International Political Science - 2018/2019

Second-Cycle Degree Programme

Degree Course Class No. LM-62 - Political Science

Curriculum International and European Studies

Curriculum Analysis of Political Processes


Programme Director: Prof. Pietro Gargiulo

Tel. no.: +39 0861 266062


First Year (common to both curricula)

Course units - Credits

History of the Twentieth Century 12

Comparative Legal Systems and Protection of Fundamental Rights 6

Conflict Resolution Techniques 6

International Economic Policy 12

Policy Evaluation Systems 6

English for Political Studies (Advanced Level) 6

Internship and Training Events 6


Total amount of 1st-year credits 60

Second Year - Curriculum International and European Studies

Course units - Credits

Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law 12

History of international Relations 6

Geography of International Relations 6 

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities* 12

Internship and Training Events 6

Final Examination 18


Total amount of 2nd-year credits 60

Second Year - Curriculum Analysis of Political Processes

Course units - Credits

Politics and Interculturality 12 

History of Contemporary Political Thought 6 

Models of Economic Development 6 

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities* 6

Internship and Training Events 6

Final Examination 18


Total amount of 2nd-year credits 60



* Elective teaching/learning activities are listed on the University website.