Media, Arts and Culture

Media, Arts and Culture
Media, Arts and Culture

Programme Director: Prof.ssa Pia Acconci |

Second Cycle Degree Programme


“Media, Arts and Culture” (MAC) is a new and modern Second-Cycle Degree Programme within the Degree Course class no. LM-65 – i.e. a 2nd-Cycle Degree Programme in Performing Arts and Multimedia Production. MAC is the ideal path for those who wish to deepen and broaden their knowledge – both theoretical and practical – in the communication of culture and the arts. Graduates in MAC are able to conceive, structure and concretely produce a performance and an integrated communication in the sectors of humanities and more generally of the creative industry, with a specific attention to the digital ecosystem. Such skills, so valuable in today’s and tomorrow’s world, will enable MAC graduates to enter positively into the production chain of design, management and organization of musical and artistic events. What learnt over two years of MAC studies, allows a better, wider and more effective entry into the labour market.


MAC’s course structure diagram – teaching, internships, laboratories and so on – is designed to allow students to deepen some knowledge that will then be crucial to become part of the so-called ‘system’ of the arts, culture and communication. Such subjects as history, history of art or music, will strengthen the relationship with our past. Nonetheless, MAC at the same time means contemporaneity and therefore, among other things, digitalization, social media, creativity, interdisciplinary relationship between the various subjects. In the same way, MAC means a tight cohesion between theory and practice. Between thinking and doing. For this reason, the knowledge and critical methods learnt in the classrooms, on books or on IT platforms are integrated by laboratories and internships. Therefore, MAC has various souls, all intertwined one another, and all aimed at the final objectives: knowing, doing, working.


Graduates in the Degree Course class no. LM-65, who acquire credits in the teaching areas specified by current legislation, may access the training courses scheduled for secondary education.



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tel. +390861266020

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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