Course structure diagram of the First-Cycle Degree Programme in Legal Services

Degree Course Class No. L-14 -Sciences of Legal Services

Programme Director: Prof. Alessandra Gianelli

First Year (common to both curricula)

  Course units - Credits

  • Principles of Roman Law 9

  • History of Italian Law 9

  • Philosophy of Law 9

  • Principles of Private Law 9

  • Constitutional Law 9

  • Economics 9

  • IT Skills 4

  • Other Skills 2

Total amount of 1 st -year credits 60

Second Year - curriculum Public and Judicial Administrations

Course units - Credits

  • Business Law 8
  • Employment Law 9
  • European Union Law or International Law 7
  • Employment Procedure Law 8
  • Criminal Law 8
  • Tax Law or Monetary and Budget Policies 8
  • Navigation Law 8
  • Training Events 4

Total amount of 2nd-year credits 60

Third Year - curriculum Public and Judicial Administrations

Course units - Credits

  • Administrative Law 11
  • Criminal Procedure Law or Comparative Public Law 8
  • Public Law 9
  • Ecclesiastical Law 9
  • Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6
  • Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6
  • Language Skills 4
  • Final Examination 7

Total amount of 3rd-year credits 60

Second Year - curriculum Employment Consultancy

Course units  Credits

  • Business Law 8

  • Employment Law 9

  • European Union Law or International Law 8

  • Employment Procedure Law 8

  • Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes 8

  • Tax Law or Monetary and Budget Policies 8

  • Occupational Medicine 7

  • Training Events 4

Total amount of 2 nd -year credits 60

Third Year - curriculum Employment Consultancy

Course units  Credits

  • Administrative Law 7

  • Criminal Law 7

  • Trade Union Law 7

  • Public Welfare Law 6

  • Health and Safety Protection at the Workplace 6

  • Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6

  • Elective Teaching/Learning Activities 6

  • Language Skills 4

  • Stage 4
  • Final Examination 7

Total amount of 3 rd -year credits 60

Elective Teaching/Learning Activities

Course units Credits

  • Legal Clinic on Employment Law 6

  • Criminology 6

  • Human Rights 6

  • Agricultural and Agrofood Law 6

  • Canon Law 6

  • Jus commune 6

  • Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law (curriculum: Employment Consultancy) 6

  • Intellectual Property and Multimedia Law 6

  • Public Procurement Law 6

  • Consumer Law 6

  • Financial Market Law 6

  • Navigation Law (curriculum: Employment Consultancy) 6

  • Public Welfare Law (curriculum: Public and Judicial Administrations) 6

  • Family Law 6

  • Ecclesiastical Law (curriculum: Employment Consultancy) 6

  • Bankruptcy Law 6

  • International Investment Law 6

  • Prison System Law 6

  • Comparative Private Law 6

  • Administrative Procedure Law 6

  • Trade Union Law (curriculum: Public and Judicial Administrations) 6

  • Town Planning Law 6

  • Business Economics 6

  • Principles of European Law 6

  • Constitutional Justice 6

  • Sports Justice 6

  • Tax Justice 6

  • European Citizenship - Rights and Protection Instruments 6

  • Statistics 6

  • History of the Relations between Church and State 6

  • History of Criminal Law and Science 6

  • History of Roman Law 6

  • Theory of Legal Systems 6

  • General Law Theory 6

  • Civic Uses 6