

Programme Director: Prof. Bernardo Cardinale |

First-Cycle Degree Programme


The primary aim of the First-Cycle Degree Programme in Economics is to initiate students into the knowledge of world economic and political changes. In fact, in order to interpret economy as a complex phenomenon a plurality of instruments needs to be applied. In addition to acquiring the theoretical skills, students shall attend seminars and events, where they will meet personalities from the economic and labour world.


The search for a strengthening of the link between such degree programme and the labour market is constantly enhanced by selecting internships and training programmes, which are decisive for completing students’ profile. In this way, students may access the chartered accountant exam, being exempted from the first written test, if they have taken the Employment Law exam as an elective subject.


This degree programme consists of three curricula: Economics and Management, Tourism and Territory, Financial Advisors.

The educational path of this Degree Programme aims to enable students to carry out such regulated accounting professions which can be accessed at the end of a three-year post-diploma degree course (Chartered Accountant). The Tourism and Territory curriculum will enable graduates to be employed in accommodation facilities, but above all they will be able to promote start-up activities in the tourism sector, participating in European tenders.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266015

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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