Sciences of Administration

Sciences of Administration
Sciences of Administration

Programme Director: Prof.ssa Tiziana Di Cimbrini |

Second-Cycle Degree Programme  


This Second-Cycle Degree Programme aims to train a ruling class that, with managerial skills, knows how to direct the decision-making and management processes of public and private administrations.

With an interdisciplinary approach, advanced knowledge will be provided in different areas (mainly in legal, economic, statistical, political, social and linguistic areas) that will allow graduates in Sciences of Administration to understand and master the working mechanisms of complex organizations.


Such Degree Programme is also aimed at Public Administrations’ civil servants, providing them with the essential tools to face the challenges posed by recent reforms as well as high-level skills to understand and implement ongoing changes and to achieve the top roles of public bodies.


After a first year in common, this course is divided into two curricula: Public Policies and Governance and Public Management.

The first will investigate the functioning of public administrations from a European point of view, providing legal and institutional skills; the second will deepen the economic, financial and managerial dynamics of public and private organizations, developing managerial skills.


Thanks to the skills acquired, graduates in Sciences of Administration will be able to access a wide spectrum of professional profiles with a high level of organizational, management and control responsibility of central, regional and local public administrations, constitutional bodies, European bodies, non-governmental organizations, independent administrative authorities, public companies and public bodies in general.



Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266015

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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