Food Science and Technology

Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology

Programme Director: Prof.ssa Carla Di Mattia |

First-Cycle Degree Programme 


The First-Cycle Degree Programme in Food Science and Technology is aimed at students fascinated by the world of food – traditional, industrial and novel foods – who want to pursue a career in the agri-food sector. Changes in eating habits require professionals who, on a solid scientific basis, know how to anticipate market changes by helping to produce quality, safe and sustainable food from an energy and social point of view. The academic staff, involved in scientific research and rooted in its industrial application, will foster the students’ desire for knowledge to seize job opportunities in different sectors of the agri-food sector.


This degree course aims to develop complete theoretical and practical knowledge through the study – on a basis of mathematical, physical, chemical and biochemical skills – of the complex systems represented by food through the study of microbiology, technology and food industry processes. Training is completed by the knowledge of the methods for chemical and microbiological control of food and the management and marketing tools of the agri-food business.


The labour market in the food industry requires graduates with a modern and up-to-date cultural background, able to monitor production processes and innovate by anticipating market needs. For a continuous improvement, this Degree Course provides for ongoing updating to the learning and vocational outcomes in collaboration with representative organizations of the sector, such as producer associations, professional associations, public bodies, with which it organizes training events aimed at improving graduates’ access to labour market (Career Day).


It also has modern laboratories, with high technological level equipment, usable by students for specific training activities. In addition, there are more than 300 agreements with companies for internships and training activities, that represent a useful contact tool between students and different working contexts.


This Degree Course has obtained the international EQAS (European Quality Assurance) Food Quality Label certification for compliance with specific quality criteria, expected learning outcomes, educational content and job opportunities.




Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266907

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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