Prof. SACCHETTI Giampiero
Prof. SACCHETTI Giampiero


Telefono: 0861-266799



Curriculum accademico

Professore Associato in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (AGR/15) presso la Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agroalimentari e Ambientali dell'Università degli Studi di Teramo.


Nato a Bologna il 29 giugno 1970




Laurea Quinquennale in Scienze Agrarie presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna.

Diploma di Specializzazione in Chimica e Tecnologia degli Alimenti presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna.

"Visiting scientist" presso il Department of Food Science and Nutrition della University of Minnesota (USA) nell'anno 2002 (Supervisor: M.A.D. Prof. T.P. Labuza).

Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze degli Alimenti presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna






Docente a contratto del corso integrativo “Tecnologie delle Paste Alimentari” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2000/2001).

Docente assegnatario del corso “Tecnologie delle Paste Alimentari” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2002/2003-2008/2009).

Docente assegnatario del corso “Tecnologie dei Prodotti da Forno” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2003/2004 -2008/2009).

Docente assegnatario dell’insegnamento “Previsione e Calcolo della Shelf-life dei prodotti Alimentari” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2002/2003-2004/2005).

Docente assegnatario dell’insegnamento “Shelf-life” (5 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2009/10-2016/2017).

Docente assegnatario del corso “Analisi sensoriale” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Viticoltura ed Enologia dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2005/2006-2016/2017).

Docente assegnatario del corso “Analisi fisiche e sensoriali” (6 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (AA. 2009/10-2016/2017).

Docente a contratto dell’insegnamento “Elementi di Tecnologia dei Prodotti di Origine Animale Trasformati” (3 CFU) presso il Corso di Laurea in Tutela e Benessere Animale dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo (A.A. 2004/2005).

Docente a contratto nei Master universitari di I livello “Manager della filiera cerealicola” (AA. 2006/2007) “Manager della filiera Agro-Alimentare” (AA. 2007/2008) e “Gestione dello sviluppo locale nei parchi e nelle riserve naturali” (AA. 2006/2007-2013/2014; 2015/2016).

Docente a contratto in materia di “Sicurezza tecnologica e analitica” nell’ambito del Corso di Formazione sulla ‘Sicurezza e Salute sul Lavoro’ Classe B organizzato dalla Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari e Ambientali dal 2013/2014 al 2014/2015.

Docente a contratto in materia di “Rischio attrezzature ed apparecchiature tecnologiche ed analitiche” nell’ambito del Corso di Formazione sulla ‘Sicurezza e Salute sul Lavoro’ Classe B organizzato dalla Facoltà di Bioscienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari e Ambientali nel 2015/2016.

Docente a contratto in materia di“Tecnologia di produzione di olio d’oliva e vino e caratteristiche sensoriali dei prodotti” nell’ ambito del progetto didattico di cooperazione internazionale tra Italia e Brasile "Qualità e valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici italiani" presso l’Università di Barão de Mauá, Ribeirão Preto-BR (A.A. 2004/2005).

Docente a contratto in materia di“Analisi sensoriale e qualità dei prodotti agro-alimentari” nell’ ambito del progetto didattico di cooperazione internazionale tra Italia e Brasile "Valorizzazione dei Prodotti Agroalimentari di Qualità - VAPRAQ" presso l’Università Federale di Santa Catarina UFSC, Florianopolis-BR (A.A. 2009/2010).

Tutor di 12 tirocini pratici-applicativi di studenti in aziende alimentari.

Tutor di 3 tirocini formativi post-laurea di neo-laureati in aziende alimentari.




Membro del Collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in Scienze degli Alimenti dell’Università degli Studi di Teramo dal 2003 ad oggi.

Membro della Commissione Qualità del Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli studi di Teramo dal 2013 al 2015.

Presidente della Commissione Didattica del Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli studi di Teramo dal 2015 al 2016.

Presidente della Commissione Paritetica del Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università degli studi di Teramo dal 2016.

Membro del comitato scientifico del Master “Gestione dello sviluppo locale nei parchi e nelle riserve naturali” (A.A. 2007/2008-2008/2009). Università degli Studi di Teramo.




Partecipazione al progetto didattico di cooperazione internazionale tra Italia e Brasile "Valorizzazione dei Prodotti Agroalimentari di Quailità - VAPRAQ" D.I. 7/CONT/V/2009 del 26/06/2009 finanziato dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali e finalizzato alla promozione di prodotti tipici italiani (2009-2010).

Partecipazione al progetto didattico di cooperazione internazionale tra Italia e Brasile "Qualità e valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici italiani" supportato da MAP-ICE-CRUI (Ministero delle Attività Produttive - Istituto Commercio Estero - Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane) e finalizzato alla promozione di prodotti tipici italiani (2004-2006).

Partecipazione al progetto FIxO (Formazione e Innovazione per l’occupazione Scuola e Università) “Sperimentazione degli standard di qualità nei servizi placement universitari” finanziato dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (2011-2013).

Partecipazione al progetto “Summer School” finanziato dall’Università di Teramo (AA 2015/2016-2016/17).




Progettazione del progetto didattico di cooperazione internazionale tra Italia e Brasile "Valorizzazione dei Prodotti Agroalimentari di Quailità - VAPRAQ" D.I. 7/CONT/V/2009 del 26/06/2009 finanziato dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali e finalizzato alla promozione di prodotti tipici italiani (2009-2010).




Autore e conduttore del programma radio “Alimenta la Radio” trasmesso su Radiofrequenza.

Collabora a diversi programmi scientifici radiofonici come “Pigreco party” trasmesso su Città del Capo Radio Metropolitana, “Speranza è salute” trasmesso su Radio Episcopale e “Aula Magna” trasmesso su Rai 3.

Partecipante a programmi televisivi: “Occhio alla spesa” trasmesso su Rai 1 e “Geo & Geo” trasmesso su Rai 3.

Partecipante al progetto POR Abruzzo “Il percorso tecnico-scientifico mediante sensata esperienza” per la divulgazione scientifica nelle scuole secondarie.

Relatore di 3 seminari di divulgazione scientifica in Università italiane in qualità di relatore invitato e un seminario presso l’Università di Valencia all’interno del programma Erasmus teaching mobility.






Attività antiossidante di biomolecole e prodotti alimentari

Disidratazione/idratazione e stato dell’acqua negli alimenti

Effetto dei processi tecnologici sulla qualità e gli aspetti nutrizionali degli alimenti

Tecnologia di cereali e derivati

Prodotti ortofrutticoli della IV gamma e minimamente trasformati

Analisi sensoriale degli alimenti




Partecipante a 20 progetti di ricerca finanziati da enti pubblici e compagnie private nell’ambito delle scienze e tecnologie alimentari dal 1997 al 2015.

Manager scientifico del working package 7 del progetto nazionale Qualifu-IDF “Impronta Digitale Funzionale” finanziato dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali. Manager scientifico di un progetto misura 1.2.4 di cooperazione tra Università e piccole e medie imprese “Studio sulle caratteristiche chimiche e funzionali delle materie prime e della pasta all'uovo al fine di ottimizzare la produzione di prodotti funzionali. Studio su volontari sani e diabetici per verificare l'indice glicemico prodotto dai differenti tipi di pasta de La Campofilone” finanziato dalla Regione Marche attraverso fondi europei. Responsabile scientifico di un progetto di ricerca Innovazione Tecnologica (Legge 598) “Nuovo processo di micronizzazione del germe di grano per la realizzazione di farine di grano tenero arricchite con germe di grano e studio dell'attività enzimatica delle farine arricchite con germe di grano per la realizzazione di nuovi prodotti da forno” finanziato dalla regione Umbria.

Coortdinatore scientifico di un progetto di ricerca cluster (DM61316) “‘Miglioramento della produzione e della trasformazione dei frumenti tipici autoctoni’ finanziato dal MIUR.

Responsabile scientifico di unità un progetto di ricerca PON “INTEGRI - PASTA E PRODOTTI DA FORNO: INTEGRITÀ, SALUBRITÀ E SOSTENIBILITÀ - Innovazione di processo e di prodotto” (ARS01_00188) finanziato dal MIUR.





Tutor di 19 relazioni sperimentali di tirocinio in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università di Teramo.

Co-tutor di 4 relazioni sperimentali di tirocinio in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università di Teramo.

Co-tutor di 1 relazione sperimentale di tirocinio in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Biotecnologie dell’Università di Teramo.

Correlatore di 1 tesi di laurea quinquennale sperimentale in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze Agrarie dell’Università di Bologna.

Correlatore di 14 tesi di laurea quinquennali sperimentali in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università di Bologna.

Correlatore di 6 tesi di laurea magistrale sperimentali in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università di Teramo.

Relatore di 8 tesi di laurea magistrale sperimentali in Tecnologie Alimentari presso il Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari dell’Università di Teramo.

Supervisore di due tesi di dottorato: “Enzymatic inactivation and quality of semi-finished plant foods intended for freezing”, Università di Teramo e “Dark chocolate with high antioxidant activity: cocoa roasting optimization and oxidative stress modulation in humans”, Università di Teramo.

Supervisore del progetto di dottorato: Role of formulation and processing on the starch digestibility and glycaemic index of cereal based food. Università di Teramo.




Membro del comitato editoriale della rivista scientifica internazionale Heliyon pubblicata dalla casa editrice Elsevier.

Membro del comitato scientifico del congresso europeo EFFOST 2013: “Bio-based technologies in the context of European food innovation systems” 12-15 Novembre 2013. Bologna, Italia.

Membro del comitato scientifico del congresso SISTAL-SINU: “Antiossidanti naturali tra informazione e disinformazione: metodi di analisi, biodisponibilità ed effetti in vivo”. 23 Novembre 2007. Cesena (FC), Italia.

Partecipante alla commissione giudicatrice per European PhD in Food Science (XXI e XXVI ciclo) presso l’Università di Bologna nel 2009 e 2014.

Partecipante alla commissione giudicatrice per PhD Thesis (International Mention) in Chemical and Environmental Engineering dell’Università di Santiago de Compostela (ES) nel 2011.

Partecipante alla commissione giudicatrice per PhD Thesis in Food Science all’Università Politecnica di Valencia (ES) nel 2012.

Valutatore dei progetti FIRB (Fondi Italiani per la Ricerca di Base) nel 2010 e 2012. Valutatore del National Research Project per il Romanian Research Council nel 2011. Valutatore dei prodotti della ricerca per l’ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione della Ricerca Universitaria) nel 2012 e 2016. Valutatore di un progetto OPUS per il National Science Centre (Warsaw, Poland) nel 2015.

Revisore per diverse riviste internazionali (Drying Technology, European Food Research and Technology, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Food and Bioproducts Processing, Food Biophysics, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Food Science and Technology-LWT, Food Science and Technology International, Helyion, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Italian Journal of Food Science, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Cereal Science, Journal of Food, Journal of Food Biochemistry, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Journal of Functional Foods, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Scientia Horticulturae).




Partecipazione a 18 convegni internazionali e 9 convegni italiani nel campo delle scienze e tecnologie alimentari.

Partecipante all’azione concertata europea FAIR - CT96 - 1118 “Improvement of overall food quality by applications of osmotic treatments in conventional and new processes”.




Autore di 221 articoli (79 indicizzati dall'ISI) su riviste internazionali e nazionali, libri e atti di convegni con 2750 citazioni e h-index = 32 (fonte: Scopus). Relatore di 7 presentazioni orali a convegni internazionali e incontri in azioni concertate e 6 presentazioni in convegni nazionali.

Curriculum english version

Associate Professor of Food Science and Technology at the Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo (Italy).


Born in Bologna the 29th of June 1970.



Master Degree in Agricultural Sciences (105/110). MD thesis: "Study on the production of a chestnut flour-based RTE breakfast cereal" (supervisor Prof. G.G. Pinnavaia) A.Y. 1995/1996 University of Bologna, Italy.
2nd level Master Degree in Food Chemistry and Technology (70/70 cum laude). MD thesis: "Adhesion kinetics of micro-organisms during the osmotic-dehydration of fruits" (supervisor Prof. M.E. Guerzoni) A.Y. 1998/1999 University of Bologna, Italy.
Visiting scientist at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition of the University of Minnesota (St. Paul, MN) under the supervision of Prof. T. P. Labuza. A. Y. 2001/2002
Ph.D. in Food Science. PhD thesis: "Chemical and functional characteristics affecting the quality of fruit and fruit derivatives" (supervisor Prof. M. Dalla Rosa; coordinator Prof. G. Lercker). A.Y. 2001/2002 University of Bologna, Italy.





Teacher of the integrated course “Technology of pasta foods” (3 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology BSc Degree Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2000/2001).

Teacher of the course “Technology of pasta foods” (3 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology BSc Degree Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2002/2003-2006/2007).

Teacher of the course “Technology of bakery foods” (3 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology MSc Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2003/2004-2008/2009).

Teacher of the course “Sensory analysis of foods” (3 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology BSc Degree Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2005/2006-2008/2009).

Teacher of the course “Calculation and prediction of the shelf-life of foods” (3 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology MSc Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2002/2003-2004/2005; 2009/2010-2016/2017).

Teacher of the course “Physical and sensory analysis of foods” (6 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology BSc Degree Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2009/2010-2016/2017).

Teacher of the course “Shelf-life” (6 ECTS) in the Food Science & Technology MSc Course, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2002/2003-2004/2005; 2009/2010-2016/2017).

Teacher of the course “Technology of foods of animal origin” (3 ECTS) in the Animal Care and Well-being BSc Degree Course, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2004/2005-2005/2006).

Teacher of “Technological and analytical laboratory safety” within the ‘Safety and health at work’ course organized by the Faculty of Biosciences and Technologies for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo(A.Y. 2013/2014-2014/2015).

Teacher in the Master courses: “Olive Oil Production, Processing and Marketing”, “Manager of Cereal Agro-Food Chain”, “Manager of the Agro-Food Chain” and “Management and Local Development in National Parks and Natural Reserves”, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2004/2005-2010/2011, 2013-/14, 2015-2016).

Teacher of “Risks associated to the use of technological and analytical instruments” within the ‘Safety and health at work’ course organized by the Faculty of Biosciences and Technologies for Food, Agriculture and Environment of the University of Teramo(A.Y. 2015/2016).

Teacher of the courses: “Olive oil and wine technology and sensory quality” within the international cooperation teaching project between Italy and Brazil “Quality of Italian typical products and their valorisation”, University of Barão de Mauá, Ribeirão Preto-BR (A.Y. 2004/2005).

Teacher of the courses: “Food quality” and “Sensory analysis of food” within in the international cooperation teaching project between Italy and Brazil “Valorisation of high quality Agri-food products - VAPRAQ”, Federal University of Santa Catarina UFSC, Florianopolis-BR (A.Y. 2009/2010).

Tutor of 12 BSc student internship in food industries.

Tutor of 3 post-MD stages in food industries.




Member of the Advisory Board of the PhD in Food Science of the University of Teramo from 2003 up to now.

Member of the Quality Committee of the Bachelor Degree of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo from 2013 to 2015.

President of the Teaching Committee of the Bachelor Degree of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo from 2015 to 2016.

President of the Joint Committee of the Bachelor Degree of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo from 2016.

Member of the Advisory Board of the Master “Management and Local Development in National Parks and Natural Reserves” (A.A. 2007/2008-2008/2009) of the University of Teramo.




Participation at the international cooperation teaching project between Italy and Brazil "Qualità e valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari tipici italiani” (Quality of Italian typical products and their valorisation) supported by MAP-ICE-CRUI (Ministry of Production – Institute of Foreign Trade – Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities) and aimed to the promotion of traditional Italian food products (2004-2006).

Participation at the international cooperation teaching project between Italy and Brazil "Valorizzazione dei Prodotti Agroalimentari di Qualità - VAPRAQ" (Valorisation of high quality Agri-food products - VAPRAQ) funded by the Ministry of Work and Social Policies and aimed to the promotion of traditional Italian food products (2009-2010).

Participation at the project FIxO (Formazione e Innovazione per l’Occupazione - Scuola e Università) “Sperimentazione degli standard di qualità nei servizi placement universitari” (Experimentation on quality standards in the university placement facilities) funded by the Ministry of Work and Social Policies (2011-2013).

Participation at the vocational guidance project “Summer School” funded by the University of Teramo (AA 2015/2016-2016/17).




Planning of VAPRAQ an international cooperation teaching project between Italy and Brazil "Valorizzazione dei Prodotti Agroalimentari di Qualità - VAPRAQ" D.I. 7/CONT/V/2009 del 26/06/2009 funded by the Ministry of Work and aimed to the promotion of traditional Italian food products (2009-2010).




Author and host of the radio programme “Alimenta la Radio” (Feed the radio) broadcast on Radiofrequenza.

Collaborated with different scientific radio programmes such as “Pigreco party” broadcast on Città del Capo Radio Metropolitana and “Speranza è salute” broadcast on Radio Episcopale and “Aula Magna” broadcast on Rai 3.

Participant to the project POR Abruzzo “Il percorso tecnico-scientifico mediante sensata esperienza” for scientific divulgation in secondary schools.

Held 3 scientific divulgation seminars in Italian universities as invited speaker and one seminar at the University of Valencia within the Erasmus teaching mobility program.

Held 8 talks in meeting organised by local authorities and private companies.







Antioxidant activity of bio-molecules and food products

Dehydration/hydration and water status in food products

Effect of processing on food quality and nutrition

Technology of cereal-based products

Minimally processed and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables

Sensory analysis of foods




Participation to more than 20 research projects funded by universities, public authorities and private companies in the field of Food Science and Technology from 1997 to 2011.

Scientific coordinator of the SME-targeted research project on Technological Innovation (Law 598/94) “New micronization process of wheat germ aimed to the production of wheat flours enriched with germ intended for innovative bakery products and study of enzymatic activity of the enriched flours” funded by the Umbria Region.

Partner team leader (working package 7) of the national project Qualifu-IDF “Functional Fingerprint” funded by the Ministry of Agricultural and Food Politics.

Scientific coordinator the cooperation project Misura 1.2.4 between University and SMEs “Study on chemical and functional properties of egg-pasta and prime materials to optimize the production of functional products. Study on healthy and diabetics volunteers to verify the glycaemic index induced by different types of egg-pasta from La Campofilone” funded by the Marche Region through EU.

Scientific coordinator of a cluster research project (DM61316) "Improvement of the production and processing of typical authocthonous wheat" funded by MIUR.

Scientific coordinator of a PON research project "INTEGRIA - PASTA AND BAKED PRODUCTS: INTEGRITY, HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY - Process and product innovation" (ARS01_00188) funded by MIUR.






Supervisor of 19 experimental reports in Food Technology at the BSc course of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo.

Co-supervisor of 3 experimental reports at the BSc course of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo.

Co-supervisor in 1 experimental report in Food Technology at the BSc course of Biotechnology of the University of Teramo.

Co-supervisor of 1 research thesis in Food Technology at the MSc course of Agricultural Science of the University of Bologna.

Co-supervisor of 14 research theses in Food Technology at the MSc course of Food Science and Technology of the University of Bologna.

Co-supervisor of 6 research theses in Food Technology at the MSc Master course of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo.

Supervisor of 9 research theses in Food Technology at the MSc Master course of Food Science and Technology of the University of Teramo.

Supervisor of the PhD thesis: Enzymatic inactivation and quality of semi-finished plant foods intended for freezing. University of Teramo, Italy.

Supervisor of the PhD thesis: Dark chocolate with high antioxidant activity: cocoa roasting optimization and oxidative stress modulation in humans. University of Teramo, Italy.

Supervisor of the PhD thesis: Role of formulation and processing on the starch digestibility and glycaemic index of pasta. University of Teramo, Italy.

Supervisor of the PhD thesis: Classification of ancient wheat varieties cultivated in Abruzzo according to their origin. An integrate approach. University of Teramo, Italy.




Member of the Editorial board of the international journal Heliyon published by Elsevier.

Member of the scientific committee of the Congress EFFOST 2013: “Bio-based technologies in the context of European food innovation systems” 12-15 November 2013. Bologna, Italy.

Member of the scientific committee of the Congress SISTAL-SINU: “Antiossidanti naturali tra informazione e disinformazione: metodi di analisi, biodisponibilità ed effetti in vivo” (Natural antioxidants between information and disinformation: methods of analysis, bioavailability and in vivo effects). 23 November 2007. Cesena (FC), Italy.

Member of the scientific committee of the Master course of “Management and Local Development in National Parks and Natural Reserves”, University of Teramo (A.Y. 2007/2008-2008/2009).

Member of the examining committee of the European PhD in Food Science (XXI and XXVI cycle) at the University of Bologna in 2009 and 2014.

Member of the examining committee of a PhD Thesis assessment (International Mention) in Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Santiago de Compostela in 2011.

Member of the examining committee of a PhD thesis in Food Science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) in 2012.

Evaluator of research proposals submitted within the FIRB (Italian Funding on Basic Research) projects to the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research) in 2010 and 2012. Evaluator of research proposals submitted within the National Research Project to the Romanian Research Council in 2011. Evaluator of Italian National Research Products for the ANVUR (National Agency for Evaluation of University Research) in 2012, 2016 and 2021. Evaluator of an Opus research proposal submitted to the National Science Centre (Warsaw, Poland) in 2015.

Reviewer for several international peer-reviewed journals (Drying Technology, European Food Research and Technology, Food and Bioprocess Technology, Food and Bioproducts Processing, Food Biophysics, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Food Science and Technology-LWT, Food Science and Technology International, Helyion, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, Italian Journal of Food Science, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Cereal Science, Journal of Food, Journal of Food Biochemistry, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Journal of Functional Foods, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, Scientia Horticulturae).




Partecipation to 16 international and 9 national congresses in the field of Food Science and Technology.

Partecipation to the European concerted action FAIR - CT96 - 1118 “Improvement of overall food quality by applications of osmotic treatments in conventional and new processes”.




Author of 221 research and review papers (79 indexed from ISI), published in international journals, books, national journals, and conference proceedings, with 2750 citations (source Scopus). Based on citations, the author h-index is equal to 32 (source: Scopus, Web of Science). Held 7 talks in international conferences and concerted action meetings and 6 talks in national conferences.



1. De Flaviis R., Sacchetti G.* (2022). Reparameterization of the Weibull model for practical uses in food science. Journal of Food Science, doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16124.

2. De Flaviis R., Santarelli V., Mutarutwa D., Giuliani M., Sacchetti G.* (2022). Volatiles profile of 'Blanche' wheat craft beer as affected by wheat origin: a chemometric study. Food Chemistry, 385, 132696.

3. D’Antonio V., Battista N., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C., Serafini M. (2022). Functional properties of edible insects and invertebrates: a systematic review. Nutrition Research Reviews, doi: 10.1017/S0954422421000366.

4. De Flaviis R., Mutarutwa D., Sacchetti G.*, Mastrocola D. (2022). Quantitatively unravelling the effect of altitude of cultivation on the volatiles fingerprint of wheat by a chemometric approach. Food Chemistry, 370: 131296.

5. De Flaviis R., Mutarutwa D., Sacchetti G.*, Mastrocola D. (2022). Could environmental effect overcome genetic? A chemometric study on wheat volatiles fingerprint. Food Chemistry, 372: 131236.

6. Farooq U., Di Mattia C., Faieta M., Sacchetti G., Pittia P. (2021). Oil-in-water pickering emulsions stabilized with starch particles and formulated with olive oil: colloidal properties and stability as affected by olive oil phenolic content. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 87: 79-84.

7. Santarelli V., Neri L., Moscetti R., Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Massantini R., Pittia P. (2021). Combined use of blanching and vacuum impregnation with trehalose and green tea extract as pre-treatment to improve the quality and stability of frozen carrots. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 14: 1326-1340.

8. De Flaviis R., Sacchetti G.*, Mastrocola D. (2021). Wheat classification according to its origin by an implemented volatile organic compounds analysis. Food Chemistry, 341: 128217.

9. Lucas-González R., Pérez-Álvarez J.A., Moscaritolo S., Fernández-López J., Sacchetti G., Viuda-Martos M. (2021). Evaluation of polyphenol bioaccessibility and kinetic of starch digestion of spaghetti with persimmon (Dyospyros kaki) flours coproducts during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry, 338: 128142.

10. Neri L., Faieta M., Di Mattia C., Sacchetti G., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2020). Antioxidant activity in frozen plant foods: effect of cryoprotectants, freezing process and frozen storage. Foods, 9: 1886.

11. Serio A., Laika J., Maggio F., Sacchetti G., D’Alessandro F., Rossi C., Martuscelli M., Chaves-López C., Paparella A. (2020). Casing contribution to proteolytic changes and biogenic amines content in the production of an artisanal naturally fermented dry sausage. Foods, 9: 1286.

12. Flamminii F., Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Neri L., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2020). Physical and sensory properties of mayonnaise enriched with encapsulated olive leaf phenolic extracts. Foods, 9: 997.

13. Faieta M., Neri L., Sacchetti G., Di Michele A., Pittia P. (2020). Role of saccharides on thermal stability of phycocyanin in aqueous solutions. Food Research International, 132: 109093.

14. Lucas González R., Viuda-Martos M., Pérez-Álvarez J.Á., Fernández-López, J., Chaves-López C., Shkembi, B., Moscaritolo S., Sacchetti G. (2020). Persimmon flours as functional ingredients in spaghetti: chemical, physico-chemical and cooking quality. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 13: 1634-1644.

15. Neri L., Santarelli V., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C.D., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2020). Response of organic and conventional apples to freezing and freezing pre-treatments: focus on polyphenols content and antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 308: 125570.

16. Gaggiotti S., Shkembi B., Sacchetti G., Compagnone D. (2019). Study on volatile markers of pasta quality using GC-MS and a peptide based gas sensor array. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 114: 108364.

17. Grande-Tovar C.D., Johannes D.-O., Puerta L.F., Rodriguez G.C., Sacchetti G., Paparella A., Chaves-López C. (2019). Bioactive micro-nutrients of ackee arilli (Blighia sapida KD Koenig). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 91: e20180140.

18. Di Mattia C., Battista N., Sacchetti G., Serafini M. (2019). Antioxidant activities in vitro of water and liposoluble extracts obtained by different species of edible insects and invertebrates. Frontiers in Nutrition, 6: 106.

19. Perito M.A., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C., Chiodo E., Pittia P., Saguy S., Cohen E. (2019). Buy local! Familiarity and preferences for extra virgin olive oil of Italian consumers. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 25: 462-477.

20. Neri L., Santarelli V., Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Faieta M., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2019). Effect of dipping and vacuum impregnation pre-treatments on quality of frozen apples: A comparative study on organic and conventional fruits. Journal of Food Science, 84: 798-806.

21. Tappi S., Ramazzina I., Rizzi F., Sacchetti G., Ragni L., Rocculi P. (2018). Effect of plasma exposure time on the polyphenolic profile and antioxidant activity of fresh-cut apples. Applied Sciences, 8: 1939.

22. Serio A., Chaves-López C., Sacchetti G., Rossi C., Paparella A. (2018). Chitosan coating inhibits the growth of Listeria monocytogenes and extends the shelf life of vacuum-packed pork loins at 4°C. Foods, 7(10): E155.

23. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Neri L., Giacintucci V., Cerolini V., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2018). Egg yolk gels: Sol-gel transition and mechanical properties as affected by oleuropein enrichment. Food Hydrocolloids, 84: 435-440.

24. Giacintucci V., Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Flamminii F., Gravelle A., Baylis B., Dutcher J.R., Marangoni A.G., Pittia P. (2018). Ethylcelluse oleogels with extravirgin olive oil: the role of oil minor components on microstructure and mechanical strength. Food Hydrocolloids, 84: 508-514.

25. Neri L., Di Mattia Carla D., Sacchetti G.*, Pittia P., Mastrocola D. (2018). The influence of water activity and molecular mobility on pectinmethylesterase activity in salt and glucose-maltodextrin model systems. Food and Bioproducts Processing,107: 1-9.

26. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G.*, Mastrocola D., Serafini M. (2017). From cocoa to chocolate: the impact of processing on in vitro antioxidant activity and the effects of chocolate on antioxidant markers in vivo. Frontiers in Immunology, 8: 1207.

27. Ioannone F., Sacchetti G.*, Serafini M. (2017). Effect of dark chocolate extracts on PMA-induced oxidative burst in leukocytes isolated by normo-weight and overweight/obese subjects. Frontiers in Nutrition, 4: 23.

28. Martuscelli M., Lupieri L., Sacchetti G., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2017). Prediction of the salt content from water activity analysis in dry-cured ham. Journal of Food Engineering, 200: 29-39.

29. Ramazzina I., Tappi S., Rocculi P., Sacchetti G., Berardinelli A., Marseglia A., Rizzi, F. (2016) Effect of cold plasma treatment on the functional properties of fresh-cut apples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64: 8010-8018.

30. Giacintucci V., Di Mattia C., Sacchetti G., Neri L., Pittia P. (2016). Role of olive oil phenolics on physical properties and stability of mayonnaise-like emulsions. Food Chemistry, 213: 369-377.

31. Paparella A., Mazzarrino G., Chaves-López C., Rossi C., Sacchetti G., Guerrieri O., Serio A. (2016). Chitosan boosts the antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil in modified atmosphere packaged pork. Food Microbiology, 59: 23-31.

32. Neri L., Di Biase L., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C., Santarelli V., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2016). Use of vacuum impregnation for the production of high quality fresh-like apple products. Journal of Food Engineering, 179: 98-108.

33. Sacchetti G.*, Ioannone F., De Gregorio M., Di Mattia C., Serafini M., Mastrocola D. (2016). Non enzymatic browning during cocoa roasting as affected by processing time and temperature. Journal of Food Engineering, 169: 44-52.

34. Di Mattia C.D., Piva A., Martuscelli M., Mastrocola D., Sacchetti G.* (2015). Effect of sulfites on the in vitro antioxidant activity of wines. Italian Journal of Food Science, 27: 505-512.

35. Chaves-Lopez C., Serio A., Gianotti A., Sacchetti G., Ndagijimana M., Ciccarone C., Stellarini A., Corsetti A., Paparella A. (2015). Diversity of foodborne Bacillus volatile compounds and influence on fungal growth. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 119: 487-499.

36. Suzzi G., Sacchetti G., Patrignani F., Corsetti A., Tofalo R., Schirone M., Fasoli G., Gardini F., Perpetuini G., Lanciotti R. (2015). Influence of pig rennet on fatty acid composition, volatile molecule profiles, texture and sensory properties of “Pecorino di Farindola” cheese. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95: 2252-2263.

37. Ramazzina I., Berardinelli A., Tappi S., Rizzi F., Ragni L., Sacchetti G., Rocculi P. (2015) Effect of cold plasma treatment on physical parameters, antioxidant content and activity of fresh-cut kiwifruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 107: 55-65.

38. Ioannone F., Di Mattia C.D., De Gregorio M., Sergi M., Serafini M., Sacchetti G.* (2015). Flavanols, proanthocyanidins and antioxidant activity changes during cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) roasting as affected by temperature and time of processing. Food Chemistry, 174: 256-262.

39. Di Mattia C.D., Balestra F., Sacchetti G., Neri L., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2015). Physical and structural properties of extra-virgin olive oil based mayonnaise. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 62: 764-770.

40. Di Mattia C.D., Martuscelli M., Sacchetti G., Beheydt B., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2014). Effect of different conching processes on procyanidins content and antioxidant properties of chocolate. Food Research International, 63: 367-372.

41. Cocci E., Sacchetti G., Rocculi P., Dalla Rosa M. (2014). Response of Pink Lady® apples to postharvest application of 1-methylcyclopropene as a function of applied dose, maturity at harvest, storage time and controlled atmosphere storage. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94: 2691-2698.

42. Neri L., Pittia P., Bertolo G., Di Mattia C.D., Mastrocola D., Sacchetti G.* (2014). Multiple effects of viscosity, water activity and glass transition temperature on peroxidase activity in binary and ternary carbohydrate solutions. Food Biophysics, 9: 260-266.

43. Giacintucci V., Guardeño L., Puig A., Hernando I., Sacchetti G., Pittia P. (2014). Composition, protein contents, and microstructural characterisation of grains and flours of emmer wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) of the central Italy type. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 32: 115-121.

44. Serio A., Fusella G.C., Chaves López C., Sacchetti G., Paparella A. (2014). A survey on bacteria isolated as hydrogen sulfide-producers from marine fish. Food Control, 39: 111-118.

45. Neri L., Hernando I., Pérez-Munuera I., Sacchetti G., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2014). Mechanical properties and microstructure of frozen carrots during storage as affected by blanching in water and sugar solutions. Food Chemistry,144: 65-73.

46. Sacchetti G.*, Neri L., Laghi L., Capozzi F., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2014). Multidisciplinary approach to study the effect of water status and mobility on the activity of peroxidase in solutions. Food Chemistry,144: 36-43.

47. Di Mattia C.D., Martuscelli, M., Sacchetti G., Scheirlinck I., Beheydt B., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2013). Effect of fermentation and drying on procyanidins, antiradical activity and reducing properties of cocoa beans. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 6: 3420-3432.

48. Dimitri G., van Ruth S.M., Sacchetti G., Piva A., Alewijn M., Arfelli G. (2013). PTR-MS monitoring of volatiles fingerprint evolution during grape must cooking. LWT-Food Science & Technology, 51: 356-360.

49. Chaves-López C., Tofalo R., Serio A., Paparella A., Sacchetti G., Suzzi G. (2012). Yeasts from Colombian Kumis as source of peptides with Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity in milk. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 159: 39-46.

50. Rocculi P., Sacchetti G., Venturi L., Cremonini M., Dalla Rosa M., Pittia P. (2011). The role of water state and mobility on the antiplasticization of green and roasted coffee beans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59: 8265-8271.

51. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Neri L., Martuscelli M., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2011). Technological parameters and antioxidant activity of cocoa powders. [Parametri tecnologici e attività antiossidante di polveri di cacao]. Progress in Nutrition, 13: 39-47.

52. Neri L., Pittia P., Bertolo G., Torreggiani D., Sacchetti G.* (2011). Influence of water activity and molecular mobility on peroxidase activity in glucose and maltodextrin solution. Food Biophysics, 6: 281-287.

53. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Pittia P. (2011). Interfacial behavior and antioxidant efficiency of olive phenolic compounds in o/w olive oil emulsions as affected by surface active agent type. Food Biophysics, 6: 295-302.

54. Pittia P., Sacchetti G., Mancini L., Voltolini M., Sodini N., Tromba G., Zanini F. (2011). Evaluation of microstructural properties of coffee beans by synchrotron x-ray microtomography: a methodological approach. Journal of Food Science, 76: E222-E231.

55. Neri L., Hernando Hernando I., Pérez-Munuera I., Sacchetti G., Pittia P. (2011). Effect of blanching in water and sugar solutions on texture and microstructure of sliced carrots. Journal of Food Science, 76: E23-E30.

56. Neri L., Pittia P., Bertolo G., Torreggiani D., Sacchetti G.* (2010). Influence of water activity and molecular mobility on peroxidase activity in salt and sorbitol-maltodextrin systems. Journal of Food Engineering, 101: 289-295.

57. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Mastrocola D., Sarker D.K., Pittia P. (2010). Surface properties of phenolic compounds and their influence on the dispersion degree and oxidative stability of olive oil O/W emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids, 24: 652-658.

58. Neri L., Dimitri G., Sacchetti G.* (2010). Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of cured chestnuts from three sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) ecotypes from Italy. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 23: 23-29.

59. Di Mattia C.D., Sacchetti G., Mastrocola D., Pittia P. (2009). Effect of phenolic antioxidants on the dispersion state and chemical stability of olive oil O/W emulsions. Food Research International, 42: 1163-1170.

60. Rocculi P., Cocci E., Romani S., Sacchetti G., Dalla Rosa M. (2009). Effect of 1-MCP treatment and N2O MAP on physiological and quality changes of fresh cut pineapple. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 51: 371-377.

61. Sacchetti G.*, Di Mattia C., Pittia P., Mastrocola D. (2009). Effect of roasting degree, equivalent thermal effect and coffee type on the radical scavenging activity of coffee brews and their phenolic fraction. Journal of Food Engineering, 90: 74-80. Erratum. Journal of Food Engineering, 91: 372.

62. Sacchetti G.*, Di Mattia C. Pittia P., Martino G. (2008). Application of a radical scavenging activity test to measure the total antioxidant activity of poultry meat. Meat Science, 80: 1081-1085.

63. Del Carlo M., Pepe A., Sacchetti G., Compagnone D., Mastrocola D., Cichelli A. (2008). Determination of phthalate esters in wine samples using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) combined with Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Food Chemistry, 111: 771-777.

64. Sacchetti G.*, Cocci E., Pinnavaia G.G., Mastrocola D., Dalla Rosa M. (2008). Influence of processing and storage on the antioxidant activity of apple derivatives. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 43: 797–804.

65. Pittia P., Sacchetti G. (2008). Antiplasticization effect of water in amorphous cell foods. A review. Food Chemistry, 106: 1417–1427.

66. Piva A., Di Mattia C., Neri L., Dimitri G., Chiarini M., Sacchetti G.* (2008). Heat-induced chemical, functional and physical changes during grape must cooking. Food Chemistry, 106 (3): 1057-1065.

67. Cocci E., Sacchetti G., Vallicelli M., Angioloni A., Dalla Rosa M. (2008). Spaghetti cooking by microwave oven: cooking kinetics and product quality. Journal of Food Engineering, 85 (4): 537-546.

68. Di Mattia C., Sacchetti G.*, Seghetti L., Piva A., Mastrocola D. (2007). ‘Vino cotto’ composition and antioxidant activity as affected by non enzymatic browning. Italian Journal of Food Science, 19 (4): 413-424.

69. Pittia P., Nicoli M.C., Sacchetti G. (2007). Effect of moisture and water activity on textural properties of raw and roasted coffee beans. Journal of Texture Studies, 38 (1): 116-134. Erratum. Journal of Texture Studies, 38 (4): 536.

70. Mrkić V., Cocci E., Dalla Rosa M., Sacchetti G.* (2006). Influence of drying conditions on bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of dried broccoli (Brassica oleracea, L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86:1559-1566.

71. Sacchetti G.*, Pittia P., Pinnavaia G.G. (2005). The effect of extrusion temperature and drying-tempering on both the kinetics of hydration and the textural changes in extruded ready-to-eat breakfast cereals during soaking in semi-skimmed milk. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 40: 655-663.

72. Mastrocola D., Sacchetti G.*, Pittia P., Di Mattia C., Dalla Rosa M. (2005). Rehydration of dried fruit pieces in aqueous sugar solutions: a review on mass transfer and final product characteristics. Italian Journal of Food Science, 17 (3): 243-254.

73. Sacchetti G.*, Pinnavaia G.G., Guidolin E., Dalla Rosa M. (2004). Effects of extrusion temperature and feed composition on the functional, physical and sensory properties of chestnut and rice flour based snack like products. Food Research International, 37(5): 527-534.

74. Del Carlo M., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C., Compagnone D., Mastrocola D., Liberatore L., Cichelli A. (2004). Contribution of the phenolic fraction to the antioxidant activity and oxidative stability of olive oil. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52: 4072-4079.

75. Sacchetti G.*, Biserni M., Pittia P., Pinnavaia G.G., Dalla Rosa M. (2003). Kinetic modelling of textural changes in ready to eat breakfast cereals during soaking in semi-skimmed milk. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 38: 135-143.

76. Romani S., Sacchetti G., Pittia P., Pinnavaia G.G., Dalla Rosa (2002). Physical, chemical, textural and sensory modification of portioned Parmigiano Reggiano cheese packed under different conditions. Food Science and Technology International, 8 (4): 203-211.

77. Gianotti A., Sacchetti G., Guerzoni M.E., Dalla Rosa M. (2001) Microbial aspect on short-time osmotic treatment of Kiwifruit. Journal of Food Engineering, 49: 265-270.

78. Sacchetti G.*, Gianotti A., Dalla Rosa M. (2001). Sucrose-salt combined effects on mass transfer kinetics and product acceptability. Study on apple osmotic treatments. Journal of Food Engineering, 49: 163-173.

79. Romani S., Sacchetti G., Chaves-Lopez C., Pinnavaia G.G., Dalla Rosa M. (2000). Screening on the occurence of ochratoxin A in green coffee of different origin and types. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48 (8): 3616-3619.


1. Sacchetti G. (2008). Qualità dei prodotti agro-alimentari e scelta dei consumatori: il ruolo della ‘consumer science’. AgriRegioniEuropa, 4 (15): 29-30.

2. Sacchetti G., Neri L. (2008). I microrganismi che potenziano l’attività antiossidante della patata. L’Informatore Agrario, 26: 31-32.

3. Piva A., Sacchetti G., Di Mattia C., Dimitri G., Mastrocola D. (2008). Caratteristiche chimiche, fisiche e funzionali di mosto cotto destinato alla produzione di ‘vino cotto’. Rivista Internet di Viticoltura ed Enologia, 2/1

4. Piva A., Dimitri G., Santone P., Sacchetti G. (2007). La maturazione dell’uva Montepulciano d’Abruzzo in due sistemi di allevamento. Rivista Internet di Viticoltura ed Enologia, 7/3

5. Lambertini L., Vignola G., Paoletti B., Sacchetti G. (2007). Impiego di un fitoterapico nel controllo della coccidiosi in conigli allevati in lettiera. Rivista di Coniglicoltura, 44(1): 22-26, 28.

6. Pinnavaia G.G., Sacchetti G., Dalla Rosa M. (2003). La trasformazione delle castagne: situazione attuale e possibili prospettive. Rivista di Frutticoltura e Ortofloricoltura, 65 (3): 44-46, 48.

7. Cocci E., Sacchetti G., Carboni, M., Pinnavaia G.G., Mastrocola D. (2003). Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione tecnologica di antiche varietà di melo dell’Emilia Romagna: studio sulle proprietà funzionali di trasformati in purea”. Rivista di Frutticoltura e Ortofloricoltura, 65 (3): 69-72.

8. Mastrocola D., Venir E., Manzocco L., Sacchetti G. (2003). Caratterizzazione e valorizzazione tecnologica di antiche varietà di melo del Friuli Venezia Giulia: studio sulle proprietà funzionali di trasformati in purea. Rivista di Frutticoltura e Ortofloricoltura, 65 (3): 73-75.

9. Dalla Rosa M., Mastrocola D., Maltini E., Sacchetti G. (1999). La trasformazione industriale del kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa): quali vie praticabili per l'utilizzo alternativo dei frutti? Rivista di Frutticoltura e Ortofloricoltura, 61 (12): 45-51.

10. Romani S., Sacchetti G., Vannini L., Pinnavaia G.G., Dalla Rosa M., Corradini C. (1999). Stabilità in conservazione del Parmigiano Reggiano confezionato in porzioni. Scienza e Tecnica Lattiero-Casearia, 50 (4): 273-290.


1. Sacchetti G.*, Neri L., Bertolo G., Torreggiani D., Pittia P. (2015). Influence of water activity and molecular mobility on peroxidase activity in solution. In: Gutiérrez-López G.F., Alamilla-Beltrán Liliana, del Pilar Buera M., Welti-Chanes J., Parada-Arias E., & Barbosa-Cánovas G.V. (Eds), Water Stress in Biological, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Systems (Pp. 289-298). Springer: New York, NY.

2. Pittia P., Di Teodoro G., Sacchetti G. (2015). Water antiplasticization effect in biscuits as affected by glucose and sucrose addition. In: Gutiérrez-López G.F., Alamilla-Beltrán Liliana, del Pilar Buera M., Welti-Chanes J., Parada-Arias E., & Barbosa-Cánovas G.V. (Eds), Water Stress in Biological, Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Food Systems (Pp. 593-603). Springer: New York, NY.

3. Pittia P., Sacchetti G., Rocculi P., Venturi L., Cremonini M., Dalla Rosa M. (2010). Water state and mobility affect the mechanical properties of coffee beans. In: Reid D.S., Sajjaanantakul T., Lillford P.J., & Charoenrein S. (Eds), Water Properties in Food, Health, Pharmaceutical and Biological Systems: ISOPOW 10 (Pp. 491-498). Wiley-Blackwell: Ames, IA (USA).

4. Chiodo E., Sacchetti G., Del Carlo M., Gaito M., Falconi R. (2010). La filiera oleicola della regione Abruzzo. Situazione attuale, certificazioni volontarie, parametri di qualità e competitività. In: Frascarelli A. (Ed.) Strumenti per la garanzia della qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari in Italia e in Argentina: analisi tecnico-economica per le filiere lattiero casearie, dell'olio d'oliva e del vino. Università di Perugia: Perugia, I.

5. Serafini M., Sacchetti G. (2007). Antiossidanti dietetici e prevenzione dello stress ossidativo. In: Marandola P. & Marotta F. (Eds.) Il Manifesto della Lunga Vita. Sperling & Kupfer: Milano, I.

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