Sustainable Livestock Production Science

Sciences of sustainable animals production
Sciences of sustainable animals production

Programme Director: Prof. Giorgio Vignola -

Second Cycle Degree Programme


The Second-Cycle Degree Programme in Sustainable Livestock Production Science aims to train professionals who, starting from a starting from thorough knowledge of the role of animal products in human dietetics and of the concepts of conscious and sustainable consumption useful to guarantee the future of our planet, work on all the aspects of livestock production in order to improve long-term sustainability, through technical, hygienic and economic management, and in the various existing contexts, making use of modern technologies and precision farming.

Therefore, this Degree Programme prepares professionals, endowed with a solid scientific background and advanced technical and operational skills, able to evaluate the business system where they operate, promoting and managing project proposals aimed at improving their efficiency, while guaranteeing at the same time, to protect human health, effective health control and prevention systems, to combat drug-resistance, the assessment and reduction of environmental impact, the improvement of energy efficiency, the respect and improvement of animal welfare, the advanced management of animal feeding, favouring the economic enhancement of sustainable animal production.


The training project, whose frequency is not mandatory even if strongly recommended, especially for exercise activities, is structured on 5 knowledge areas (Nutrition and Human Dietetics Area; Sustainable Livestock and Animal Welfare Management Area; Sustainable Livestock Breeding Buildings Area and Environmental Impact Assessment; Animal Health Area; Economic Area) which are organized in a logical path of cultural, scientific and technical growth, planned in 12 teaching/learning activities, some consisting of several modules, delivered in 2 years on a semester basis.


Graduates in Sustainable Livestock Production Science, after having passed the State examination for professional qualification and enrolled in section A of the Registry of Agronomists and Foresters, are agronomists specialized in the livestock sector and its sustainable development.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266864

Località Piano D'Accio - 64100 Teramo



University Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Località Piano D'Accio - 64100 Teramo

tel. 0861 266970


Where we are

Teaching organization