Communication for Organization Management

Programme Director: Prof. Emilio Cocco |


The Second-Cycle Degree Programme in “Communication for Organization Management” aims at offering combined management and communication skills. It wants to train managers in the fields of business communication, products and international development – that is, global managers able to handle internal and external, promotional, advertising, social and institutional communication, to deal with business specific projects and products, as well as technological and cultural products. This course provides students with the economic, managerial and human resource knowledge necessary to cope with business world effectively; furthermore, it enables students to gain expertise in the following areas: local and international development, market research techniques, decision-making processes, semiotics of advertising, digital marketing and brand management. Further qualifying activities, carried out by professionals in each field, allow students to have real acquaintance with the most important organizational and analysis tools, as well as to develop soft skills.


Teaching activity will be based on active learning and will be case- and problem-oriented. It will pay attention to students’ needs, with periodically-administered check-in interim tests in all course units and a constant use of the e-learning platform. Furthermore, students will experience a stimulating and friendly environment, where traineeships in enterprises, activities in social and digital communication, study or training periods abroad are actively promoted. All students will be supported, over their academic career, by customised services aimed at guiding them, fostering their success during the studies as well as strengthening and developing their skills – from English language mastery to soft skills – highly requested in job interviews and usable in labour market.


Graduates in Communication for Organization Management will be able to hold the position of communication manager, chiefly in bigger enterprises, coordinating internal and external communication processes; furthermore, they will be able to work in different areas with organizational, managerial and communicative tasks. In particular, they will be skilled in human resource management, project and event management, business development in international context – as a team leader, team developer, project manager, international developer, etc. In small and medium-sized enterprises they will collaborate with top managers, becoming a joining link with the rest of the enterprises and with the outside world, thus playing the role of an invaluable “joker”.


Quality and Teaching Support Service

tel. +390861266020

Campus Aurelio Saliceti - Via R. Balzarini 1 - Teramo

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