
Single-Cycle Degree Programme

Degree Course Class No. LMG/01 - Law


Programme Director: Prof. Guido Saraceni

Tel. no.: +39 0861 266652

First Year

Course units - Credits

Principles of Private Law I 9

Principles of Roman Law 9

Principles of Public Law 9

Philosophy of Law 9

History of Medieval and Modern Law 9

Economics 9

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6


Total amount of 1st -year credits 60

Second Year

Course units - Credits

Constitutional Law 9

Principles of Private Law II 6

International Law 9

Business Law 15

Business Law I   9

Business Law II   6

Navigation Law 9

Comparative Private Law or Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law 9


Total amount of 2nd -year credits 60

Third Year

Course units - Credits

Criminal Law 15

Criminal Law I   9

Criminal Law II  6

European Union Law 9

Administrative Law I 9

Employment Law 12

Employment Law I   6

Employment Law II  6

Civil Procedure Law 15

Civil Procedure Law I   9

Civil Procedure Law II  6


Total amount of 3rd -year credits 60

Fourth Year

Course units -  Credits

Civil Law 9

Administrative Law II  9

Criminal Procedure Law 15

Criminal Procedure Law I  9

Criminal Procedure Law II  6

Ecclesiastical Law or Canon Law 9

Tax Law 9

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6

Pass/Fail Examination in a Foreign Language 3


Total amo unt of 4th -year credits   60

Fifth Year

Course units - Credits

Roman Law 9

Legal Computer Science 9

History of Justice 9

Agricultural and Agrofood Law or Economic Policy or  Public Finance  9

Constitutional Justice or  Theory of Legal Systems 9 

Other Training Events 3

Final Examination 12


Total amount of 5th -year credits   60

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities - Campus of Teramo

Course units - Credits 

Criminology 6

Human Rights 6

Agricultural and Agrofood Law* 6

Canon Law* 6

Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law* 6

Public Procurement Law 6

Financial Market Law 6

Public Welfare Law 6

Law and Literature 6

Ecclesiastical Law* 6

Business Criminal Law 6

Comparative Private Law* 6

Administrative Procedure Law 6

Employment Procedure Law 6

Regional and Local Government Law 6

Trade Union Law 6

Town Planning Law 6

Constitutional Justice* 6

Sports Justice 6

Tax Justice 6

Public finance* 6

Economic Policy* 6

Statistics* 6

History of the Relations between Church and State 6

Theory of Legal Systems 6

Health and Safety Protection at the Workplace 6


Elective Teaching/Learning Activities - Campus of Avezzano

Course units - Credits

Agricultural and Agrofood Law* 6

Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law* 6

Family Law 6

Administrative Procedure Law 6

Regional and Local Government Law 6

Constitutional Justice* 6

Economic Policy* 6

Theory of Legal Systems* 6

General Law Theory 6



* If such course unit is carried out as a fundamental subject, it involves the number of credits established in the chart of the degree course class.