Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures for Sustainability

Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures for Sustainability
Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures for Sustainability

Programme Director: Prof.ssa Maria Angela Perito|


This course is addressed to those students interested in enogastronomic culture, sustainable development, discovery of locally-made products and culinary traditions. It aims at developing solid training in enogastronomy from a theoretical and practical point of view and in a multidisciplinary perspective – with a curriculum that includes both nutritional and anthropological features of food; environmental and food policies; communication and the economic management of food; food processing and hygiene.

The usual teaching/learning activities are enhanced thanks to a wealth of experience from several workshops and seminars held by both internal/external lecturers and national/international notable experts.


A series of external activities – such as training events, stages as well as the Erasmus+ Exchange Programme for Study and Traineeship – are relevant components of the training provided. Graduates will have a modern cultural profile and will be able to work in businesses operating in fair, sustainable and quality enogastronomy; in foodstuffs production, processing, storage and distribution; catering; private and public bodies and agencies dealing with communication and event organization aiming at promoting food good for humans and the environment.

The Degree Programme is featured by an approach to constantly test the educational and vocational objectives in cooperation with enogastronomic sector’s representative organizations.

Modern laboratories equipped with high-tech instruments will be available for students within specific learning activities.

This Degree Programme is also in close contact with the labour market thanks to yearly workshops.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266907

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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