Political Science

Political Science
Political Science

Programme Director: Prof. Andrea Ciccarelli | aciccarelli@unite.it

First-Cycle Degree Programme


The First-Cycle Degree Programme in Political Science offers students multidisciplinary knowledge in legal, economic, political, social and historical areas, as well as an extensive mastery of their relevant critical and empirical research methods, thus favouring the future employment opportunities of graduates. This Course includes a common group of teaching activities in the first two years and three optional curricula in the third year of study:

  • European and International Studies;
  • Administration and Local Governance;
  • Analysis of Political and Social Processes.


Therefore, students have the opportunity to acquire skills that will allow them to understand facts from multiple points of view and, consequently, to gain a more marked flexibility in the analysis of the problems faced from time to time.

Moreover, for those wishing to continue their academic studies, this First-Cycle Degree Programme represents the best starting point for accessing two Second-Cycle Degree Programmes present at the University of Teramo – i.e., International Political Science and Sciences of Administration.


The written and oral knowledge of at least two European Union languages in addition to Italian is an integral part of the course structure diagram; furthermore, a number of external activities, such as carefully selected internships, or the participation in the Erasmus Programme for study and internship activities abroad, complete the educational path.

The reasonable number of students of this Degree Programme fosters a simple and direct relationship with the teaching staff, both personally during office hours and via email, as well as with all the administrative staff.


In conclusion, enrolling on the First-Cycle Degree Programme in Political Science represents a broad and engaging experience, going far beyond the simple acquirement of notions; it encourages personal growth, that will prove very useful both in life and career.




Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266015


Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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