International Policies and Sustainability

The Master's Degree Course in International Policies and Sustainability is aimed at all those who want to deepen  the issues related to the international dimension and sustainability, deepening those skills that can incourage an insertion in the vast professional context directly linked to international relations and sustainability.


It is therefore placed within the indications that emerge strongly in the documentation taken as reference for its declination (UN Agenda 2030,Next Generation EU, PNNR) and in the national and international  debate on design, governance, and  the monitoring of policies for sustainable  development at  local, national and international levels.


Overall, the course aims at training specialists able to interpret and manage the complexity  of the contemporary world and its development prospects at  European and international level,  able to collaborate in the design, programming, management and analysis of sustainability-related  policies in the   private, public and third sector.

Finally, the course aims, also, as a place of continuing training and refresher courses for those already working in the field of public policies and companies that invest in sustainability.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266015

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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