molecular biology: gel electrophoresis, PCR, RT-PCR, Real-Time qPCR, colony PCR, bacterial cultures, Cloning, digestion with restriction enzymes, stable and transient transfection with siRNA and shRNA, lentivirus production and transduction. Biochemistry: Quantification of proteins and nucleic acids, SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, ELISA, MTT, immunomodulation assay, Invasion assay, Wound healing assay, Soft agar and Colony assay. Imaging: fluorescence, phase contrast, confocal and stereomicroscopy; Immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence. Bioinformatics: use of bioinformatics tools, RNA-seq and Omics analysis and image-processing software (e.g., ImageJ and Adobe Photoshop).


since August 2017
Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Stem Cell and Transplantation Biology
November 14, 2017
“Paolo Bianco Award 2017” for the best oral presentation among young researchers conferred at the Stem Cell Research Italy 2017 meeting
from August 2018
Winner of a research project announced by the Abruzzo Foundation for Life Sciences ONLUS for the selection of n. 2 research projects aimed at studying the main pathologies that afflict humans (tumors, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and the like) and having as their topic the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying Anoikis.
from May 2020
Reviewer of the journal Frontiers in Biotechnology
from 1 June 2020 to 30 June 2021
Member of the international research project called REPLICA Project (lasting 4 years) at the Temple University of Philadelphia, PA, USA, centrally coordinated by CoEHAR (International Research Center for the Reduction of Tobacco Harm of the University of Catania) in collaboration with five Universities (Indonesia, Oman, Russia, Serbia and USA) and an affiliated academic laboratory in Greece. The objectives of the project are to select the most relevant studies conducted by researchers from the e-cigarette tobacco companies and to replicate them independently by all the partners involved, in order to validate or refute the results of the aforementioned studies.



  1. Canciello A, Russo V, Berardinelli P, et al (2017) Progesterone prevents epithelial-mesenchymal transition of ovine amniotic epithelial cells and enhances their immunomodulatory properties. Sci Rep 7:3761. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03908-1. 
  2. Vitucci D, Imperlini E, Arcone R, Alfieri A, Canciello A, et al (2017) Serum from differently exercised subjects induces myogenic differentiation in LHCN-M2 human myoblasts. J Sport Sci 21:1-10. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2017.1407232. 
  3. Barboni B, Russo V, Berardinelli P, Mauro A, Valbonetti L, Sanyal H, Canciello A, Greco L, Muttini A, Gatta V, Stuppia L, and Mattioli M (2018) Placenta Stem Cells from Domestic Animals: Translational Potential and Clinical Relevance. Cell Transplant 27(1) 93–116. doi: 10.1177/0963689717724797. 
  4. Canciello A, Greco L, Russo V and Barboni B (2018) Amniotic epithelial cell culture. Methods Mol Biol 1817:67-78. doi: 10.1007/978-1- 4939-8600-2_7. 
  5. Mauro A, Sanyal H, Canciello A, Berardinelli P, Russo V, Bernabò N, Valbonetti L, Barboni B (2019) In-vitro effect of estradiol and progesterone on ovine amniotic epithelial cells. Stem Cell Int 2019: 8034578. doi: 10.1155/2019/8034578. 
  6. Canciello A, Di Lollo V* (equally contributing authors), et al., (2020) Transcriptomic and computational analysis identified LPA metabolism, KLHL14 and KCNE3 as novel regulators of EMT. Sci Rep 10(1):4180. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-61017-y. 
  7. Canciello A, Teti G, Mazzotti E, Falconi M, Russo V, Giordano A, Barboni B (2020) Progesterone prolongs viability and anti-inflammatory functions of explanted preterm ovine amniotic membrane. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 8:135. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.00135. 
  8. Peserico A, Di Berardino C, Russo V, Capacchietti G, Di Giacinto O, Canciello A, Camerano Spelta Rapini C, Barboni B. (2022) Nanotechnology-Assisted Cell Tracking. Nanomaterials 12(9):1414. doi: 10.3390/nano12091414.
  9. Russo V, Mauro A, Peserico A, Di Giacinto O, Khatib ME, Citeroni MR, Rossi E, Canciello A, Mazzotti E, Barboni B. (2022) Tendon Healing Response Is Dependent on Epithelial-Mesenchymal-Tendon Transition State of Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells. Biomedicines 10(5):1177. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10051177. 
  10. Caruso M, Emma R, Distefano A, Rust S, Poulas K, Giordano A, Volarevic V, Mesiakaris K, Boffo S, Arsenijevic A, Karanasios G, Pulvirenti R, Ilic A, Canciello A, Zuccarello P, Ferrante M, Polosa R, Li Volti G. (2022) Comparative assessment of electronic nicotine delivery systems aerosol and cigarette smoke on endothelial cell migration: The Replica Project. Drug Test Anal. doi: 10.1002/dta.3349.
  11. Canciello A, Cerveró-Varona A, Peserico A, Mauro A, Russo V, Morrione A, Giordano A, Barboni B. "In medio stat virtus": Insights into hybrid E/M phenotype attitudes. (2022) Front Cell Dev 10:1038841. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.
  12. Caruso M, Emma R, Distefano A, Rust S, Poulas K, Zadjali F, Giordano A, Volarevic V, Mesiakaris K, Al Tobi M, Boffo S, Arsenijevic A, Zuccarello P, Giallongo C, Ferrante M, Polosa R, Li Volti G; Canciello A, Replica Project Group. Electronic nicotine delivery systems exhibit reduced bronchial epithelial cells toxicity compared to cigarette: the Replica Project. (2022) Sci Rep. 11(1):24182. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-03310-y.

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 12-01-2016