International Political Science

International Political Science
International Political Science

Programme Director: Prof. Pasquale Iuso |

Second-Cycle Degree Programme 


The Second-Cycle Degree Programme in International Political Science is addressed to students who want to deepen their knowledge of the current complex political and international context, grasping the challenges and refining useful skills for the government of such complexity.


This Degree Course provides for a first year in common, where the knowledge useful for the development of synthesis skills in critically interpreting political, juridical, historical, economic and cultural phenomena in order to manage them within the framework are deepened, to manage them within specific fields. The second year is divided into two curricula: International and European Studies and Analysis of Political Processes. In the first curriculum great prominence is given to the international dimension, through the study of international law, international relations and geopolitics. The second curriculum focuses more on the political dimension with subjects concerning political thought, political philosophy and studies on economic thought. Both curricula plan compulsory acquisition of language skills. On the whole, this degree course is aimed at acquiring the skills necessary to face the problems of contemporary society, to develop innovative investigations and to provide an organic view of the issues examined, to develop critical thinking skills that allow graduates to identify and proposing solutions appropriate to the complexity of the phenomena studied.


In addition to providing theoretical concepts, this Degree Course gives the opportunity to carry out targeted surveys and constant comparisons with the world of politics, Public Administration, international organizations and private enterprises. In this perspective, research experiences, as well as internships and training activities carried out at carefully selected premises and facilities, allow students to learn about their phenomenology and verify their development potential.

The participation of students in international mobility programmes to undertake research, study and work experiences abroad, both in European and non-European countries, is particularly encouraged. The skills acquired, thanks to such interdisciplinary programme catalogue, enable to build professional skills suitable for holding managerial or high-level positions in the Public Administration, in international organizations, in supranational bodies (officials and agents of the European Union) and in non-governmental organizations for the international cooperation. The educational path provides specialized skills that can also be spent in private enterprises as directors or business administrators and public relations specialists.


Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266015

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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