Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine

Programme Director: Prof. Donato Traversa |

5-Year Single-Cycle Degree Programme  

The 5-Year Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine has a restricted number of accepted students and attendance to teaching activities is mandatory (at least 70% of lectures). The facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine meet the learning objectives, at a national level, through a teaching plan, both theoretical and practical, certified by the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE). EAEVE approval (obtained in 2010) confirms the high-quality standard of the programme catalogue of this Degree Course at the University of Teramo, one of the first in Italy to obtain it. In December 2017 the Degree Course was awarded ANVUR (i.e., Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, MIUR) periodical Accreditation following CEV’s visits in October 2017. According to the traditional and authoritative ranking compiled by Censis which evaluates Italian universities, teaching and research, the Single-Cycle Degree Programme in Veterinary Medicine ranks second (2016) and third (2014-2015-2017-2018) among the 13 currently existing Degree Programmes.


This Degree Course aims at high quality training to guarantee all the theoretical and practical skills that enable “first-day graduates” to work independently in sectors specific to Veterinary Medicine. Training is carried out in educational, research and diagnostic laboratories, the very new facilities of the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the University Farm as well as internships and training activities in selected facilities, national and international companies and institutions. It offers a rich internationalization programme with various foreign study and research institutes to spend a period of study and traineeship abroad.


Furthermore, it includes in its academic staff some graduates from European colleges (the highest level of expertise of a specific discipline in the field of veterinary medical profession) and hosts various residency programmes, numbering numerous outstanding scholars among professionals and researchers. In response to the market demand, first and among the few in the national programme catalogues, the course structure diagram has provided for the inclusion of curricular courses on forensic medicine, behavioural medicine, management of epidemic and non-epidemic emergencies, medicine of exotic and unconventional animals, and offers the possibility of acquiring skills in other extremely topical sectors – such as unconventional medicine, wildlife health management, Practice management, Pet therapy, environmental toxicology, health management of apiaries and aquariums.


This Degree Course trains graduates able to work as freelancers in the care and prevention of animal diseases and in several productive activities (farms, slaughterhouses, animal-derived food processing plants, animal feed factories, pharmaceutical industry, feedstuffs); as employees of the National Health Service (Veterinarians of AUSL [Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale], IZS [Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale]); as employees in public and private teaching and research institutions such as Universities, IZS, the National Research Centre; in activities in the context of quality assessment and certification bodies.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266864



University Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Località Piano D'Accio - 64100 Teramo

tel. 0861 266970


Where we are

Teaching organization